5 Times Percy Eavesdropped on the Titans (+1 Time They Eavesdropped on Him) - Chapter 3 - juniorsized - Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2024)

Chapter Text

For once, Percy expected the demigod dream. He hadn’t exactly set out to take a nap on the way to their mission, but Beckendorf noticed him drifting off in the passenger seat and had convinced him to get some rest.

So when Percy found himself aboard the Princess Andromeda, he wasn’t surprised. Considering he and Beckendorf were on a mission to blow up a Cyclops' den, he was actually hoping he’d get some sort of insight from the dream.

Wandering the halls, he heard voices coming from one of the cabins and moved closer to the door.

Leaning against it, he did his best to listen to the muffled argument.

“No Castellan, I do not care that you think it looks cool, we are not wearing gold armour - Hyperion will never shut up about it” Kronos hissed.

“You possessed me! I get control of the outfits!” Luke snarled back.

“You forget your place. I am your master, I will choose what armour we wear” Kronos replied, his tone laced with venom.

If it weren’t for the fact they were arguing over what armour to wear, Percy would’ve been legitimately creeped out.

However, considering how ridiculous the argument was, instead, he was trying really hard not to laugh.

“No, stop talking about the gold. My eyes are cool. Gold armour is tacky. I am the king of the Titans, I am not tacky” Kronos growled.

Personally, Percy didn’t think Kronos had the right to talk about tacky. He’d seen the guy’s throne. The gold and the diamonds were overkill with gaudiness.

He did agree about the armour though. Full-body gold armour was a look, and it wasn’t a good one (sorry Hyperion).

If Luke thought it would look cool, he was even more delusional than Pery thought. He couldn’t believe his twelve-year-old self looked up to him - Beckendorf was way better.

He was pulled out of his internal monologue by footsteps growing closer to the door. He jumped out of the way just as the door slammed open.

Luke- no, Kronos, marched out the door, running a hand through his sandy blonde hair.

He didn’t notice as Percy followed him down the corridor until they reached an upper deck. Percy did his best to keep track of the turns they made - Beckendorf was planning a mission to blow the ship a couple of months down the line.

Aboard the private deck they’d emerged stood Krios and Hyperion - two titans that Percy seemed to be becoming increasingly more familiar with in these dreams.

Krios especially. The titan had been sending him near-constant dreams since their last encounter of them playing catch and doing other father-son bonding activities.

Thankfully though, neither titan noticed Percy, their eyes drawn to Luke. Percy also got a good look at Luke. He looked tired - there were dark circles underneath his eyes, but his irises were a bright gold that had been haunting him since last summer.

He was wearing an old-fashioned black suit - Luke was really taking the evil-supervillain look seriously. Unfortunately, Luke in the suit only reminded Percy of Hermes in a similar suit last night - when the whole camp had been forced to watch the gods perform Hamilton again.

The musical was apparently Broadway-bound. Percy was horrified at the idea of mortals being forced to endure Apollo and Hermes’ onstage flirting. Apollo wearing a red dress grinding on Hermes was a sight that Percy wouldn’t subject to his worst enemies.

Actually, maybe that was why Luke was so determined to take down Olympus. If it had been Poseidon making out with Apollo onstage, Percy would’ve also considered joining Kronos.

Not to mention whatever it was Apollo and Hermes were doing backstage. Mr. D had sent Percy to get something from one of the dressing rooms and the sight of the two of them had made Percy want to bleach his eyes.

Looking back at Luke, the resemblance to Hermes was mildly traumatizing. How was he supposed to fight this guy when all he could imagine was Apollo and Hermes and that gods damned red dress?

Why did the gods have to be such slu*ts?

“I’ve received reports of an enemy mission to one of our weapons bases. The demigods are expected to arrive within the next day, so I’ve sent forces to help the Cyclops defend the den.” Kronos told Hyperion and Krios.

Percy groaned. They were undoubtedly discussing the mission he was on. And of course, they were sending more monsters to attack him because gods forbid he have one peaceful quest.

“How many demigods are they sending? This is one of our largest bases, surely at least a dozen?” Krios asked.

Two. The answer was two demigods.

“Hmm, likely less, my intel has shown their numbers are rather low” Kronos replied.

You could say that again. Camp’s forces were scattered throughout on quests. Annabeth and Clarisse were currently hunting Empousa in Michigan, the Stolls were in Maine trying to destroy a Laistrygonian tribe, while Grover and Katie Gardner were trying to recruit any nature spirits they could.

To make matters worse, it wasn’t summer yet, which meant that they had even fewer demigods to work with. Percy would be surprised if there were any demigods at camp right now with how many missions were ongoing.

“We should still make sure the base is well-defended, Oceanus really can’t keep fighting with that stupid bronze oar,” Hyperion sighed.

Krios nodded in agreement.

It was just then that two more Titans appeared on the deck.

They were both female, though looked nearly opposite from each other. One was decked out in gold jewelry that rivalled Hyperion’s armour in brightness. Her eyes were painted with sparkly eyeshadow that glittered like diamonds, making her blue eyes stand out like sapphires.

The other titan shared the sapphire eyes, but that was where the resemblance stopped. Her bright eyes stood out against her dark skin, and her dark hair was intricately braided down her back. Her eyes falling on Kronos, she conjured a glass of water.

“Kronos! You look so parched, a healthy titan king needs 24 glasses of water a day to stay strong!” She cried, wandering over and forcing the glass into Kronos’ hand.

The other titan skipped over to Krios. “You look so gloomy, you need to smile more!” she insisted, grabbing his face and trying to force the corners of his mouth upwards.

“Ack! Theia, stop it!” Krios cried, trying to escape her grip.

“Theia, Krios likes being emo, let him be,” the other titan told her.

“Like you’re any different with the constant glasses of water, Tethys” Theia shot back at her.

“They’re always dehydrated! You need to drink…”

“24 glasses a day, we know Tethys” Krios groaned.

“If I didn’t tell you, you wouldn’t drink enough. Oceanus is the only one who listens to me” Tethys grumbled.

“Yes we get it, Oceanus is so responsible and such a good husband” Hyperion groaned.

“He’s just jealous cause he’s single,” Theia giggled.

“We had three kids, Theia! I don’t see why we couldn’t get married!” Hyperion grumbled.

“You’re so vain” Theia replied, crinkling her nose.

“And you’re not?” Hyperion shot back.

“No, I’m self-confident” she replied, flipping a lock of blonde hair over her shoulder.

Percy decided he liked Theia. She was like Aphrodite in her giggles and jewelry, but much less annoying. Maybe he was biased though, seeing how Theia rejected Hyperion so flippantly.

Hyperion was now sulking beside Krios, looking dejected. It was hilarious.

“Have you come for a reason, or just to terrorize us, sisters?” Kronos asked.

“Terrorize” Theia replied.

Tethys shook her head in disappointment.

“I’m here to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. You do realize mortal bodies need rest, right Kronos? You look tired” Tethys said.

“I’m fine,” Kronos grumbled.

“Oh he’s grumpy, is your mortal giving you a hard time?” Theia asked.

Kronos’ eyes flashed blue suddenly. “I’m not his mortal!” Luke protested before Kronos gained control again, his eyes shifting gold again.

“He gives me such terrible migraines” Kronos whined.

“Hmmm, migraines are a cause of dehydration” Tethys muttered.

“Or it could be a side effect of spending time with Hyperion,” Theia added.

Percy couldn’t stop his laughter from spilling out of him this time. Hyperion looked like a kicked puppy - it was so different from his usual expression that Percy practically dissolved into cackles.

It was at that point, when he was doubled over with laughter, that his dream decided to make him visible to the Titans.

“Perses!” Krios cried with joy.

“Percy? What?” Kronos- no, Luke now, judging from the blue eyes, asked.

And oh, great, now he was pointing his Scythe at Percy. Good ol’ Luke, always trying to kill him.

Percy ducked out of the way as Luke swung the Scythe at Percy. Percy grabbed and uncapped Riptide in one fluid motion, regretting his nap.

Luckily, he didn’t have to fight though, as Kronos regained control of Luke’s body.

“Stupid boy, he’s clearly dreaming, judging from the way he appeared” Kronos growled to himself.

Percy cautiously backed away from Kronos, in case Luke decided to attack him again.

“No- why would I summon him” Kronos said, continuing his mental argument.

“I told you, he shows up when he wants… No, it’s not impossible! We’ve covered this Castellan” Kronos argued, rubbing his temple with his hand.

“Ignore him, this might go on for a while” Hyperion commented.

“So you’re the Perseus Oceanus told me about,” Tethys said, eyeing him. “You seem dehydrated. Have some water,” she said, conjuring a glass of water and thrusting it in his hand.

“Thanks,” Percy said, drinking the water. Tethys beamed down at him.

“See, this is how you’re supposed to behave. No complaints, instead a ‘Thank you Tethys, thank you for worrying about my water intake, you’re so thoughtful’” Tethys lectured, giving her brothers pointed looks.

Percy figured this was the first and last time he’d ever be considered a model child. Tethys ruffled his hair affectionately.

Krios gaped at them. “That’s not fair- he bites me when I do that, why isn’t he biting you!” he complained.

“I like Tethys. She gives me water. You’ve never offered me anything to drink.” Percy replied.

Krios quickly summoned a drink and offered it to him.

Percy pushed the glass away. “I’m not taking anything from you, it might be poisoned,” he said, frowning.

“What- that’s not fair!” Krios pouted.

“Castellan said he smuggled co*ke into camp for you. Why am I not your favourite?” Kronos asked.

“Well first, you’re not Luke, you’re just being creepy and living in his body. And second, Luke literally bribed me with co*ke so he could lure me to the woods and kill me”

“Brother!” Tethys cried. “How could you!”

“Castellan was the one who summoned the pit scorpion!” Kronos protested.

“You ordered me to!” Luke replied, taking control of his body to argue back.

“Both of you are responsible for the multiple attempts on my life you’ve made,” Percy told them.

Kronos/Luke pouted, one eye gold while the other remained blue. If it weren’t for the possession thing, he would’ve thought the heterochromia looked cool as f*ck.

Percy was distracted from his thoughts as he felt a weight on his head. He looked up to see Theia placing a crown of golden laurels on his head.

“Are you trying to buy my favouritism?” He asked.

“Yes, is it working?” Theia replied.

Percy considered this. “Yes, it is,” he decided.

“That is so unfair” Krios pouted.

Theia stuck her tongue out at Krios.

“You never give me presents,” Hyperion complained, pouting beside Krios.

“I like Perseus better,” Theia replied.

“Ha, suck it,” Percy told Hyperion,

Hyperion growled at him. Percy flipped him off.

“Perseus!” Tethys chastised. Percy gave her a sheepish smile.

“Awww, look at those eyes!” Theia squealed.

“Like baby seals!” Tethys exclaimed.

“Like sparkly gemstones” Theia added. “Or sea-glass,” Tethys added.

“Ugh, Rhea had the same eyes… it was so hard to say no when she looked like that” Kronos lamented.

“She was all ‘No Kronos, please don’t eat our children’ and pouted and how could I say no!” he continued.

“But you did eat your children,” Percy told him.

“But it was so hard! And not just because I had to unhinge my jaw” Kronos whined.

“Dude, please no more stories about how you ate your kids” Percy groaned, already having heard too much.

“That really wasn’t that nice of you Kronos” Tethys frowned.

“Dad warned me they’d chop me into bits! And they did!” he complained.

“So eating your children was unnecessary since it happened anyway,” Tethys told him.

“Zeus ate Metis! You should have wanted me to eat him to prevent that!” Kronos insisted.

“Metis is why I’m against cannibalism. And why Zeus is my least favourite nephew,” she replied.

“What is it about this family and cannibalism?” Percy groaned.

“It’s either that or chopping people into little pieces,” Hyperion told him.

“Why can’t you all just get therapy? Those cannot be the only options,” he whined.

“Don’t worry Perses, I won’t let anyone eat you” Krios chimed in.

“Percy,” he corrected. “And if that was true, you wouldn’t be sending monsters after me when I’m on a quest”.

“We’re not sending any monsters after you,” Krios insisted.

“Uh, yes you are. I literally heard you say you were sending monsters to the den,” Percy told him.

“Wait… you’re the one going to the Cyclops den? Aren’t you busy?” Kronos interjected.

“Yes, I’m busy, because you’re fighting a war against me!” Percy exclaimed.

Kronos managed to look slightly guilty. “It’s not really against you… it’s more the gods…” he trailed off.

Percy raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, sure, that’s why you keep trying to kill me”.

“Well… Prophecy… It’s not my fault!”

“It is completely your fault,” he replied.

“Kronos! He’s a growing boy, he should be in school learning and staying hydrated!” Tethys insisted.

“Wait, you’re not in school? It’s midday” Hyperion frowned.

“No, I’m skipping with Beckendorf so I can blow up your allies, keep up buddy,” Percy told him. “Wait, why did you think I was in class, I’m literally asleep”

“I just thought you were sleeping in class again!”

“That was an accident! Plus I like this school, my stepdad pulled a ton of strings to let me in,” he told him.

“Then why are you skipping!” Hyperion shot back.

“Because I’m apparently the leader of this war! Of course, I’m helping out.” Percy said. “Although technically I’m sick,” he added, winking.

“Yes, look at how malnourished he is, he needs to stay home and rest and get lots of fluids,” Tethys added.

“He’s not actually sick, Tethys,” Theia said.

“Then why is he so scrawny!” Tethys argued.

“I am not!” Percy cried.

All the titans looked at him doubtfully. He groaned dramatically, throwing his head back.

“Oh, first it’s that I’m short. But now that I get a growth spurt I’m scrawny. This is so f*cking unfair!” he whined.

“Not all of us can be six foot one and have big fancy muscles like Lukie Pookie over here,” he said, gesturing over to Kronos.

“Why do you pay so much attention to what I look like?” Luke asked, taking momentary control of his body.

“f*ck off Luke, you’re old and evil and nobody likes you” Percy replied, his face growing hot.

Luke raised an eyebrow.

“Beckendorf is taller and cooler. You can suck it.” Percy said, sticking out his tongue and flipping him off at the same time.

“Yeah, suck it,” Hyperion chimed in, also flipping Luke off as Kronos took back control.

“Is that how you treat your king?” Kronos asked, glaring at Hyperion’s middle finger.

“He did it first!” Hyperion whined, pointing at Percy.

“No, I didn’t! Why are you so mean to me,” Percy lied, pulling out his baby seal eyes.

Hyperion spluttered, while Kronos nodded sympathetically.

“Stop picking on Perses- er, Perseus,” Krios told his brother. “Just because he’s a demigod doesn’t mean you can be a bully”.

“Yeah, don’t be a bully,” Percy said, grinning.

Hyperion looked as though he was about to spontaneously combust.

“This is why we broke up,” Theia told him, and then Hyperion did burst into flames.

Tethys laughed, and then waving her hand, dumped water on his hand, extinguishing him.

Percy cackled at the dejected face a soaking-wet Hyperion made.

He shook his head, water droplets flying everywhere as the rest evaporated off him in a cloud of steam.

“You’re so dramatic,” Krios commented.

“You literally spent last week sobbing in your bed because you missed Perseus,” Hyperion replied.

“I sent him so many dreams! And he didn’t send me any back” Krios whined.

“He’s a demigod. He can’t send people dreams” Kronos said.


“I knew you loved me! I never should’ve doubted you Perses” Krios cried, running forward and crushing Percy in a hug.

Percy struggled against the crushing embrace. “I will bite you,” he warned, and Krios grudgingly let go.

“Shut up Castellan, nobody cares” Kronos grumbled under his breath.

“Tell Luke I’ll bite him too,” Percy said.

“Huh, that did make him quiet down,” Kronos smiled.

“Does he bite everyone?” Theia inquired.

“Yes,” the male titans replied.

“Aww, that’s cute,” Theia said. Tethys frowned but didn’t say anything.

“So… about that quest I’m on that you’re sending more monsters to… can you not?” Percy asked, pleading with his eyes.

Kronos paused.

“Hmm… I suppose I could recall the Chimera,” he said.

“You were sending a Chimera!” Percy exclaimed.

“Well not anymore” he grumbled.

“What no! If Percy’s going we need to send more monsters, not less!” Luke insisted. Kronos ignored him, quickly taking back control.

“Your host is so difficult, Kronos,” Hyperion commented.

“Well he wasn’t my first choice,” Kronos huffed, crossing his arms and looking at Percy.

“Dude, you think I would’ve been better? Me? Are you delusional?” Percy said incredulously.

“He has a point, Kronos,” Tethys said.

“Plus! I want to keep him… not have him possessed” Krios said happily

“No keeping me,” Percy said, pointing at Krios. “No possessing me,” he said, pointing at Kronos.

He then turned to look at Tethys. “You can keep giving me water though”.

Tethys beamed, handing him another glass.

“Finally someone who cares about dehydration” she beamed. “You know, sea demigods need to drink 10 glasses of water a day”.

Percy nodded diligently.

It was just as Tethys was summoning a third glass of water for Percy that he noticed his hands were growing.

“No, he’s waking up,” Krios whined.

Percy felt a tapping on his shoulder, but glancing over, it wasn’t any of the Titans. Huh, must be Beckendorf then.

“Alright, bye guys. Remember, no Chimeras!” He said, looking pointedly at Kronos.

And then, knowing Beckendorf wouldn’t wake him up unnecessarily, he let himself tune out Krios’ cries for him to come back soon and felt himself awake.

He blinked sleepily, stretching and trying to relieve the crick in his neck from his awkward sleeping position.

“Sorry for waking you, you were really knocked out man,” Beckendorf said.

“No worries, I was really deep in a dream,” he told Beckendorf.

“Demigod dream?” Beckendorf asked, brows drawing together in concern.

“Yeah, nothing bad though. I convinced Kronos to not send a Chimera after us, so that’s good” Percy said.

“Bro, what?”

“Eh, don’t worry about it, are we here?” he asked.

“Uh yeah, we’re parked about half a mile away, I didn’t want to get us too close” Beckendorf replied.

“Well then let’s go blow up some Cyclopes,” Percy said, grinning.

“Hell yeah, I brought so much Greek fire,” Beckendorf said, returning his smile.

5 Times Percy Eavesdropped on the Titans (+1 Time They Eavesdropped on Him) - Chapter 3 - juniorsized - Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.