7 Tips for a Compelling TikTok Marketing Strategy – Markerly Pulse (2024)

Reading Time: 6 minutes

TikTok feels like a party for users, but for brands and marketers, it can feel like a maze of trending videos, in-feed ads, and stickers. You want to use it as part of your social media marketing strategy, but TikTok is unlike any social network on the planet—and that means you need to bring your A-game.

TikTok has been available internationally since September of 2017. Although it started out as Musical.ly, the TikTok app has made a name for itself over the last few years.

With over 1 billion users and 3 billion total downloads, TikTok is one of the biggest social networks of 2022. The stats don’t lie: 69% of U.S. teens are on TikTok, and 29% say it’s their favorite social network.

No platform has taken advantage of short-form video as well as TikTok. With engagement rates as high as nearly 12%, it’s clear that there’s a lot of opportunity here for boosting brand awareness with short videos.

7 Battle-Tested Tips for Nailing Your TikTok Marketing Strategy

TikTok isn’t like any other social media platform. The algorithm cares more about high-quality content than it does about follower count, so you have to be spot-on with every TikTok you post.

Everyday consumers might be going bananas for TikTok, but for brands, this short-form video platform is a tough nut to crack. If you need to receive more brand equity on TikTok for your marketing efforts, try these seven content strategies to get more traction.

1. Know Your Audience

Who’s your audience? Before you invest in your brand’s TikTok account, you need to understand your audience demographics.

Not every customer will be on TikTok. You might think you need to pursue Gen Z teens, but what if your ideal shopper is actually a 40-year-old soccer mom who isn’t on TikTok?

Make sure your customers are, in fact, active on TikTok before you pour your energy into a new platform. This will save you a lot of time by ensuring that your content resonates with TikTok users.

2. Nail the Basics

7 Tips for a Compelling TikTok Marketing Strategy – Markerly Pulse (1)

TikTok isn’t like any other social network. If you’re trying it out for the first time, you have to nail the basics in your marketing strategy. That means:

  • Knowing how the TikTok algorithm works: The TikTok algorithm determines what you see on the For You Page (FYP). Instead of giving you tons of views based on your follower count, TikTok prioritizes engagement rates. That means you have to give it 110% every time you post TikTok videos.
  • Creating content only for TikTok: Avoid filming an Instagram Reel and re-sharing it to TikTok. They’re two separate platforms, and the users expect to see different types of content.
  • Creating a TikTok for Business account: This will give you access to enhanced features that make it easier to grow your brand, like TikTok Ads and TikTok Analytics.
  • Using TikTok regularly: Seriously. Don’t try to promote your brand on a platform if you don’t know the norms of the platform, like using popular sounds, adding text, making video replies to comments, and using closed captioning. A lot of brands miss this part, and it leads to content that users don’t want to see. Spend at least 10 minutes a day on TikTok—we guarantee you’ll love scrolling through it after a while!

3. Post Edu-taining Content

Some brands make the mistake of being overly promotional with their TikToks. While a little promotion is okay, most TikTok users didn’t open the app to hear you talk about yourself. They’re on the app because they want to be entertained and educated.

That’s why your brand’s content needs to be both entertaining and educational. Unlike YouTube, where you can upload an hours-long video, TikToks can range from 1 second to 3 minutes. On average, people say 6-12 seconds is the optimal video length, but it’s different for every brand.

Not sure what to post? Try filming TikToks of:

  • Interviews
  • Trending sounds, songs, or dances
  • Behind the scenes
  • How-tos
  • Impressions or parodies
  • Hashtag challenges
  • Short skits

The good news is that you don’t have to pump a lot of resources into filming a TikTok! As long as you can distill information into a few seconds, you’ll captivate new customers while growing your brand.

It can be difficult at first, but if you want people to see your brand, you need to post at least one TikTok a day. If you don’t have the internal resources to do that, consider partnering with a TikTok influencer through Markerly to lighten the load.

At the end of the day, TikTok isn’t a place to take yourself seriously. It just won’t work if you’re too stiff, so live a little! As long as you can tie the content into your brand, product, or target audience, you’ll master edu-taining content in no time.

4. Partner With TikTok Influencers

7 Tips for a Compelling TikTok Marketing Strategy – Markerly Pulse (2)

Did you know that, on average, TikTok influencers receive an eye-catching 18% engagement rate? That blows all of the other social networks out of the water!

Thanks to the TikTok Creator Fund, influencers have always been a substantial part of the TikTok ecosystem. These folks know what it takes to not only make awesome content, but to keep users coming back for more.

TikTok influencer marketing is a must to grow your brand’s presence quickly. Do a brand takeover, an unboxing review, or a parody video—your imagination is the limit!

Instead of starting completely from scratch with your TikTok marketing strategy, tap an influencer through Markerly to help you out. We help brands find experienced TikTok influencers who are both content creators and community-builders. That translates into more time saved and more engagement for your brand. What’s not to love?

5. Encourage Engagement

When you go through the effort of writing, filming, editing, and posting a TikTok, you need to squeeze as much engagement out of it as possible.

That means you need to:

  • Ask interactive questions: Users inherently want to answer questions, especially if you’re asking for their opinion.
  • Take requests: If you aren’t sure what to say in your next TikTok, ask your viewers! They’re usually more than happy to offer suggestions, which increases engagement and saves you more time.
  • Use hashtags: This isn’t like Instagram, where you cram as many hashtags into a post as the platform allows. On TikTok, you only need 2-5 hashtags, max. As always, keep your TikTok hashtags relevant to what you’re posting.
  • Stitch strategically: TikTok allows you to do a Stitch with other users, where you show a snippet of their content and reply with your own. This is great if you Stitch with a video or creator who gets a lot of traction on TikTok already.

6. Keep Up With TikTok Trends

7 Tips for a Compelling TikTok Marketing Strategy – Markerly Pulse (3)

This is social media, so trends come and go on TikTok. Music, sounds, dances, challenges, and memes change on a weekly (if not daily) basis, and you need to be prepared for that.

TikTok is a timely platform, so it doesn’t always make sense for you to pre-plan your TikTok content calendar three months in advance. It’s okay to do a few evergreen posts, but keep your marketing plan agile enough that you can quickly respond to trends.

Make sure you spend at least 10 minutes on TikTok every day so you can identify what’s trending this week. Bring it up ASAP with your marketing team so you can capitalize on the trend before it’s gone.

7. Check Your TikTok Analytics

How do you know if your TikToks are getting traction? Instead of fumbling around in the dark, use TikTok Analytics to see what’s going well.

If you sign up for a TikTok Business account, you’ll have access to a robust suite of tools that will tell you how each video is performing. It’s hard to produce a viral winner every time, but checking your metrics is the best way to know which TikTok videos get more results.

Look at your most successful content. Why do people like it? How is it different? Can you use it as a blueprint for future content? Use your analytics data and comment section as a guide to optimize your content going forward.

Get Real Engagement With a TikTok Marketing Strategy

TikTok isn’t the future of digital marketing—it’s the here and now. But if you’re falling behind, don’t worry! Brands can play catch-up with a TikTok marketing strategy built around how the platform was designed to work.

While these seven tips will help you create a solid social media strategy, you can’t ignore the fact that influencer marketing is a huge component of TikTok. Save time, reach your audience faster, and boost your TikTok performance with a powerful assist from Markerly. See how we match brands with experienced TikTok influencers.

7 Tips for a Compelling TikTok Marketing Strategy – Markerly Pulse (2024)


Why is TikTok a good marketing strategy? ›

Overall, TikTok is a great one-stop shop for creating and consuming quick 10 to 60-second videos. TikTok is a unique marketing channel, creating viral potential that has never been there before. Use TikTok to show off product tutorials and use cases, join challenges, jump on trends, make your audience laugh and more.

What is the always on TikTok strategy? ›

Always-in is a holistic approach to your TikTok marketing. It unites organic, paid, brand, and performance efforts. With always-in, you truly immerse your brand in the platform, bringing all of these facets together and having them all pull in the same direction.

How to do a TikTok strategy? ›

10 Steps for Building Your TikTok Marketing Strategy
  1. #1 Research Your Audience.
  2. #2 Develop a TikTok Content Strategy.
  3. #3 Balance Promotional and Organic Content.
  4. #4 Leverage TikTok Trends.
  5. #5 Incorporate Hashtags.
  6. #6 Collaborate with TikTok Influencers.
  7. #7 Utilise TikTok Advertising.
  8. #8 Gather Reporting Data.
Apr 12, 2024

How effective is TikTok as a marketing tool? ›

Marketers are drawn to TikTok as it reflects a key social media trend for creative skills and collaboration amongst young audiences. Its fast-paced nature keeps users engaged for relatively long periods, with users spending an average of 56 minutes per day on the app according to eMarketer.

What are the pros and cons of TikTok marketing? ›

To TikTok or Not To TikTok? Pros and Cons for Brands
  • PRO: Younger Demographics and Trendsetters. ...
  • PRO: Creative Flexibility and Viral Potential. ...
  • PRO: Opportunity for Brand Authenticity. ...
  • PRO: Ad Options and E-commerce Potential. ...
  • CON: Limited Analytics and Measurement. ...
  • CON: Content Creation Challenges.

What makes brands successful on TikTok? ›

The most successful brands on TikTok are those who don't feel like they need to be the stars of their own videos. Instead of trying to sell their products using traditional advertising techniques (like TV adverts), these brands are inviting users into the process by letting them take centre stage in the ads themselves!

What is the secret to the TikTok algorithm? ›

TikTok's algorithm works by analyzing thousands of signals by a user to determine what kind of content they most want to see. These signals — things like likes, comments, follows, and how long they spend on a particular video — determine what videos appear on their 'For You' page and in what order.

What are the best advertising practices on TikTok? ›

Introduce your content proposition in the first 3 seconds for better recall and awareness. Use captions or text overlays to provide context to your ad. We recommend displaying 5-10 words per second when using text. Utilize transitions, stickers, and graphics in your creative to retain engagement and view time.

How do you outsmart the TikTok algorithm? ›

The goal is to have your audience watch 100% of your video. It's better to create a shorter video with a higher watch time than a longer video with a shorter watch time. PROTIP: It's important to understand the business aspect of TikTok. They sell ad space in between videos on the For You Page.

How do I self promote on TikTok? ›

Get to your Promote page
  1. In the TikTok app, tap Profile at the bottom.
  2. Tap the Menu ☰ button at the top.
  3. Tap Creator tools, then tap Promote.

How to boost sales on TikTok? ›

Here we've outlined five tips for how to get sales on TikTok:
  1. Set up Shopify access. If you want to sell merchandise on TikTok, setting up your Shopify access is vital. ...
  2. Invest in TikTok ads. ...
  3. Partner with TikTok influencers. ...
  4. Take advantage of popular hashtags and trends. ...
  5. Engage your audience.

What is the TikTok strategy for 2024? ›

In 2024, the TikTok community will ignite a transformative mindset fueled by curiosity, imagination, vulnerability and courage. In fact, taking strategic risks and being vulnerable is now the ultimate brand strategy, where leaning into micro insights and showcasing quirks can be your superpower.

How does influencer marketing impact TikTok? ›

Benefits of TikTok Influencer Marketing for Brands

TikTok's vast and growing user base provides an unparalleled platform for brands to increase their visibility. Influencer campaigns on TikTok can often reach a broader audience than traditional marketing channels due to the platform's viral nature and global reach.

How does the TikTok algorithm work? ›

The TikTok algorithm is a system that makes content recommendations tailored to each user. It decides which videos a user might like based on their individual interests and displays them on the user's For You page. As a result, the For You page is highly personalized for each user.

How do you make every TikTok go viral? ›

16 ways to go viral on TikTok
  1. Keep up with the latest trends.
  2. Use trending and relevant hashtags.
  3. Spark curiosity.
  4. Use sound to your advantage.
  5. Post consistently and at the right times.
  6. Tell a story.
  7. Interact with your followers.
  8. Interact with other users and posts.
May 10, 2024

How does TikTok decide what goes viral? ›

TikTok's algorithm prioritizes engagement, video information, and the settings for your account and device. While we don't know the full extent of how the TikTok algorithm works; like most social media companies, the bulk of its programming is proprietary and only some details are shared publicly.

What is the most engaging content on TikTok? ›

To attract more TikTok followers, it is essential to focus on engaging and entertaining content. Types of content that tend to attract more followers on TikTok include trending challenges, creative and visually appealing videos, humorous content, educational and informative videos, as well as behind-the-scenes footage.

What matters the most on TikTok? ›

Views are an important TikTok metric. Views showcase how many times people have seen your videos. The more views you get, the more your videos are shown, suggested and shared. More than that, the more views you get on TikTok, the more likely you are to receive other types of engagement—comments, follows, shares.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.