CBS Evening News With Norah O'Donnell : KPIX : April 16, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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once they turned the corner, it affected the whole team because that is how it works. >> we know we are capable of going to win some road games. when this team's back is against the wall, we show up. >> ♪ >> way to go, burn, for putting in taylor swift in the story. the cbs evening news is next on kpix. local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. i will see you at 5:00. ♪ ♪ >> norah: tornadoes tear through the midwest. >> look at that one right up there. >> norah: major damage in the planes as severe weather threatens 25 million americans. including thunderstorms, hail,

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and tornadoes. >> and it's coming our way. holy [bleep]. >> norah: "cbs evening news" starts now. ♪ ♪ good evening. i'm norah o'donnell, and thank you for being with us. we are going to begin tonight with ed breaking news and the threat of dangerous weather sweeping across the central u.s. at this hour, several states are under a tornado watch. at least a dozen suspected tornadoes have been reported in at least four states: missouri, iowa, nebraska, and kansas. residence in smithville, missouri, outside kansas city, are picking up the pieces after a tornado tore through a campsite earlier today. several buildings suffered significant damage, with roots ripped off, campers flipped over, and debris scattered across the area. east, with thunderstorms, strong winds, hail, heavy rain, and possibly more twisters. some flights in the area are being rerouted to avoid the

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weather. the cbs is roxana saberi is following the storms, and she's going to start us off tonight. speak with a majority of eastern iowa now under this tornado watch appeared to be due tonight come under threat, millions of people across the u.s. bracing r a dangerous trail of tornadoes. a twister ripping through rockwell city iowa, siren sounding. iowa state trooper paul gardner was on duty when he spotted this tornado. >> it was zigzagging all over the farmland. >> reporter: and a deputy's dashcam in sioux city captured this right now mike lightning strike. 100 miles west of omaha, nebraska, the funnel over farmland sweeping over the planes. >> we got on that touchdown! >> reporter: and in kansas, a twister with wind up to 120 miles per hour tossed a man from the trailer, leaving the wife and two dogs struck in the rubble. they all survived with minor injuries. meanwhile, in missouri, thousands are in the dark after severe storms struck this afternoon. a tornado ripping off roofs and

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flipping this camper. and hail the size of half dollars pelted the pavement. here in davenport, iowa, it's going to be a tense night. severe weather is now headed this way, and tornadoes that happen at night are especially dangerous because it's harder to see the twister and debris, and people may be sleeping. norah? >> norah: thinking of the people they are. roxana saberi, thank you so much. and as she mentioned, the threat of severe weather is going to continue through the night and into tomorrow. so let's bring in meteorologist mike bettes, from our partners at the weather channel be a good evening mike. >> good evening. looking for tomorrow. father eastbourne and southbound. active storms in milwaukee, chicago, eventually tomorrow michigan and ohio and detroit gets hit and right down i-75. stormy conditions in the morning, as well as in the afternoon. we have a severe weather threat across detroit, fort wayne, columbus, cleveland.

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torcon of 3 which means lower risk for tornadoes but a tornado risk nonetheless across the buckeye state in the great lakes state. showers in the morning more rough, through the evening, including right during the evening drive and many locations and storms later on in the evening after dinner time, norah, in places like pittsburgh, pennsylvania. >> norah: mike bettes, thank you. tonight, the big development, the first seven jurors have been selected to serve on donald trump's criminal trial in new york. date 2 of the case also brought some fireworks inside the courtroom, with the judge scolding the former president for trying to intimidate a prospective juror. cbs's robert costa explains what happened. >> we think we have a very good -- shouldn't be on the case. he is rushing this trial. >> reporter: what had been a very slow jury selection process gained considerable steam late today. the seven jurors seated in the historic trial are four men and three women, including a nurse, who said in court, no one is above the law.

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i am here for my civic duty. and a teacher who claims she was not very interested in politics. and did not have strong opinions on donald trump. before a person who will help guide to deliberations for the jury is a salesperson original from ireland who now ln west harbin. lawyers on both sides spent the afternoon examining the social media posts of the possible candidates, asking them for their opinion of the former president, and judging their ability to be impartial. >> both sides, really, are going to want to suss out potential stealth jurors. both jurors that potentially fly under the radar, but then get on the jury and really do have those preconceived notions. >> reporter: tensions flared when the judge, juan merchan, heard trump audibly uttering something, as his attorney questioned a potential juror. the judge chastised trump's behavior saying "i won't tolerate that. i will not have any jurors intimidated in this courtroom."

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of 96 potential jurors, 87 were excused, including carol mcgee, who said she would have . >> i frankly don't like him, i don't like a lot of the things he has said. this is a historic moment. and what needs to be upheld here is the institution of the right to a fair trial in this country, no matter who the defendant is. >> reporter: behind the scenes, sources close to trump tell me he feels like he is caged sitting inside that courtroom, and they say those grievances about this trial will certainly be seen soon on the campaign trail. norah? >> norah: the day after tomorrow, resume thursday. robert costa, thank you. while trump is stuck inside that new york courtroom, president biden is on the campaign trail in his home town of scranton, pennsylvania. cbs's nancy cordes reports the president's talking taxes and a slamming his republican rival for putting billionaires ahead of the middle class.

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>> reporter: president biden highlighted his pennsylvania routes today with a visit to his childhood home in scranton. >> scranton is a place that climbs into your heart and it never leaves. >> reporter: in this blue-collar former mining town, biden squeezed in nearly a dozen references to trump's primary residence far away in palm beach. >> he looks at the economy from mar-a-lago, scranton and the values, mar-a-lago values. these are the competing visions. >> reporter: biden won pennsylvania by just over one percentage point in 2020 and pulled show the two men neck and neck now. so the biden team is pouring money into the state, airing new ads... >> joe loves scranton. >> reporter: and opening 14 campaign offices across pennsylvania. the trump team declined to tell cbs news how many offices they have here, saying only that "we have paid staffers and volunteer powered field programs in every battleground state, including pennsylvania." trump acknowledged today that

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his trial schedule is holding him back. >> i should be right now in pennsylvania, in florida, in many other states. >> reporter: trump did visit pennsylvania this weekend and shared his views on the keystone state's most famous civil war battle. >> the battle of gettysburg. what an unbelievable -- i mean, it was so much and so interesting and so vicious and horrible. >> he's clueless. he's clueless about pennsylvania. >> reporter: pennsylvania governo josh schapiro was campaigning with biden today. >> it will be a clear choice at the end of the day, just like they did last time, i think they're going to reelect joe biden. >> reporter: part of the reason biden has been able to spend more heavily here in pennsylvania is because he is raising more than donald trump. more than $120 million just over the first three months of 2024, according to new figures, norah. that is nearly double what the trump team is running. >> norah: nancy cordes with a new reporting. nancy, thank you very much.

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the supreme court heard arguments today in a case that could impact hundred of defendants facing charges for the january 6th attack on the capitol, including former president trump. at issue is a federal law against obstructing an official proceeding. u.s. solicitor general told the court there is no question the defendants obstructed the count of electoral votes. conservative justices seemed skeptical of the justice department's can position, questioning of prosecutors went too far or other disruptions like a sit in could be considered criminal. for only the second time in history of the house, articles of impeachment against a presidential cabinet member were delivered to the senate today, but the politically-charged impeachment of the nation's homeland security secretary is expected to be quickly dismissed in the senate, while a far right republican mutiny against house speaker mike johnson gain. cbs's scott macfarlane is cracking it all on capitol hill. >> reporter: for the second time in eight months, house republicans are talking about removing their own speaker. >> yeah, i ask him to resign

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viewed >> reporter: republic not kentucky republican thomas massie became the second republican that would support dumping mike johnson get >> i'm not resigning. it is in my view an absurd notion. >> reporter: but he wouldn't say when they would move against johnson. the louisiana republican second in line of to the presidency surprisingly elevated to the job after last year's ouster of kevin mccarthy pushed back. >> we are simply here trying to do our jobs. >> reporter: johnson is balancing the narrowest u.s. house majority and is under scrutiny for his newly-release plan to provide billions in aid to israel and to ukraine. but separately, which might satisfy his hard-line critics who want to cut off ukrainian aid, but also risks delays and derailments of an aid package for both war zones. >> hear ye, hear ye. >> reporter: meanwhile, johnson's house republicans are trying to remove a different official. delivering impeachment articles to the senate today against homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. >> impeach for high price and

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just demeanors. >> reporter: arguing he is willfully and systematically refusing to enforce immigration laws, and allegation mayorkas denied again today. >> i have abided by the law each and every step of the way. >> reporter: setting up a formal proceeding tomorrow in the u.s. senate dusted for a dead end. >> part of the prospects there is actually going to be an impeachment trial tomorrow? >> i would say virtually none. >> reporter: democrats control the senate and democrats expect the debt matter will be shut down quickly without a trial. >> it is a bogus action the house. that's the problem viewed >> reporter: the impeachment proceedings are scheduled to begin here tomorrow afternoon, but the biden administration says the entire endeavor is baseless and a waste of time. norah? >> norah: it was a busy day on capitol hill. scott macfarlane, thank you very much good luck oak tonight increasing tensions in the middle east with israel bowing t iran after that volley of drums and rockets over the

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weekend. u.s. treasury secretary janet yellen warned today the u.s. intends to punish iran with new sanctions in the coming days which could target iran's oil industry. here cbs's debora patta. >> reporter: prime minister benjamin netanyahu rallying the troops as he met with a new group of conscripts today. this is part of a larger battle, he told them. iran is behind hamas and hezbollah. we are determined to beat them. his war cabinet met today for the third time since the iranian attack. a senior american official tell cbs news israel has not shared its plans with the u.s., but some in the administration expect a limited strike inside iran. but the fear of an all-out regional war has distracted attention away from the misery in gaza. there are still regula air strikes, each day bringing new grief. "gaza is tired," said

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dalia abu amsha. "we live in humiliation, and poverty, and in death." the united nations says there has been no significant change in the amount of aid trickling in. in the north, there were desperate lines for bread, after supplies from the world food programme brought this bakery back to life for the first time in over six months. food prices have soared. banks are running out of cash. was living in tents in raw file. thousands israeli orders and tried to return to their homes in the north over the weekend. but they were turned around. the idf says this is still an active war zone. the senior israeli government official has told cbs news that a rafah invasion will happen. it's not a matter of if, but when. but would not be drawn on a date or whether it has been delayed because of the iranian attack.

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norah? >> norah: debora patta, thank you very much. tonight, the university of southern california is at the center of a growing controversy after canceling a graduation speech by this year's valedictorian. some on campus had been critical of the students pro-palestinian views. cbs's carter evans spoke with the young woman, who says she feels betrayed by the university. >> it was such a shock in such a surprise and honestly such an honor. >> reporter: that's our biomedical engineering major felt earlier this month when usc chose her to be this year's valedictorian and the first generation indian-american was already thinking about her commencement speech. how were you going to address the issue? >> the core message i wanted to get across was one of hope. >> reporter: but just days later the university abruptly rescinded its invitation a campuswide letter ufc provost andrew guzman that social media discussions relating to the valedictorian had taken on an alarming tenor and escalated to the point of treating

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substantial risks related to security. >> i was never given the evidence that any safety concern in any security concerns were founded. >> reporter: what do you think it is? >> i think anyone who is watching this can draw their own conclusion. i look like what i look like. i am who i am. >> reporter: tabassum is pro-palestinian and years ago shared a link on her social media containing language that some consider hate speech. >> i'm not apologizing for the link that i put in my instagram. what i am saying is i'm committed to human rights. i'm committed to the human rights for all people. >> reporter: the israeli-palestinian conflict overseas has ignited tensions on college campuses across the u.s. a recent study found 56% of jewish college students and 52% of muslim students felt they were in personal danger. that's 2 million to 3 million students. >> usc betrayed me. >> reporter: but the university insists it's not about free speech. it's simply an issue of safely.

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carter evans, cbs news, los angeles. >> norah: a pregnant woman is medevacked from a cruise ship. we will show you the dramatic images next. ♪ ♪ gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control, with improvement in activities of daily living. it is reduced muscle weakness. and ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with the freedom of just 6 to 7 infusions per year, for a predictable routine i can count on. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious meningococcal infections, which may become life-threatening or fatal, and other types of infections. complete or update your meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris. if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is moving forward with continuous symptom control.

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jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ >> norah: the coast guard swooped in to help a pregnant woman who was on a disney cruise and needed serious medical care. happened yesterday, about 180 miles off puerto rico. the 35-year-old american woman was taken onto the deck of the disney fantasy on a stretcher, and then lifted into a coast guard helicopter and then

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taken to a san juan hospital. all right, illegal marijuana farms sprout across the state of maine. who is behind that may surprise you. our investigation is next.

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>> norah: when you think of agriculture in maine, blueberries and maple syrup probably come to mind, right? but federal officials say the state is also a hotbed for illegal marijuana farms, with many linked to chinese-organized crime. cbs's nicole sganga has our cbs news investigation. >> reporter: along maine's rocky shoreline sets the quiet town of machias. >> people watch for fish, clam, and log. >> reporter: but last month, a pungent smell of woke up the natures. local chief keep mercy or discovering more than $1 billion in black-market weed. >> it was very organized. >> reporter: more than 2600 plants seized by police. m flack wanted market boom to

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setting up states like maine. how in the world it black-market marijuana set up shop here? >> i think that was one of the draws, being a rural community. it is very isolated. >> reporter: ray donovan is the former chief of operations for the dea. >> that would allow them to continue to grow the marijuana crops uninhibited. >> come out with your hands up! >> reporter: law enforcement now cracking down, with at least 35 bust statewide since last june and more targets dotting dg the i-95 corridor or. >> the information we have is there is over 200 that are active. >> reporter: 24 states have legalized recreational marijuana, but most, including maine, limit cultivation and impose state taxes. >> we are not buying licenses. they are not paying taxes. they are operating completely ooff the radar. >> reporter: editor of the main wire steve robinson tracks suspected illegal grows. >> transformer of that size could probably serve 10-15 homes. >> reporter: and showed us

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this chicken barn turned illegal we'd grown in carmel, maine. >> these consume huge amounts of electricity. >> reporter: but perhaps more shocking than the budding number of illegal grows, who is behind them. >> by and large we see chinese organized crime behind black-market marijuana. >> reporter: donovan says some criminal growers are also laundering millions through a deadly or drug trade. the law enforcement figured out that the chinese were running illegal marijuana grows by following the fentanyl supply chain. >> that's correct. >> reporter: wow. a dangerous network hiding out in an unlikely corner of america. nicole sganga, cbs news, machias, maine. >> norah: that's eye-opening. "heart of america" is next. so his doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪as you go with austedo♪ austedo xr significantly reduced dan's td movements.

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3:57 pm

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pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. ♪ ♪ >> norah: finally, tonight's "heart of america," honoring this year's selection for the library of congress' national recording registry. 25 audio recordings that carry special cultural and historic importance for the nation. ♪ ♪ ♪ see that girl ♪ ♪ watch that scene ♪ ♪ digging the dancing queen ♪ >> norah: lets go, abba's "dancing queen "featured on

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their 1976 album "arrival." others that made the cut, blondie, that's a good song, green day, the notorious b.i.g., gene autry and his 1949 classic "rudolph the red-nosed reindeer," and bobby mcferrin, number one hit. ♪ don't worry ♪ ♪ be happy ♪ that's a good one. the recordings will now be preserved for future generations to enjoy, and you can find the full list at the library of congress, and the defining songs of our nation. that's tonight's "heart of america." music is >> announcer: a tenant they couldn't evict... >> judge judy: when was the last time you paid rent? >> uh... >> judge judy: she's a hustler. >> announcer: ...and the animals... >> judge judy: you have dogs? >> yes. >> announcer: ...that should have left with her. >> these dogs attacked me without really barking, anything. they just jumped on me. >> judge judy: the smaller dog bit you. >> yes. >> judge judy: where? >> on my foot. i had to go to the er, get my shots. she never came up to apologize. >> announcer: "judge judy."

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you are about to enter the courtroom you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution jerry napolitano and his girlfriend, elke koch, are suing their former tenant, michelle dominick, for car damage and a dog attack. >> byrd: order! all rise! this is case number 160 on the calendar in the matter of napalitano/koch vs. dominick. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome, judge. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. >> i'm going to start with you, ms. dominick. >> yes. >> judge judy: you are the tenant of the plaintiffs, is that correct? >> that's correct. >> judge judy: how long have you been their tenant? >> i believe since april. >> judge judy: april of this year? >> yes. >> judge judy: what kind of premises are you renting from them? >> it's the bottom half of the property. it's a cabin. >> judge judy: it's a house... >> yes. >> judge judy: ...not an apartment. >> no.

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A weeknight survey of major news stories, human-interest segments and interviews with newsmakers, anchored by Norah O'Donnell.

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CBS Evening News With Norah O'Donnell : KPIX : April 16, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)
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