Should You Be Tracking Your Macros? (2024)

Calorie counts are probably the first thing you look at when you look at a nutrition facts label. However, to better understand a product or meal, it’s also helpful to look at macronutrients.

Food provides energy in the form of calories (which are actually called kilocalories). All foods provide calories, whether they have a nutrition label or not—and all foods have macros, too.


Macronutrients are defined as foods containing nutrients that your diet requires in large amounts. (Micronutrients, by contrast, are substances required in much smaller amounts, such as vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes.) The three macronutrients that humans need to survive and thrive are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats—you need all three, at least in some capacity.


Carbohydrates provide us with quick energy, especially during exercise and if we get hungry in between meals. When we eat carbs, they are converted to glucose (sugar) in our body and are either used immediately or stored as glycogen for later use.

Carbs also promote digestive health because carb-heavy foods are often packed with fiber. Some examples of foods high in carbohydrates include grains, potatoes, fruits, milk, and yogurt. Other foods like vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds also contain carbohydrates, but not as many as starchy foods do.


Proteins are the building blocks of many structures in our bodies. The protein we consume in our diet helps us grow, build muscle, repair injuries, produce hormones and enzymes, and fight illnesses, among other functions. Protein-packed foods include poultry, beef, fish, cheese, soy products, and some starches and vegetables.


Finally, fats are essential to almost all of our bodily processes. Dietary fat is required for our body to absorb any fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K) we consume. Fat is also essential for insulation during cold weather and allows us to go for long periods of time without eating. Plus, a certain level of body fat serves as a helpful energy reserve for endurance athletes.

Calories in Macros

Each macronutrient provides a particular amount of calories per gram.

Calories in Macronutrients

  • Carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram
  • Proteins provide 4 calories per gram
  • Fats provide 9 calories per gram

Alcohol, though not one of the macronutrients needed for survival, also provides calories. Each gram of alcohol provides 7 calories.

The Best Macro Ratio

The federal dietary recommendations suggest that 45% to 65% of daily calories come from carbohydrates, 25% to 35% of daily calories come from healthy fats, and that the remainder comes from proteins.

These recommendations are based on the fact that carbohydrates are the body’s main fuel source and the easiest way for the body to convert food into energy (compared to protein and fats). The fat recommendation stems from the essential regulation properties of dietary fat.

However, every person is different. Many people thrive on a low-carb diet, while others feel like they need more carbs to function. Similarly, some people may do well on a high-protein diet, and others might get an upset stomach from too much protein.

Determining your macronutrient ratio depends on your health and fitness goals, and how certain foods make you feel.

Please note that the following ranges are generalizations. Specific macro trackers will vary in the proportion ofmacrosthey recommend depending on the certain diet being followed.

Macros for Weight Loss

A good daily macronutrient ratio for weight loss or fat loss is:

  • Carbohydrates: 40% to 50%
  • Protein: 25% to 30%
  • Fat: 25% to 35%

Macros for Muscle Building

A good daily macronutrient ratio for building muscle or gaining weight is:

  • Carbohydrates: 50% to 60%
  • Protein: 25% to 35%
  • Fat: 10% to 15%

Macros for Maintenance

To maintain your current weight and body composition, a good macronutrient ratio to follow is:

  • Carbohydrates: 45% to 60%
  • Protein: 25% to 30%
  • Fat: 20% to 30%

Remember that although macronutrient ratios can be helpful, meeting weight-related health goals really comes down to energy balance. That is, you can look at what calories you're taking in versus the number of calories you burn.

In a very simplistic way, as long as you’re in a calorie deficit, you’ll lose weight; as long as you’re in a surplus, you’ll gain weight. But other factors play a role as well. For instance, foods like protein, fat, and fiber-rich carbohydrates will help you to feel full and satisfied longer than sugary simple-carbs. And some foods are more nutrient-dense than others, so your body will feel better and function better when you consume them.


The information above gives us macro ratios in percentages of total calories. However, nutrition information is given to us in grams, so we’ll want to figure out how many grams of each macronutrient to eat in a day.

There are two ways to calculate your macro ratio. One way that may be more difficult is by using an equation.

  1. First, determine how many calories you need in a day to reach your goal. Let's use 2,000 calories as an example.
  2. Determine your ratio. For instance, if you want to maintain your current weight, you'll use 50% carbohydrates, 25% protein, and 25% fat.
  3. Multiply your total calories by each percentage (don’t forget to move the decimal!). For example, 2,000 multiplied by .50 equals 1,000. So you get to eat 1,000 calories worth of carbs each day. That leaves you with 500 calories for protein (2,000 x .25) and 500 calories for fats (2,000 x .25).

Now you know how many calories worth of each food you'd get each day based on the example above. In terms of actual grams, we noted earlier that each macro offers a particular amount of calories per gram: 4 calories per gram of carbohydrates and protein, and 9 calories per gram of fat.

Since you now have the calorie amount, all you have to do is divide the calorie number by each macro’s respective gram number.

Based on the example above, this means 250 grams of carbs (1,000 divided by 4), 125 grams of protein (500 divided by 4), and 56 grams of fat (500 divided by 9).

Luckily, you don’t have to do that all by yourself. The web is home to many macro calculators that will do this for you.

Do I Need to Track?

In short, no. However, many people are interested in learning how to calculate and track their macros should they ever find it useful. Tracking macros is useful for losing weight, prepping for a bodybuilding show, optimizing athletic performance, and building muscle.

Tracking macros can also be helpful for those who wish to implement flexible dieting.

Flexible dieting is a term that refers to eating in such a way that no foods are off-limits as long as they fit within the allotted macros. Flexible dieting is great for people who don’t mind tracking their intake and don’t want to feel restricted by cutting out foods or food groups. This is cohesive with the calories-in/calories-out notion.

However, there’s no real reason for most people to track their macros. The principles of a healthy diet are pretty simple: eat mostly unprocessed or minimally processed foods, drink enough water, get enough sleep, and move your body at least a few minutes every day.

Tracking macros is most beneficial for people who have concrete goals, such as winning a competition. For most people, tracking macros can be a nuisance. It’s very time-consuming at first (though if you keep going, you’ll get much better at eyeballing portions), and it can be a hassle to remember to log every meal.

The Best Macro Calculators

Healthy Eater

Healthy Eater’s macro calculator is pretty straightforward. It calculates your macronutrient ratio based on your age, gender, height, weight, and activity level. It gives you the option to calculate based on whether you want to lose weight, lose 10% body fat, maintain, or gain weight.

With this macro calculator, you can see your ratio in terms of all-day (three meals, four meals, or five meals).

Price: Free

Muscle for Life

The Muscle for Life macro calculator is much more detailed. It asks for your weight, your body fat percentage, and your activity level. Using those factors, it determines your lean body mass (LBM), basal metabolic rate (BMR), and total daily energy expenditure (TDEE).

This calculator also lets you pick whether you want to gain, maintain, or lose weight, and it will then auto-fill whether you need a calorie deficit or surplus. You can use the sliders at the bottom to adjust your ratio.

Tip: The Legion Athletics macro calculator is exactly the same as the Muscle for Life calculator.

Price: Free

Katy Hearn

The Katy Hearn macro calculator is super simple. It asks for your age, gender, height, weight, and activity level. It gives you “recomp” as a goal option. Recomp refers to improving your body composition or increasing lean body mass while decreasing fat mass.

Price: Free


The freedieting macro calculator is useful if you just need to get a breakdown from a particular calorie number. It’s not personalized and doesn’t ask for any of the variables needed to calculate the number of calories or macros you need. That said, it’s a great option if you already know how many calories you need.

Price: Free


IIFYM stands for “If It Fits Your Macros.” This is a phrase used by the macro-tracking community to refer to fitting foods in their diet.

This calculator gives you a step-by-step process to figure out your macros, and it collects your information with prompts. It also gives thought-provoking help. For example, if you tell it that you want to lose weight, it will ask how fast you want to lose the weight. If you choose the “fast and aggressive option,” the calculator informs you that this weight loss method often comes along with elevated moodiness and cravings.

The IIFYM calculator goes further than the others by asking how active you are at work and how much exercise you get. This is important because the more information that goes into your calculation, the more accurate your ratio will be. This calculator also asks about your current diet, some medical conditions, and cravings.

Price: You must provide your email address to use this calculator

How to Track

So you’ve calculated your macros. Now what? "Tracking macros" refers to the process of adding up all the macros in your food throughout the day to make sure you’re eating according to your ratio. It’s like a food diary on a higher level. If that sounds slightly (or seriously) daunting to you, that’s because it could be if you were doing it on your own.

Luckily, there are many digital macro trackers available to you, so don’t fret! You don’t have to manually add up every gram of carb, protein, and fat you eat. Technology has made the process much easier.

The Best Macro Trackers

Just like macro calculators, the Internet is home to countless options for macro tracking apps. Many of them are similar or even nearly identical. Below is a breakdown of some of the best macro trackers.


The free version of MyFitnessPal will give you a nice pie chart breakdown of your macros, which lets you see if you’re hitting your percentages. To begin tracking your macros in MFP, all you have to do is set your calories and set your macro ratio. Once you start logging food, your pie chart will automatically update.

To get more macro feedback, you’ll have to upgrade to premium. The $9.99 per month subscription gets you features like food analyses, food timestamps, and weekly reports.

One of the best things about MFP is the massive database of foods and drinks, so you don’t have to enter each item you eat manually. You can also scan the barcode of any food you eat, which might give you more accurate information. (Some food databases include multiple, varying entries for the same item, which can get confusing.) Keep in mind, however, that not all entries are accurate. Try to look for verified entries when using the app.

Price: There is both a free version and a premium version ($9.99 per month)


The cronometer tracker takes everything one step further: it tracks vitamins and minerals in addition to macros. It even allows you to track important biometrics, such as blood pressure, cholesterol, sleep, mood, pulse, and more. Of course, you first have to have access to this information—so these features aren’t much good if you don’t regularly get a check-up.

Cronometer provides insight into long-term trends so that you can get an apparent picture of your overall health. While cronometer is impressive, it might not be the tracker for you if all you want to do is track macros.

Price: Anyone can sign up for cronometer for free online, but the mobile app costs $2.99, and the Gold membership is $5.99 per month.

MyPlate Calorie Tracker

The name on this one is misleading because it does so much more than count just calories. The MyPlate app is a product of LIVESTRONG and offers a handy daily snapshot of your macro intake. When you click on the chart, you’ll get a deeper breakdown that also includes some micronutrients. MyPlate also lets you track exercise, body weight, and water.

Price: There’s a basic version of the app for free, but premium membership is $9.99 per month. The membership includes advanced statistics and an ad-free experience, among other features.


MyMacros+ is another great app that allows you to scan a barcode to log food intake. It also has a database of more than 5 million food items. It also allows you to track body weight and enter custom foods, such as homemade recipes you eat often. You can log your food in any number of meals, so you aren’t restricted to just breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack.

MyMacros+ is also usable without the internet. This is helpful for tracking when you’re on the go or find yourself without service.

Price: $2.99 to download

Fitocracy Macros

Fitocracy Macros is an app developed by Fitocracy, an online fitness coaching platform. The macro-tracking app is free, and it’s best for people who want to track their macros manually. This app doesn’t yet have a database, so it requires you to input all of your macro information manually.

It does offer a nice weekly report of your average intake, as well as a full history of your calorie and macro consumption.

Price: Free

A Word From Verywell

Being knowledgeable about macros can be helpful to reach your health or fitness goals. However, calculating and tracking your macronutrients isn’t required to live a healthy, happy lifestyle. And there is some evidence that links use of tracking apps to eating disorders.

Risks of Bodybuilding Diets

I'm an enthusiast with a deep understanding of nutrition, particularly macronutrients, and their role in achieving health and fitness goals. I've extensively researched and implemented various macronutrient ratios for different purposes, such as weight loss, muscle building, and maintenance. My expertise includes not only theoretical knowledge but also practical experience in calculating and tracking macros, using various tools and methods.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article:

1. Macronutrients:

  • Definition: Macronutrients are essential nutrients required by the body in large amounts. The three main macronutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
  • Role: They provide energy and support various bodily functions.

2. Carbohydrates:

  • Function: Quick energy source, converted to glucose in the body.
  • Examples: Grains, potatoes, fruits, milk, yogurt, vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds.

3. Proteins:

  • Function: Building blocks for structures in the body, growth, muscle building, repair, hormone and enzyme production.
  • Sources: Poultry, beef, fish, cheese, soy products, some starches, and vegetables.

4. Fats:

  • Function: Essential for bodily processes, absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, insulation, energy reserve.
  • Importance: Required for vitamins A, D, E, and K absorption.

5. Calories in Macronutrients:

  • Carbs and proteins provide 4 calories per gram, fats provide 9 calories per gram.
  • Alcohol provides 7 calories per gram.

6. Best Macro Ratio (Federal Dietary Recommendations):

  • Carbohydrates: 45% to 65% of daily calories.
  • Proteins: 10% to 35%.
  • Fats: 20% to 35%.

7. Macro Ratios for Different Goals:

  • Weight Loss: Carbs 40-50%, Protein 25-30%, Fat 25-35%
  • Muscle Building: Carbs 50-60%, Protein 25-35%, Fat 10-15%
  • Maintenance: Carbs 45-60%, Protein 25-30%, Fat 20-30%

8. Calculation of Macronutrients:

  • Calculate daily calories based on goals.
  • Determine macro ratios.
  • Multiply total calories by each percentage.
  • Convert calories to grams using the calorie-per-gram values.

9. Macro Calculators:

  • Examples: Healthy Eater, Muscle for Life, Katy Hearn, Freedieting, IIFYM.
  • Function: Aid in calculating personalized macronutrient ratios.

10. Tracking Macros:

  • Importance: Useful for weight loss, bodybuilding, optimizing performance, and flexible dieting.
  • Principles: Focus on unprocessed foods, hydration, sleep, and regular physical activity.

11. Macro Trackers:

  • Examples: MyFitnessPal, Cronometer, MyPlate Calorie Tracker, MyMacros+, Fitocracy Macros.
  • Functions: Facilitate easy tracking, provide insights into overall health.

In summary, understanding macronutrients and their ratios, along with using calculators and trackers, can be valuable for individuals with specific health and fitness goals. However, it's crucial to note that these tools are not necessary for everyone and should be approached with consideration for individual needs and preferences.

Should You Be Tracking Your Macros? (2024)


Should You Be Tracking Your Macros? ›

The answer is that if you have specific fitness or body composition goals—such as building muscle or losing weight—macronutrients matter, but tracking them isn't absolutely necessary to achieve them. It is, however, a tool that can help you achieve your goals with steadier progress.

Should I be tracking my macros? ›

Counting macros absolutely works for some people, and can provide needed structure in eating specific amounts of each macronutrient. It could be a helpful method when trying to initially understand portion sizes and the makeup of meals, in an effort to manage your weight or build muscle.

Do my macros need to be exact? ›

While tracking is important, there is no need to stress about hitting your macros exactly every single day. As long as you don't go over each macronutrient by more than 5 grams, or under by more than 10 grams, you should still see results.

Is it a waste of time to count macros? ›

Counting macros is NOT necessary for weight loss or better health. You can 100% without a doubt lose body fat and drastically improve your health without ever measuring a thing and simply switching to nutrient-dense, whole foods and practicing the 'eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full' approach to portions.

Does it matter how you hit your macros? ›

Do I need to hit my macros exactly? It is not necessary to hit your macros exactly. However, research shows that vastly underestimating calorie intake is a common issue and a key reason that people fail their diet goals.

Do I need to track macros or just calories? ›

So which is more effective? Macro tracking can be more effective in helping you achieve weight-related goals and health goals, as it places more emphasis on what you're eating, rather than the specific focus calorie counting places on how much energy you're consuming.

Should I track macros or just protein? ›

As well as protein, energy and carbohydrate needs must also be met to ensure the body has enough fuel available to work out. This is where keeping track of macros, instead of counting calories, could be useful to ensure all protein and carbohydrate requirements are met.

What happens if I don't hit my fat macros? ›

When you don't meet your fat goals, it's not a big deal at all. As long as you are restricting carbs and eating enough protein, missing your fat goals will typically only lead to more fat loss. However, problems can arise when your fat consumption is consistently too low.

Why am I hitting my macros but not calories? ›

If you hit your macros but your calories are under your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), it means you're not consuming enough calories to support your body's basic functions. To achieve a body recomposition, it's important to strike a balance between macros and overall calorie intake.

What happens if I don't hit my carb macros? ›

Tracking Macros

If you don't get enough protein in your diet, you could lose muscle instead of losing fat, which leads to a lower metabolism. Likewise, not enough carbs can make you feel sluggish, while a diet too low in fats can lead to imbalances in your hormone levels.

What are the cons of macro counting? ›

Con: Quality Versus Quantity

This may cause someone to choose a food solely based on meeting their caloric or macronutrient needs rather than choosing one based on nutritional value. Quite often this results in a caloric intake based on a diet that contains more junk and less nutrient dense foods.

Will I lose weight if I follow my macros? ›

By tracking your macros and sticking to a certain amount, you may eliminate excess calories from your diet and lose weight. You'll be able to gain muscle more easily. Many people struggle to eat the amount of protein they need to build and repair muscle mass after workouts.

What is the ideal macro count? ›

The acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges are 45–65% of your daily calories from carbs, 20–35% from fats, and 10–35% from protein. However, remember that your macronutrient ratio doesn't directly influence weight loss. Instead, it's important to focus on being in a calorie deficit.

Why am I still hungry after hitting macros? ›

Sometimes the reason why we're still hungry, even if we're hitting our macros, is because we're not eating enough nutrient dense foods. Our hunger is essentially our body asking for more vitamins, nutrients and fiber.

Can I eat ice cream if it fits my macros? ›

Carbohydrate Intake

That's how many he'd need every day. In theory, IIFYM doesn't care if you get those carbohydrates from sweet potatoes or ice cream. As long as it's within your ratio, you're good to go.

Is it bad to eat over your protein macros? ›

Too Much Protein

If you're eating more than 30-35 percent of your daily calories from protein, that's too much. This amount will maximize hypertrophy (muscle building) while leaving room in your diet for optimal levels of other essential nutrients.

Is tracking macros important for weight loss? ›

"Calories are important for weight loss, but understanding macronutrients will help you stay on track and achieve long-term weight loss," Albert says.

Do I have to track macros to lose fat? ›

If your goal is to lose fat, it's a good idea to use some kind of method to track food intake, at least for a period of time. Many people use calories. But macros account for calories, and have the added value of telling you a bit more about food quality (like the amount of protein, fat, or carbohydrate in a food).

Is it bad to not meet your macros? ›

Make sure you balance the three macros well when planning your meals. If you don't get enough protein in your diet, you could lose muscle instead of losing fat, which leads to a slower metabolism.

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