20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (2024)

These 20 easy vegan recipes are perfect for freezer friendly meal prep! From burritos to soup, these vegan freezer meals are great in a pinch.


20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes

We’ve definitely returned to the hustle and bustle of autumn! This time of year always seems to get so busy and it feels like a sprint towards the holidays. I find it SO helpful to prepare as many meals as possible in advance to make sure I always have a well-balanced and delicious meal ready to go on those days when I just don’t have an hour to spend in the kitchen.

Having freezer meals prepared gives me such a sense of accomplishment! Know what I mean? Not only does meal prepping save a LOT of time during busy seasons, but it also saves me money because I’m way less likely to order takeout if I already have meals in the freezer.

To help you build up your collection of freezeable meal prep recipes, I’ve rounded up 20 of my favorite vegan meal prep ideas that hold up well in the freezer! From casseroles to soups to stuffed peppers, these vegan recipes will please your entire family, can be safely stored for weeks and taste delicious even when reheated.

Without further ado, let’s dive into my top 20 freezer friendly meal prep recipes!

Vegan Casserole Recipes

Most vegan casserole recipes are great for freezer friendly meal prep because they’re so straightforward to make. All your ingredients get layered into one baking dish, and it can just be assembled and stashed in the freezer. Typically when I plan to make any sort of casserole for meal prep, I will bake it 75% of the way through, then when I’m ready to eat it, I’ll pull it out of the freezer and reheat it in the oven and allow it to finish baking. Here are a few of my favorite vegan casseroles to make for meal prep!

1.Vegan Enchilada Casserole

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (2)

2.Cheesy Chickpea Broccoli Rice Casserole

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (3)

3. Teriyaki Tofu Tempeh Casserole by The Simple Veganista

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (4)

4. Butternut Squash and Brown Rice Casserole by From My Bowl

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (5)

Vegan Soups and Stews

What’s more comforting than knowing you have a delicious batch of chili stashed in the freezer on a snowy night? Most soups and stews freeze well, but these are some of my favorites for meal prep because they come together easily and are perfect for making a double batch. When you go to freeze your soup, I recommend separating the batch out into containers with 1-2 servings each. That way you don’t have to thaw out the entire soup if you just need to eat once.

5.Classic Vegan Chili

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (6)

6.Vegan Slow Cooker Black Bean Soup

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (7)

7.Vegan Chicken Chili Verde

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (8)

8.Slow Cooker Chickpea Peanut Stew

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (9)

Freezer Friendly Burritos and Sandwiches

Sure it’s easy to grab a box of frozen burritos or burgers from the store, but it’s so much cheaper to make your own! Carve out some time on the weekend to make a big batch of veggie burgers or burritos, wrap them up in foil, and stash them in your freezer for quick and easy meals to keep on hand when you’re in a pinch!

9.Chipotle Tofu Burritos

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (10)

10.Black Bean Quinoa Veggie Burgers

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (11)

11. Easy Black Bean Vegan Empanadas by Connoisseurus Veg

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (12)

12. Moroccan Chickpea Hand Pies by Rainbow Nourishments

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (13)

Vegan Meal Prep Pasta Recipes

Not all pastas freeze super well, so I’ve pulled together my favorite freezer friendly pasta recipes to help you take the guesswork out of it! In general, baked pastas will hold up fairly well in the freezer. You can even portion them out into smaller servings before popping the finished product in the freezer so that you can just pull out what you need.

13.Vegan Lasagna

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (14)

14.Vegan Baked Ziti

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (15)

15. Pumpkin Pasta Bake by Plant-Based on a Budget

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (16)

16. Vegan Creamy Mushroom Pasta Bake by Home-Cooked Roots

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (17)

Freezer Friendly Vegan Breakfast Recipes

Nothing’s worse than waking up late, rushing through your morning routine and feeling like you don’t have time to eat. No matter how late you’re running, it’s so important to make time to eat breakfast! That’s where keeping freezer friendly breakfasts on hand can be a real life-saver! Vegan breakfast burritos, pancakes and casseroles are all perfect to freeze and reheat when you need them!

17. Freezer Breakfast Burrito

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (18)

18.Vegan Breakfast Casserole

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (19)

19.Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Chunk Baked Oatmeal

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (20)

20.Banana Chocolate Chip Vegan French Toast Casserole

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (21)

20 Vegan Freezer Meal Prep Recipes (2024)


How many freezer meals should you make? ›

If your maternity leave is short or you plan to eat out regularly, then 10-20 freezer meals should do the trick. But if you have more time before the baby comes or if you plan on eating at home most of the time, then 30-50 freezer meals might be more suitable for your family.

How long can meal preps be frozen? ›

Make a meal plan of about four days of safe storage in the fridge and about four months of safe storage in the freezer. Watch for changes (smell, color, texture, and mold) to your meal prep food as a sign that it's gone bad. If you're unsure if food has spoiled: when in doubt, throw it out.

Can you prep and freeze meals? ›

Start Small & Work Your Way Up. Avoid prepping and freezing a huge batch the first time you freeze a new recipe or food. It's much better to experiment with small portions and see how you like it reheated before you make larger batches. If you're not sure if something will freeze well, just freeze 1-2 portions.

What is the best food to freeze? ›

What freezes best
  • Hearty soups and stews (e.g., beef and barley, lentil, bean)
  • Long-cooked braised dishes and stews (beef short ribs, osso buco, beef stew, chili, curries)
  • Casseroles and baked pastas (e.g., sausage and peppers, enchiladas, mac and cheese, lasagna)
  • Juicy meats cooked in (or to be served with) sauces.
Mar 16, 2020

Is it okay to eat frozen meals everyday? ›

On most days of the week, you'll want to rely on fresh meals — or tasty leftovers. “At the end of the day, I would limit frozen meals to no more than twice a week,” notes Taylor. But when you need the convenience of a frozen entrée, these tips can guide your choices.

Is freezing meal prep healthy? ›

This will help to keep your prepped food fresh and prevent it from drying out. Meal prep food can also be stored in the freezer. This is an ace option if you want to meal prep for a longer period of time.

Can rice be frozen? ›

Frozen rice can be kept in the freezer for up to 6 months and still be tasty. After that it loses flavor and dries out but won't be unsafe to eat. An airtight container is your best defense against losing quality so vacuum sealing is great if you have that tool in your kitchen.

Does food go bad in meal prep? ›

Typically, refrigerated meal preps last between 3 to 5 days, depending on the ingredients used. However, this relatively short window can be a challenge for many people, as it requires diligent planning and scheduling to ensure that all meals are consumed before they spoil.

What veggies freeze well for meal prep? ›

Root vegetables like carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes and beets freeze and reheat well whether they are fresh or cooked. Even roasted cauliflower works! But veggies that have more tender membranes will not freeze well on their own. For example, zucchini will turn to mush if you freeze it.

Can I freeze spaghetti? ›

You can! Just make sure to cool the spaghetti completely before freezing, transfer properly in an airtight container or freezer bag, and label it with the date. Can you freeze cooked pasta with sauce? You can, but if possible, it is best to freeze the sauce and pasta separately for best texture.

Is it better to freeze meals cooked or uncooked? ›

Unfortunately food that is cooked already loses some quality and flavor in the freezing. No matter how you have packaged it. Your best bet is to seal the meat raw and airtight.

Can you freeze scrambled eggs? ›

You can also freeze scrambled eggs after they have been cooked. This is a good way to meal prep for the week and to use in dishes like ham fried rice, or for a quick breakfast. They freeze well and taste really good. Let the cooked scrambled eggs cool completely.

What containers to use for freezer meals? ›

Buying Options. Zip-top bags are great for freezing food because it's easier to get all the air out of them than it is with rigid containers. And zip-top bags have an added space-saving benefit: You can stack them, if you lay them flat to freeze first.

Do you thaw freezer meals before cooking? ›

No, you don't have to thaw it. But you do have to change how long it needs to be in the oven to be fully cooked (or heated through). It takes time for the food to warm up to room or even refrigerator temperature once you take it out of the freezer, no matter where it is.

How many times should you freeze food and why? ›

Raw defrosted food may be frozen once more, only if it has been cooked after defrosting and before re-freezing. Never leave food to defrost in a warm place (defrosting in the fridge at 5C is the safest way to do it), cover loosely, and ensure it is thoroughly defrosted before cooking - cook food soon after defrosting.

How many times can you cook and freeze food? ›

According to senior food editor Rick Martinez and Robert Ramsey, chef instructor at the Institute of Culinary Education, you can refreeze and re-thaw food—but just because you can doesn't mean you should. At ICE, Ramsey and his colleagues have a blanket rule: "If something's been frozen once, that's it."

How do you batch cook and freeze meals? ›

Cool the food quickly after cooking and before freezing. One way of doing this is to split the food out into smaller portions. One of the simplest ways to approach batch cooking is to make one base recipe which can be adapted into different dishes.

How healthy are freezer meals? ›

While frozen meals are a convenient way to eat a balanced meal, it's easy to be led astray–they're also known for being packed with sodium, calories, and saturated fat, making moderation important.

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