How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 16, 2024

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Benefits of mood boards


Types of mood boards


Sources of inspiration


Methods of collection


Principles of organization


Tips for presentation


Here’s what else to consider

Mood boards are visual collections of images, colors, fonts, textures, and other elements that represent the style, tone, and mood of a design project. They can be a powerful tool for graphic designers to communicate their design concepts to clients, especially in the early stages of the creative process. In this article, you will learn how mood boards can help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients, and what steps you can take to create and present them.

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How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (1)

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  • Daryn Rowley Design + illustration that MOVES people | Print + Digital | Children's Author

    How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (3) 1

  • Vikram Swami Team Lead - Design at Tata1mg

    How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (5) 1

How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (6) How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (7) How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (8)

1 Benefits of mood boards

Mood boards can help you communicate design concepts to clients in several ways. First, they can help you clarify your own vision and direction for the project, and avoid wasting time and resources on irrelevant or inconsistent ideas. Second, they can help you convey the emotional and aesthetic aspects of your design, which are often hard to explain with words alone. Third, they can help you engage your clients in the creative process, and get their feedback and approval before moving on to more detailed and technical stages.

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  • Daryn Rowley Design + illustration that MOVES people | Print + Digital | Children's Author
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    Mood boards are useful and can set the stage for more assets, promotions, strategies. I use them in brand design. Clients love them.A client speaks of their goals, values, ideal market, etc. This starts to set a TONE. We talk about colors—relevancy, emotions they stir. Help draw out their distinctions from competition.In a designer's head, a creative process can start with metaphor, symbolism, prompting ideas, visuals. A certain atmosphere is being cultivated. It finds a mood that helps convey a message and inspire emotions. We can recreate this atmosphere with a mood board. A designer is a translator and needs to explain their language too. It stimulates feedback, shows that your vision is aligned, creative, consistent and inspiring.


    How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (17) 1

  • Vikram Swami Team Lead - Design at Tata1mg
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    Mood boards are powerful tools for translating abstract ideas into tangible concepts, enhancing client communication. They offer a visual roadmap, clarifying project vision and avoiding missteps. Mood boards also evoke emotions, aiding in conveying design aesthetics beyond words. Moreover, they foster client engagement, inviting feedback early to refine ideas. Ultimately, mood boards bridge the gap between imagination and reality, ensuring a shared vision and smoother project progression.


    How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (26) 1

  • benish wallayat Graphic Designer
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    Mood boards are like visual collages that help show what a design will feel like. They gather images, colors, textures, and fonts that represent the vibe or mood of a design idea. When you show these to clients, it's easier for them to understand your vision because they can see it instead of just hearing about it. It's like showing a preview or a sneak peek of the final product. Clients can quickly grasp the overall style and direction you're going for, which makes communication clearer and helps everyone get on the same page.


    How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (35) 3

  • Aneena Elza Binod Exploring All Things Creative
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    Mood boards are a non-negotiable when it comes to the design process. They stimulate discussion and collaboration, enabling clients to provide feedback and input early in the design process, ultimately leading to more successful outcomes.


    How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (44) 2

  • Ghulam Yaseen Freelancer/ Graphic Designer / Video Editor
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    Mood boards are like visual roadmaps that can help clients understand the overall look, feel, and atmosphere of a design concept. By compiling images, colors, textures, and typography samples, mood boards provide a tangible reference point for discussions, helping clients visualize the direction of the project and ensuring everyone is on the same page creatively.


    How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (53) 2

  • Patrick Gawande Graphic Designer | Generative AI | UI/UX Designer
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    I think mood boards are great for generating ideas and experimenting with various styles, colors, textures, and other visual components that can be used in the design process. By outlining the general style and tone of a project in the beginning, mood boards aid in establishing focus and clarity. All design elements need to conform to the intended mood, tone, and message, and they serve as a reference point for decision-making.


    How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (62) 2

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    Mood boards are powerful tools that visually organize ideas, colors, and textures to convey a specific mood or theme. They serve as creative catalysts, helping individuals or teams align on a cohesive vision for a project.By compiling images, patterns, and text in a single board, they provide a tangible reference point, fostering better communication and understanding among collaborators. Mood boards spark inspiration, streamline decision-making, and ensure a unified direction, making them invaluable in design, marketing, and various creative processes.


    How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (71) 2


2 Types of mood boards

When creating a mood board, there are various types to consider depending on the project and client preferences. Physical mood boards are made with physical materials, such as paper, fabric, or objects, arranged on a board or wall. These can be useful for tangible products or spaces, or for clients who prefer to see and touch the elements in person. Digital mood boards are created with digital tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, or online platforms to collect and organize images, colors, fonts, and other elements on a screen. They can be beneficial for web or graphic design projects or clients who prefer to view and share the mood boards online. Lastly, interactive mood boards use digital tools to add interactivity and animation like links, videos, or slideshows. These can prove valuable for user experience or interface design projects or when clients want to see how the design elements work together in action.

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  • muhammad ibrahim Social Media marketing manager | Graphics Designer | Content Writing
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    Mood boards manifest in various forms, each tailored for distinct creative purposes. The collage-style board involves the assembly of images, textures, and colors to communicate a broad aesthetic or theme. Digital mood boards leverage online tools for collaborative curation and easy sharing. Storyboard-style boards organize visuals sequentially, resembling a narrative for conveying project progression. Monochromatic mood boards focus on a single color palette to evoke specific moods, while texture and material-based boards incorporate tactile elements like fabric samples. This diverse array of mood board types offers designers and teams a versatile toolkit for expressing and refining their creative ideas effectively.


    How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (80) 1

  • Umar Bhatti 🎨 Graphic Designer | 🎬 Motion Designer | 🌟 Passionate about visual storytellingI create captivating designs and animations that leave a lasting impact. Let’s connect! 🚀
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    Mood boards serve as a visual language that bridges the gap between a designer's vision and a client's understanding. Physical mood boards can engage the client's senses, making the design concept more relatable. Digital mood boards offer flexibility and accessibility, streamlining the revision process and collaboration. Interactive mood boards are particularly effective in demonstrating dynamic content and user interaction, which is crucial for digital interfaces. Each type caters to different needs and can be chosen based on the project's nature and the client's comfort with technology.


    How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (89) 1

  • Chris Miller Brand and Web Developer | Crafting Engaging Digital Experiences
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    Mood boards do not need to take up considerable time and resources. There are plenty of online tools for creating quick mood boards and collections - Pinterest being one of the most recognisable. However, sometimes simply gathering some screenshots and images is enough to align ideas with a client. I often find myself in conversations with clients who have seen something they like and want a version of it for themselves. A simple screenshot is all it takes to both be on the same page.


    How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (98) 1

  • Motakabbir Hossan Freelance Graphic Designer @ Self-employed | Graphic Design, Adobe Creative Cloud
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    Physical: Ideal for tangible projects or clients who value hands-on interaction. Think fabrics, textures, and objects pinned to a board.Digital: The go-to for screen-based design or those who need easy sharing. Images, fonts, and colors combine on a digital canvas.Interactive: Adds links, animations, or videos. These work well when showcasing user flows or experiences for websites or interactive projects.


3 Sources of inspiration

Creating a mood board requires finding sources of inspiration that are relevant to your project and your client's goals. Start by reviewing the client's brief and identifying key words, themes, and messages that need to be incorporated in the design concept. Then, research the client's brand history, mission, values, products, services, and competitors to understand how they want to present themselves in the market. Additionally, ask questions to get a sense of the client's personal taste and style or the decision-makers' preferences. Finally, explore your own ideas, sketches, and drafts to add your own creative input to the project.

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    Inspiration for creating a mood board can come from a wide range of sources. Here are some common sources to consider when gathering ideas for your mood board. Natural elements such as landscapes, plants, flowers, and textures can inspire color schemes, patterns, and overall aesthetics.Fashion magazines, runway shows, and clothing styles can provide inspiration for textures, color combinations, and the overall visual mood.Explore various art forms, including paintings, sculptures, graphic design, and digital art. Artistic techniques, color palettes, and unique visual concepts can be adapted to your mood board.Look at photography collections, especially those that capture emotions, moods, or specific atmospheres.


    How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (115) 1

  • muhammad ibrahim Social Media marketing manager | Graphics Designer | Content Writing
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    Creativity finds inspiration in diverse sources: the intricate patterns of nature, the rich history of art and design, literature's narrative depth, the cultural tapestry of travel, and the authenticity of personal experiences. Conversations with diverse voices, technological innovations, musical rhythms, fashion trends, architectural designs, and societal issues contribute to the ever-evolving pool of inspiration. Additionally, curated content online, dreams, and the visual narratives of film and photography further enrich the tapestry from which creativity draws its vitality.

  • M. M. Quigg liturgical textile design and seamstress at Self-employed
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    Mood boards are a great way to immerse yourself in a project. Colors, fonts, photos, styles---all can be shared with a client for an immediate response to the direction you are heading in for a project. So many are visual thinkers and inspiration can be captured and shared with images. It means stepping off on the right foot for many projects because you have the client's vibe in mind.

  • Motakabbir Hossan Freelance Graphic Designer @ Self-employed | Graphic Design, Adobe Creative Cloud
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    Making a great mood board means finding the right pieces to tell the design story. Here's where to start:Dig into the project: The client's description of the project, along with their website, will give you key words and the feeling they want to create.Don't forget your own ideas: Those early sketches or notes? They could be the perfect starting point for your mood board.Ask the client questions: Get a sense of what they like and don't like. Simple questions like "Do you prefer bright colors or softer ones?" make a big difference.

  • Asa Sanon-Jules IBM Licensed Quantum Practitioner, Audience Development Specialist and Capital Markets Researcher( x-CoinDesk ) ( x-Yup ) | Crypto Content Development, Community Management, Brand Strategy
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    Moodboards play a crucial role in aligning creative visions with practical considerations like budget, location, and lighting. By compiling images, color schemes, textures, and visual references, moodboards provide a tangible framework for understanding the aesthetic direction of a project. They help stakeholders visualize the desired atmosphere, facilitating discussions on budget allocation by providing a clear roadmap for resource allocation. Additionally, moodboards aid in selecting appropriate locations by highlighting settings that complement the desired mood and style. Moreover, they inform decisions regarding lighting setups, ensuring that the chosen ambiance is effectively conveyed.


4 Methods of collection

When creating a mood board, you need to use methods that suit your type of mood board and your sources of inspiration. Scanning or photographing physical materials, such as paper, fabric, or objects, is one way to collect elements for digital or interactive mood boards. Alternatively, you can download or save digital materials from online sources and use them for digital or interactive mood boards. Furthermore, creating or editing custom-made materials with tools such as Photoshop or Illustrator is another option for creating digital or interactive mood boards. All of these methods can also be used to create physical mood boards after being printed out.

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  • Patrick Gawande Graphic Designer | Generative AI | UI/UX Designer
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    To see ideas, compositions, layouts, and graphic components in a design, make a drawing, diagram, illustration, or sketch experiment with various ideas and styles of art using traditional drawing tools or digital alternatives either digital colour palettes, paint chips, samples, or swatches of various colours found in design books, paint stores, or on the internet. Try out various colour schemes, gradients, and combinations to find the best for the project. In order to delve into the artistic movements, design trends, cultural influences, historical contexts, and reference materials that shape the design concept, one should consult art books, design magazines, historical archives, cultural artefacts, and other relevant material.


    How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (156) 1

  • muhammad ibrahim Social Media marketing manager | Graphics Designer | Content Writing
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    Collection methods vary, each tailored to specific needs. Surveys and questionnaires gather quantitative data through standardized questions. Interviews delve into qualitative insights through direct conversations. Observational methods systematically record behaviors in natural settings. Experiments establish causal relationships with controlled variables. Case studies provide in-depth insights into specific instances, and archival research taps into existing records. Digital methods like web scraping and social media analysis offer real-time data. These diverse methods empower researchers to gather information effectively, adapting to the unique requirements of each study.

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    Collect images and photographs that represent the overall look and feel you want to achieve. These could include pictures of nature, architecture, people, fashion, or any other relevant visuals.Include color swatches or a color palette that reflects the color scheme you envision for the project. This helps convey the intended mood and atmosphere through color choices.Incorporate textures and patterns that align with the design concept. This could include images of fabrics, materials, or any surface patterns that contribute to the overall aesthetic.If typography is a crucial element in your design, include samples of fonts or typography styles that you plan to use. This helps convey the intended vibe of the text.


5 Principles of organization

To organize the elements that you have collected in your mood board, you need to use principles that reflect your design concept and your client's needs and preferences. Color, shape, texture, and theme can all be used to create contrast, harmony, balance, symmetry, depth, dimension, movement, coherence, relevance, and uniqueness in your mood board. Additionally, these principles can help convey the mood and tone, style and direction, feel and quality, as well as idea and purpose of your design concept.

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  • muhammad ibrahim Social Media marketing manager | Graphics Designer | Content Writing
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    Fundamental to effective structures in various contexts, organizational principles form the bedrock of clarity and simplicity. Hierarchy establishes order, guiding through importance and relationships. Consistency fosters cohesion, creating a unified experience. Balance ensures equilibrium, preventing overload. Alignment emphasizes harmony, promoting order. Proximity groups related elements, aiding comprehension. Whether in design, writing, or communication, these principles collectively enhance clarity, understanding, and visual appeal in well-organized systems.


    How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (181) 1

  • Daniellia M. Art Director and Designer | Columbia College Chicago | MAIP Alumn
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    Integrating the principles of hierarchy, purpose, and whitespace into a cohesive approach can enhance the effectiveness and visual appeal of a mood board. By establishing a clear visual hierarchy, you guide the client's eye to the most important elements, seamlessly conveying the primary message and concept of the theme you're presenting. The strategic use of whitespace and negative space reinforces this hierarchy, and can further emphasize the purpose and intent of each component. Utilizing these principles together can help you as a designer maintain focus and clarity, and facilitate the communication of mood and visual concepts to clients in an effective manner.


6 Tips for presentation

When presenting your mood board to your client, there are several tips that can help enhance communication and collaboration. Explain the process of creating the mood board, including sources of inspiration and methods of collection, as well as principles of organization. Highlight the main elements, colors, fonts, textures, and themes that represent the design concept and how they align with the client's brief, brand, and preferences. Invite feedback from the client to express their likes and dislikes and show respect and openness. This will help engage them in the creative process and build trust and rapport.

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  • Hassan Ur Rehman UI/UX Designer | Content Creator | Web Manager | Social Media Strategist | Transforming digital experiences with passion
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    Mood boards help graphic designers effectively communicate design concepts by visually presenting color schemes, typography, imagery, and textures. They enable clients to easily visualize the proposed direction, leading to clearer communication, constructive feedback, and alignment of expectations. Additionally, mood boards serve as reference points throughout the design process, ensuring consistency and client satisfaction.

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    Mood boards are a valuable tool for designers to convey their vision, foster collaboration, and create a shared understanding with clients. They play a crucial role in the early stages of a project, setting the tone for the design direction and facilitating a smoother and more effective communication process.


7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Patrick Gawande Graphic Designer | Generative AI | UI/UX Designer
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    Typography is also important, start by collecting a set of typefaces, letter styles, and other typographic examples from resources such as design websites, books, and type foundries. To express diverse emotions, personas, and visual identities, use a wide range of typefaces, sizes, styles, and letterforms.


    How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (214) 1

  • Matheus Migliorini Prefeitura municipal de Arapongas
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    Os quadros de humor podem ser uma excelente ferramenta para o designer e seu cliente alinharem as ideias, sendo assim o profissional de design deve dominar essa tecnica pois é muito importante.


  • Ryan Hannebaum Associate Design Director @ VML | Co-founder, ParPoints Golf
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    You should consider that an argument can be made that mood boards aren't meant to help you convey a concept to a client directly, but rather used as a tool for yourself as you craft a true conceptual design to share out. Every client is different, so use your judgment, but be open to the possibility that a mood board may not resonate with your particular client at all.


Graphic Design How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (231)

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How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? (2024)


How can mood boards help you effectively communicate design concepts to clients? ›

Mood boards help graphic designers effectively communicate design concepts by visually presenting color schemes, typography, imagery, and textures. They enable clients to easily visualize the proposed direction, leading to clearer communication, constructive feedback, and alignment of expectations.

What is the purpose of a mood board in the design process? ›

Mood boards serve many purposes, starting with organizing a project's inspiration. They're a valuable resource to help keep the style and aesthetic of a project consistent with a client's goals and expectations. They're also an excellent way to refine a project's style before diving into the actual design process.

What are the benefits of a moodboard? ›

Moodboards are a great way to brainstorm, get creative and begin to get an idea of what you want to achieve and where you want your design choices to go. At its core, a moodboard is simply an arrangement of images, text, and other design elements that reflect the desired style or concept of your project.

Why is mood important in design? ›

Mood boards are a vital component of the interior design process, acting as a visual guide that enables designers to effectively communicate their vision, inspire clients, and streamline decision-making.

Why mood board is important in fashion design? ›

The fashion mood board helps you find your inspiration. It will help you refine your ideas. You might think that you have a strong idea in your head, but by putting it in front of you, a mood board will give you the clarity you need before you start designing and getting all the materials.

What are two purposes of a mood board? ›

In short, mood boards are not limited to interior decorating purposes, but serve as a visual tool to quickly inform others of the overall "feel" (or "flow") of an idea. In creative processes, mood boards can balance coordination and creative freedom. Mood boards can be used in marketing for advertisem*nts and branding.

How does an interior designer use a mood board when working with clients? ›

In residential design services, mood boards are often used to communicate ideas and collaborate with clients, allowing them to see and provide feedback on the proposed design. Mood boards can be especially helpful in Connecticut interiors, where the changing seasons and natural surroundings provide endless inspiration.

Why are concept boards important? ›

Concept boards can also be used as a tool to help sell a design idea to a client. Mood boards are an essential part of the design process for any designer, but they are especially important for interior decorators. That's because interior design is all about creating a certain feeling or mood in a space.

What is mood board for concept? ›

A mood board is a visual tool that conveys what is felt about a particular design idea. It can be a collection of images, videos, texts, and other visual elements. In comparison, a concept board provides the starting point for a creative process. Mood boards are generally more common.

How do you present a mood board effectively? ›

In this article, we will explore the key elements of a successful mood board presentation, and how to avoid some common pitfalls.
  1. 1 Know your audience. ...
  2. 2 Choose the right format. ...
  3. 3 Tell a story. ...
  4. 4 Explain your choices. ...
  5. 5 Invite feedback. ...
  6. 6 Follow up. ...
  7. 7 Here's what else to consider.
Mar 27, 2023

What are the disadvantages of a moodboard? ›

The disadvantages of the moodboard
  • Moodboards only show one angle. All of the images on a moodboard are static and only provide one point of view. ...
  • Moodboards can't mimic lighting. ...
  • Moodboards lack realism.

What is a mood board examples? ›

In short, a mood board is a collection of content to translate an idea or thought visually. A mood board sets a specific tone for anything. Whether you're building a new product, a campaign, or a brand, a mood board can communicate ideas using shared design references.

What is the difference between mood board and inspiration board? ›

Here's a handy way to think about the difference between mood boards and inspiration boards: Mood Boards = feeling, conceptualized, psychological. Inspiration Boards = details, colors, textures, specifics.

What are the two types of mood board? ›

There are two types of ad mood boards: digital or physical. It's completely up to you and your working style to choose the one that best fits your marketing campaigns.

Why does an interior designer start the design process with a mood board? ›

Mood boards are key in interior design because the actual (physical) samples and swatches give you the best look at color, texture, and provide a tactile experience with how the elements in a room work together.

When should a mood board be made? ›

Starting the design process with a mood board is a good idea for two reasons: 1) Mood boards help you. Gathering some ideas and inspiration before you actually start designing can streamline the design process and cut down the time you spend staring at a blank screen.

What is a mood board in interior design? ›

A mood board is a collection of images, materials, and other design elements that represent the look, feel, and emotion you want for your home or office. It can be a great way to get inspired and start putting together the design elements you'll need to achieve the look you're going for.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.