MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (2024)

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (1) Archer can advanced as a Bow Master or Marksman. This specific job route is determined when you reach Level 30. For this job, you will undergo as Crossbowman (2nd Job Advancement), Sniper (3rd Job Advancement) and Marksman (4th Job Advancement).

Marksman Overview

CLASS: Adventurer/Explorer
PRIMARY WEAPON: Crossbow, Crossbow Arrow
MAPLE UNION EFFECT: Critical Rate +1/2/3/4/5%
BEST INNER ABILITY: Attack Speed +1, Attack +30
JOB SKILLS: I: ArcherII: CrossbowmanIII: SniperIV: MarksmanHyper SkillsV: Marksman

Marksman Pros and Cons


  • Sharp eye (crit damage +15% and Critical Rate +20%) is an awesome party buff!
  • High base Critical rate and critical damage
  • 3rd job Aggressive resistance reduces damage from regular attacks by 60%, meaning you will seldom die while training.
  • Has both a flash jump, and a vertical double jump.
  • Has very adequate %ignore defense, no need to cube specifically for it.
  • Bullseye shot hyper skill synergizes nicely with 5th job buff Perfect Shot
  • Very high skill % damage, meaning you will almost always out damage your friends with similar range.
  • Has 12 second invincibility skill, and a 3rd job hero’s will.
  • High % skills allowing you to farm in Twilight Perion early with Pierce arrow.
  • Overall best archer for mobbing and best bossing mid-ranged funding.
  • Mastering Double Jump would help you to pick up how much you should move your character by, which helps you in control for bossing.
  • Using Hookshot after you jump makes you feel like Spiderman when you slide across the map.
  • During the movement of Hookshot, you are invincible for that few milliseconds!
  • Mastering the judgement of knowing how far you are from your monsters can maximise your damage alot. A bonus of making you a true archer which shoots from afar.
  • Skills have stable percentages of occurring, unlike Bowmasters’ quiver changes
  • 5th Job Split Arrow makes you a very powerful mobber.


  • Attacking hyper skill is near useless for bosses, deals less damage than snipe.
  • Most area of effect skills are horrifyingly linear, making mobbing pre 5th job a chore.
  • Attack speed is sluggish when you only have booster.
  • Low attack range in stat window means soul summon damage is significantly worse than other classes.
  • Relies on weak 3rd job skill to mob vertically in some situations.
  • Damage is heavily influenced by distance away from mob.
  • Going up in range is extremely hard due to lack of Attack% buff skills.
  • Frostprey is not a good skill for Marksman. Its attacking range does not extend to monsters that are further away.
  • Double Jump is difficult to control and hard to predict how high you will go.
  • Awkward movement speed of 130 and jump still remaining at base 100.
  • Hookshot sometimes does not bring you across the map despite it already hooking onto a monster.
  • Difficult to gauge your distance from monsters.
  • Mobbing is terrible despite having Piercing Arrow.

Archer 1st Job Skills

Please refer to Archer 1st Job Skill Build Guide as it is shared by Bow Master and Marksman.

Crossbowman – Archer 2nd Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (2) Iron Arrow (Active)
Fires a steel arrow that can penetrate enemy defenses.
Level 1: MP Cost: 11, Damage: 279%, Max Enemies Hit: 6
Level 20: MP Cost: 15, Damage: 450%, Max Enemies Hit: 6

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (3) Rangefinder | Distancing Sense (Passive)
When attacking nearby enemies, increases your Ignore Defense Rate. When attacking far away enemies, increases your total damage.
Level 1: Based on distance 200, when closer than 18 the Ignore Defense Rate increases by 3% up to a max of 20%. The farther the distance, damage increases by 4% up to a max of 30%

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (4) Net Toss | Net Throwing (Active)
Throws a net on enemies, limiting their movements and inflicting damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 12, Attack up to 8 enemies with 161% damage 2 times. 100% chance to stop enemies for 6 sec. For bosses, it lasts for half as long and their movement speed is reduced by 50%. Cooldown: 5 sec
Level 10: MP Cost: 21, Attack up to 8 enemies with 215% damage 2 times. 100% chance to stop enemies for 10 sec. For bosses, it lasts for half as long and their movement speed is reduced by 50%. Cooldown: 5 sec

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (5) Crossbow Booster (Supportive)
Required Skill: Crossbow Mastery (5)
Uses MP to temporarily increase the attack speed of your Crossbow by 2 levels.
Level 1: MP Cost: 29, Duration: ??? sec.
Level 10: MP Cost: 11, Duration: 300 sec.

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (6) Soul Arrow: Crossbow (Supportive)
Increases Attack Power and allows you to use a Crossbow without using arrows for a short time.
Level 1: MP Cost: 13, Attack Power: +11, Duration: ??? sec, able to attack without using arrows.
Level 20: MP Cost: 22, Attack Power: +30, Duration: 300 sec, able to attack without using arrows.

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (7) Crossbow Mastery (Passive)
Increases crossbow weapon mastery and accuracy.
Level 1: Crossbow Mastery: +14%, Accuracy: +12
Level 10: Crossbow Mastery: +50%, Accuracy: +120

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (8) Final Attack: Crossbow (Passive)
Required Skill: Crossbow Mastery (3)
Grants a chance to deal additional damage after an attack. Must have a crossbow equipped.
Level 1: Proc Rate: 2%, Damage: 100%
Level 20: Proc Rate: 40%, Damage: 150%

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (9) Physical Training (Passive)
Improves STR and DEX permanently through physical training.
Level 1: Permanently increase STR by 6 and DEX by 6.
Level 5: Permanently increase STR by 30 and DEX by 30.

Crossbowman – Archer 2nd Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed except Iron Arrow.
0. Rangefinder is auto-maxed.
1. Iron Arrow, Soul Arrow: Crossbow (1)
2. Crossbow Mastery (MAX)
3. Crossbow Booster (3)
4. Soul Arrow: Crossbow (MAX)
5. Physical Training (MAX)
6. Iron Arrow (19/20)
7. Crossbow Booster (MAX)
8. Final Attack: Crossbow (MAX)
9. Net Toss (MAX)

Crossbowman – Archer 2nd Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed except Iron Arrow.
0. Distancing Sense is auto-maxed.
1. Iron Arrow, Soul Arrow: Crossbow (1)
2. Crossbow Mastery (MAX)
3. Crossbow Booster (3)
4. Soul Arrow: Crossbow (MAX)
5. Physical Training (MAX)
6. Iron Arrow (19/20)
7. Crossbow Booster (MAX)
8. Final Attack: Crossbow (MAX)
9. Net Throwing (MAX)

Sniper – Archer 3rd Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (10) Explosive Bolt | Bolt Rupture
Fires an arrow that sends multiple bolts in all directions on impact. The enemy struck by the initial arrow takes additional damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 12, attack up to 8 enemies with 548% damage. 143% additional damage to the first target.
Level 20: MP Cost: 18, attack up to 8 enemies with 700% damage. 200% additional damage to the first target.

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (11) Dragon’s Breath
Draws upon the spirit of the dragon to fire an arrow of tremendous force that pushes enemies away. Its effect increases with each enemy it pierces. Note: Pierce effect is 1.2x per monster, identical to Pierce.
Level 1: MP Cost: 20, Max Enemies Hit: 9, Damage: 453%
Level 10: MP Cost: 28, Max Enemies Hit: 9, Damage: 525%

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (12) Freezer | Frostprey (Element: Ice)
Temporarily summons Freezer to deal Ice damage to up to 4 monsters. Permanently increases weapon and magic defense.
Level 1: MP Cost: 43, Duration: 76 sec, Damage: 228%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Freeze Duration: 1 sec, Passive Effect – Weapon and Magic Defense: +3%
Level 10: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 220 sec, Damage: 390%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Freeze Duration: 3 sec, Passive Effect – Weapon and Magic Defense: +30%

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (13) Reckless Hunt: Crossbow | Extreme Archery: Crossbow (Toggle On/Off)
[Toggle Skill] Reduce your weapon and magic avoid to increase your critical hit rate and critical damage.
Level 1: Weapon and Magic Avoid: -5%, Maximum Critical Damage: +7%
Level 10: Weapon and Magic Avoid: -50%, Maximum Critical Damage: +25%

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (14) Pain Killer
Consume herbs collected from your travels to escape status effects. Permanently improves your status effect and elemental resistances.
Level 1: MP Cost: 31, Status Effect Cancel, Duration: 1 sec, Status Effect Immunity – Cooldown Time: 642 sec, Passive Effect – Status Effect and Elemental Resistance: +1%
Level 20: MP Cost: 50, Status Effect Cancel, Duration: 1 sec, Status Effect Immunity – Cooldown Time: 300 sec, Passive Effect – Status Effect and Elemental Resistance: +20%

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (15) Hookshot | Schutike Eisen (Active)
Fire a hook at the furthest enemy within range, dealing damage and pulling yourself behind it. While moving, you cannot take touch damage. Permanently increases your max HP.
Level 1: MP Cost: 12, Damage: 116%, Passive Effect – Max HP: +4%
Level 10: MP Cost: 21, Damage: 170%, Passive Effect – Max HP: +40%

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (16) Evasion Boost (Passive)
Improves your chances to dodge enemy attacks. When you succeed, your attacks for the next 1 second will be Critical Hits.
Note: Evasion Rate is the rate at which a character avoids damage by its Avoidability stat, i.e. 50% chance to Avoid from stat with 20% Evasion Rate = 50 * 1.2 = 60% chance to Avoid
Level 1: Evasion Rate: +12%, Avoid success, all attacks for 1 sec will be Critical Hits
Level 10: Evasion Rate: +30%, Avoid success, all attacks for 1 sec will be Critical Hits

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (17) Marksmanship (Passive)
When attacking, ignore some of the monster’s defense. Permanently increases accuracy and damage.
Level 1: Defense Ignored: 6%, Accuracy: +6%, Total Damage: +5%
Level 20: Defense Ignored: 25%, Accuracy: +25%, Total Damage: +15%

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (18) Mortal Blow (Passive)
Has a chance of dealing powerful damage, and recovering HP & MP.
Level 1: Grants a 1% chance when attacking to deal 2% increased damage to an enemy. 1% Max HP & MP recovered when triggered.
Level 10: Grants a 10% chance when attacking to deal 20% increased damage to an enemy. 1% Max HP & MP recovered when triggered.

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (19) Aggressive Resistance | Damage Reversing (Passive)
Absorb some of the damage you deal, temporarily creating a barrier that will block damage taken. Rather than stacking the effect, each attack will renew the barrier.
Level 1: Every 8 sec, 2% of damage done converted into a shield, absorbing 6% damage taken – Maximum HP Absorbed: 11%
Level 10: Every 8 sec, 20% of damage done converted into a shield, absorbing 60% damage taken – Maximum HP Absorbed: 65%

Sniper – Archer 3rd Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed except Explosive Bolt.
1. Hookshot, Dragon’s Breath, Explosive Bolt (1)
2. Freezer (1)
3. Reckless Hunt: Crossbow (MAX)
4. Marksmanship (MAX)
5. Explosive Bolt (14/20)
6. Freezer (MAX)
7. Hookshot (MAX)
8. Mortal Blow (MAX)
9. Aggressive Resistance (MAX)
10. Evasion Boost (MAX)
11. Pain Killer (MAX)
12. Dragon’s Breath (MAX)

Sniper – Archer 3rd Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed except Bolt Rupture.
1. Schutike Eisen, Dragon’s Breath, Bolt Rupture (1)
2. Frostprey (1)
3. Extreme Archery: Crossbow (MAX)
4. Marksmanship (MAX)
5. Bolt Rupture (14/20)
6. Frostprey (MAX)
7. Schutike Eisen (MAX)
8. Mortal Blow (MAX)
9. Damage Reversing (MAX)
10. Evasion Boost (MAX)
11. Pain Killer (MAX)
12. Dragon’s Breath (MAX)

Marksman – Archer 4th Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (20) Last Man Standing
Attacks against a lone target do much more damage.
Level 1: When the skill hits a single target, if there are no monsters within 80 units of the enemy’s left and right, final damage increases by 2%
Level 10: When the skill hits a single target, if there are no monsters within 80 units of the enemy’s left and right, final damage increases by 20%

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (21) Bolt Surplus
Increases the number of attacks for all multi-hit skills. Also increases Rangefinder’s Ignore Defense Rate and maximum damage increase.
Level 1: Increases the number of attacks for all multi-hit skills by 1. Rangefinder’s Max Ignore DEF increases by 21%. Final Damage Boost increases by 31%
Level 10: Increases the number of attacks for all multi-hit skills by 1. Rangefinder’s Max Ignore DEF increases by 30%. Final Damage Boost increases by 40%

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (22) Piercing Arrow
Fires an arrow. Its effect increases with each enemy it hits.
Level 1: MP Cost: 24, Damage: 205%, Max Enemies Penetrated: 6, Number of Attacks: 4, final damage increases by 20% at every pierce and damage is doubled.
Level 30: MP Cost: 42, Damage: 350%, Max Enemies Penetrated: 6, Number of Attacks: 4, final damage increases by 20% at every pierce and damage is doubled.

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (23) Vital Hunter
The further you are from your enemy, the lower their defenses will be.
Level 1: 1% Defense ignored at minimum distance. Increases by 1% per 40 distance. Able to ignore up to 31%
Level 20: 10% Defense ignored at minimum distance. Increases by 4% per 40 distance. Able to ignore up to 50%

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (24) Crossbow Expert
Pre-requisite: Level 10 Crossbow Mastery
Increases Crossbow Mastery, Weapon Attack, and Maximum Critical Damage.
Level 1: Crossbow Mastery: 56%, Weapon ATT: +1, Maximum Critical Damage: +1%
Level 30: Crossbow Mastery: 70%, Weapon ATT: +30, Maximum Critical Damage: +15%

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (25) Arrow Illusion
Summons an arrow illusion for a short time to draw enemies in and damage them. If you get hit during the skill, you will launch a powerful counterattack. Not affected by attack reflection.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, summon Arrow Illusion with 27500 HP for 30 sec. Deal 113% to surrounding enemies. After pulling in, Stun at 12% chance for 1 sec. When damage is taken, reflect 330% of damage. Cooldown: 20 sec.
Level 30: MP Cost: 70, summon Arrow Illusion with 100000 HP for 30 sec. Deal 200% to surrounding enemies. After pulling in, Stun at 70% chance for 4 sec. When damage is taken, reflect 1200% of damage. Cooldown: 20 sec.

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (26) Hero’s Will
By focusing your mind, you can ignore some abnormal status effects. However, this will not work on all abnormal status effects.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 600 sec.
Level 5: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 360 sec.

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (27) Snipe
Fires a carefully aimed shot to deal severe damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 340, Damage: 861%. Number of Attacks: 2, Enemy DEF Ignored: 2%, Bonus Critical Rate: 100%, Cooldown: 20 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 1470%. Number of Attacks: 2, Enemy DEF Ignored: 20%, Bonus Critical Rate: 100%, Cooldown: 5 sec

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (28) Illusion Step
Temporarily increases DEX and Evade significantly. Also permanently reduces damage received.
Level 1: Consume MP 20, for 68 sec agility 11 increased, 1% chance of additional evasion. Ppassive effect: received damage 2% reduced
Level 30: Consume MP 35, for 300 sec agility 40 increased, 30% chance of additional evasion. Passive effect: received damage 20% reduced

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (29) Sharp Eyes
Temporarily grants party members the ability to locate an enemy’s weak spot to deal fatal damage to that enemy.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Critical Rate: +6%, Max Critical Damage: +1%, Duration: 10 sec.
Level 30: MP Cost: 45, Critical Rate: +20%, Max Critical Damage: +15%, Duration: 300 sec.

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (30) Maple Warrior
Temporarily increases the stats of all party members.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, All Stats: +1%, Duration: 30 sec.
Level 30: MP Cost: 70, All Stats: +15%, Duration: 900 sec.

Marksman – Archer 4th Job Skill Build: Everything maxed.
1. Piercing Arrow, Snipe, Bolt Surplus, Vital Hunter, Arrow Illusion (1)
2. Bolt Surplus (MAX)
3. Crossbow Expert (MAX)
4. Piercing Arrow (MAX)
5. Sharp Eyes (MAX)
6. Illusion Step (MAX)
7. Snipe (MAX)
8. Arrow Illusion (MAX)
9. Last Man Standing (MAX)
10. Vital Hunter (MAX)
11. Maple Warrior (MAX)
12. Hero Will (MAX)

Marksman Hyper Skills (GMS | MSEA)

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (31) Snipe – Cooldown Cutter
Required Level: 143
Snipe’s Cooldown Time -100%

Snipe – Boss Rush
Required Level: 195
Increases damage when attacking Boss Monsters with Snipe. Damage Against Bosses: +10%

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (32) Snipe – Reinforce
Required Level: 195
Snipe Damage +20%

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (33) Piercing Arrow – Extra Strike
Required Level: 149
Piercing Arrow Number of Hits +1

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (34) Piercing Arrow – Reinforce
Required Level: 168
Piercing Arrow Damage +20%

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (35) Piercing Arrow – Spread
Required Level: 189
Piercing Arrow Max Enemies Hit +2

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (36) Sharp Eyes – Persist
Required Level: 143
Sharp Eyes Duration +30 sec

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (37) Sharp Eyes – Guardbreak
Required Level: 162
Sharp Eyes Ignore Enemy Defense +5%

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (38) Sharp Eyes – Critical Chance
Required Level: 183
Sharp Eyes Critical Hit Rate +5%

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (39) Bullseye Shot
Required Level: 150
Hone in on the enemy’s weak spot for a devastating shot.
Level 1: MP Cost: 200, Duration: 30 sec, Critical Rate: +20%, Max Critical Damage: +20%, Monster DEF Ignored: +20%, Damage: +20%
Cooldown: 90 sec

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (40) High Speed Shot
Required Level: 170
Fires off a focused shot that pierces all enemies within range.
Level 1: MP Cost: 300, Damage: 1350%, Number of Attacks: 2, Enemies Hit: 12, Cooldown: 15 sec

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (41) Epic Adventure
Required Level: 200
Call upon the bravery deep within to increase damage output and max damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 100, Duration: 60 sec, Damage: +10%, Max Damage: +10%, Cooldown: 120 sec. Applies to any Explorer class within the party.

Marksman Hyper Skill Build
1. Piercing Arrow – Reinforce (MAX)
2. Piercing Arrow – Extra Strike (MAX)
3. Snipe – Limit Break (MAX)
4. Snipe – Cooldown Cutter (MAX)
5. Snipe – Reinforce (MAX)
6. Bullseye Shot (MAX)
7. High Speed Shot (MAX)
8. Epic Adventure (MAX)

Check this Hyper Stats Guide for more details!

Marksman 5th Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)

Please refer to MapleStory 5th Job Skills Guide for more details on Skill Cores, Special Cores and Enhancement Cores!

Marksman Skill Cores

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (42) True Sniping
Accurately snipe enemies in your sights. Use your left mouse click to attack and right-click to cancel the skill.
Level 1: Consumes 1000 MP. Fire up to 6 arrows dealing 1248% damage 9 times on up to 12 enemies with an additional 100% critical rate and 100% defense ignore. Enemies closer to the centre of the scope will take increased damage, from 15% up to 100% based on the distance. You can aim for up to 12 seconds, during which you are invincible. You will also be invincible for 2 seconds after the skill ends. Cooldown: 180 seconds.
Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP. Fire up to 7 arrows dealing 2400% damage 9 times on up to 12 enemies with an additional 100% critical rate and 100% defense ignore. Enemies closer to the centre of the scope will take increased damage, from 15% up to 100% based on the distance. You can aim for up to 12 seconds, during which you are invincible. You will also be invincible for 2 seconds after the skill ends. Cooldown: 180 seconds.

MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (43) Split Arrow
Infuse your arrows with a mysterious aura, causing them to split into multiple arrows when they hit an enemy.
Level 1: Consumes 800 MP. For 60 seconds, when Piercing or Sniping hits an enemy, the arrow will split, dealing 624% damage 5 times on up to 10 enemies. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
Level 25: Consumes 800 MP. For 60 seconds, when Piercing or Sniping hits an enemy, the arrow will split, dealing 1200% damage 5 times on up to 10 enemies. Cooldown: 112 seconds.

Marksman Enhancement Cores

  • Final Attack: Crossbow (4% per level)
  • Iron Arrow (4% per level)
  • Net Throwing (4% per level)
  • Freezer (3% per level)
  • Dragon Pulse (3% per level)
  • Bolt Rupture (3% per level)
  • Steig Eisen (3% per level)
  • Piercing (2% per level)
  • Sniping (2% per level) [does not receive +1 monsters hit]
  • Long Range Trueshot (2% per level)

Marksman V-Matrix Skills Guide

Main V Skill: True Sniping
Trio #1: Snipe / Piercing Arrow / High Speed Shot
Trio #2: Bolt Rupture
Trio #3: Final Attack / Freezer
Note: Bolded = essential skill | Non-bolded = non-essential skill.

MapleStory Old to New Official Skill Names

Bishop 5th Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)

  • True Sniping → Perfect Shot | True Sniping
  • Split Arrow → ???

Additional Information

Marksman Changelog

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MapleStory Marksman Skill Build Guide - AyumiLove (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.