The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

by THE ENQUIRER, CINCINNATI, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1915 MAIN SHEET STOMACH UPSET? Get At the Real Cause--Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. what thousands of stomach sufThat's ferers are doing now. Instead of taking tonica, or patch up a poor digesthey attacking the real cause of the tion, ailment -clogged liver and disordered bowels. Dr.

Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the I liver in a soothing. healing way. When the liver and bowels are performing their natural functions, away goes indigestion and stomach troubles. If you have bad taste in your mouth, tongue coated, appetite poor, lazy, don'tfeeling, no ambition or energy, should troubled with undigested food, you take Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Dr.

Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. Take one or two at bedtime for quick relief, so you can eat what you like: At 10c and 25c per box. All druggists.

The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, Ohio. HOW TO PREVENT ACID STOMACHS AND FOOD FERMENTATION By a Stomach Specialist. As specialist who has spent many years in the study and treatment of stomach troubles, I have been forced to the conclusion that most people who complain of stomach trouble possess stomachs that are absolutely healthy and normal. The real trouble, that which causes all the pain and difficulty, is excessive acid in the stomach, aggravated by ford fermentation. Hyperacid.ty irritates the delicate lining of the stomach and food fermentation causes wind which distends the stomech abnormally, causing that full bloated feeling.

Thus both acid and fermentation interfere with and retard the process of digestion. The stomach is usually healthy and normal, but irritated almost past endurance by these foreign elements -acid and wind. In all such cases- and they comprise over 90 per cent of all stomach difficulties- the first and only step necessary is to neutralize the acid and stop warm the fermentation by taking, in a little or cold water immediately after eating. from one to two teaspoonfuls of bisurated magnesia, which is doubtless the best and only really effective antacid and food corrective known. The acid will be neutralized and the fermentation stopped almost Instantly, and your stomach will at once proceed to digest the food in a healthy, normal manner.

Be sure to ask the Dow Drug Co. and Weatherhead Drug Co. for the bisurated magnesia, as I have found other forms utterly lacking in its peculiarly valuable properties. -F. J.

G. Check the Symptoms of Lung. Trouble Symptoms of severe lung trouble, such as fever, night sweats and loss of weight, should be checked, or serious results will follow. a Eckman's Alterative has brought about many coveries. Read this: 305 W.

Thirty-sixth New York, Since' Was very young sufferer from Bronchitis. tried doctor after doctor, getting little or no beneft. Finalnight sweats. weak spells and lost rapidly In weight, and my doctor told me they were not checked would have Consumption. Miss Mary Korhamer, who a friend of mine, recovered after taking your Alterative, and insisted that try It.

now, after two years, well, strong and healthy," (Abbrevinted.) (Affidavit) MRS. ROSA VOELPEL. Eckman's Alterative 1g most efficacious in bronchial catarrh and Severe throat and lung affections and upbuilding the system. Contains no harmful or habit-forming drugs. Accept no substitutes.

Small size, regular size, $2. Sold by leading druggists. Write for booklet of recoveries. Eckman Laboratory, Philadelphia, LESS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT Take a Glass of Salts To Flush Kidneys If Bladder Bothers You. Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known authority, because the urle acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked: get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and misery in the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headache, acid stomach, constipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation.

The moment your back hurts or kidneys aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salta from any good pharmacy: take 8 tablespoonful in a glass of water fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of. grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia. and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine 80 it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary or organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney CUT THIS OUT Old English Recipe For Catarrhal Deafness and Head Noises.

If you know someone who is troubled with catarrhal deafness or head noises. cut out this formula and hand it to them and you will have been the means of sav. ing some poor sufferer perhaps from total deafness. Experiments conducted in England some time ago seem to prove conciusively that catarrhal deafness. head noises, were directly caused by constitutional trouble.

It was further brought. out that salves, sprays, inhalers, merely temporize with the complaint, and seldom, if ever, effect a permanent cure. This being so, much time and money were spent in perfecting a pure. gentle, yet effective tonie that would quickly dispel all traces of the catarrhal poison from the system. The prescription a which WAS eventually 'formulated and which has aroused the belief that catarrhal deafness and head noises will soon be extinct 18 given below 111 understandable form 80 that anyone can treat themselves in their own home at.

little expense. Secure from your druggist 1 oz. Parmint (Double Strength), about 75c worth. Take this home and add to it pint of hot water and 4 oz. of granulated sugar: stir until dissolved.

Take one tablespoonful four times a day. Parmint is used in this way not only to reduce by tonic action the inflammation and swelling in the Eustachian Tuber. and thus to equalize the air pressure on the to correct any excess of secretions in the middle ear. Every person who has catarrh in any form should give this recipe a trial and free themselves from this destructive For RHEUMATISM NERVOUS DISEASES. BRIZOLARA KICO.

TABLETS, EFFECTIVE relieves and ITALIAN rapidly COMPOUND. GOUT. Instantly RHEUMA. POISONING, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, NERVOUNNESS and Stomach and Kidney Troubles. At all Drugmiste', or send 4e in stamps for sample box, enough to benefit, RICO MEDICINE 2018 North Clark Chicago, Ill, MERGER Of.

Star Distillery With Union Distillery Company of This City Is Announced. After more than 60 years of experience with the distilling and distributing business the Star Dis.illery Company has sold its blending and 'general whisky business to the Union Distilling pany, of this city. Messes, Simon Hirsch, Max Hirsch and Morris Sichel will continue the manufacture of sour mash whisky at the T. W. Samuels Distillery, of Nelson County, Kentucky, and devote themselves exclusively to the distribution of this.

prodoct to the Jobbing trade. The Union Distilling Company absorbs the general whisky business heretofore handled by the Star Distillery Company. The Union Distilling Company also secures by this purchase about 10,000 barrels of whiaky of various ages, this being that part of the Star Distillery Company's operations at the Latonia (Ky.) distillery. The merger will not disturb trade relations with the patrons of the two houses. MEN AND MATTERS.

The Dayton Retail Grocers' Association has invited George W. Platt, Secre.ary of the National Co-operative Grocery pany, to address its members next Thursday evening at the Greater Dayton Auditorium. Mr. Platt will speak on "The Chain and Department Stores and Their Affect on the Small Retailer." A call for volunteers to 1 help in the work on the New Cincinnati campaign is contained in this week's issue of the Cincinnatian, official publication of the Chamber of Commerce. Volunteers are wanted from men who are qualified to address public meetings in the interest of the movement or to help prepare data on Cincinnati.

Llewellyn E. Pratt, of New York, Chairman of the Educational Committee of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World, will be the speaker at the Wednesday luncheon of the local advertising club. Mr. Pratt will show the service which the association is trying to render the local clubs. He point out how the Cincinnati Advertisers' Club can help in this work.

A branch of the Provident Savings Bank and Trust Company for the deposits of students will be opened to-morrow morning at the Thirtieth District School. Chamber of Commerce Committees on Interurban and Electric Transportation and on Municipal Auditorium will meet Tuesday afternoon jointly for consideration of the proposed new Auditorium. The Interurban Committee will meet at 3:30 o'clock in the Civic Industrial office, after which the joint meeting will be held in the same office at 4 o'clock. The Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce, which is assisting in the entertainment of the Ohio 'Hardware Association in Various ways, will have an- information booth at Music Hall. Samuel McCune, former Clearing House examiner here, is now connected with Maynard H.

Much Company, of Cleveland. Louis P. Ficks, proprietor of the Ficks Reed Company, will leave for New York this morning on a business trip. He will return next Saturday in time for the excursion of the Knockers of the Business Men's Club. The Ohio No-Break Egg Carrier Company was incorporated at Columbus yesterday with a capital of $100,000 by E.

H. Roth, L. A. Roth and William C. Kitt.

The company will manufacture a new pattented egg container for shipments. Channer Sawyer, investment brokers, have to new offices at 505 Union Trust Building. Otis H. Fisk will be the speaker at the German Literary Club Wednesday evening on Jefferson-a Politician or Well, Roth Co. received word yesterday of the sudden death of their Chicago representative, John Holland.

Mr. Holland was taken down Thursday with pneumonia. United States Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue McGrath yesterday recelved from the Department at Washington a decision construing the 10 per cent limitation with reference to acceptance and approval of United States Internal Revenue bonds. Harry Niehoff, of Weil, Roth returned yesterday from a three weeks' bustness trip in the East. FT.

THOMAS, KY. A Woman's Department Club will be formed at the Altamont Hotel m. Mrs. Charles Rockhill, of Cincinnati will deliver an addreem on "'The Value of the Federated Women's Club to Women and the Community." Mrs. Rockhill Secretary of the Ohio Federated Women': Club.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver P. Applegate, of Southente avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter Mae Belle to Joseph Vincent Gere, of Syracuse, N. Y.

Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Robertson and grandson Kenneth have returned home after a visit with relatives at Shelbyville, Ky.

FT. THOMAS, KY. Some club women ct Ft. Thomas have decided to arganize large department club in Ft. Thomas, and all club women in that vicinity are asked to attend a special meeting to be held at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in the parlors of the Altamont.

Mrs. Charles Rockhill, of Cincinnati. will talk on "The Value of the Federated Club." All women interested are invited. For Pile Sufferers Sample Package of the Famous Pyramid Pile Remedy Now Offered Pree to Prove What It Will Do for You. Pyramid Pile Remedy gives quick relief, stops itching, bleeding or protruding hemorrhoids and all rectal troubles, in the privacy of your own home.

50c a box at all druggists. A single box often cures, Free sample for trial with booklet mailed free in plain wrapper, if you send us coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY. 519 Pyramid Marshall, Mich. Kindly send me in Free sample of Pyramid Pile Remedy, plain wrapper.

Name Street COVINGTON. Divorce Suits Filed, Cora Boeddecker yesterday in the Circuit Court fled suit for divorce against William Boeddecker, in which she alleges cruelty, She claims that she and 'her husband are part owners of a house at 1008 Second avenue, Hamilton, Ohio, that she wants the property sold and alimony in a lump sum. Rivard for plaintiff. Earl Christophel in his suit for divorce against Henrietta Christophel charges lewd conduct. Rivard for plaintiff.

Daniel Petri, roadhouse proprietor, fled an answer to the petition of his wife Virginia, in which he denies all her allegations, and that he la not the owner of property valued at $5,000. Annabel Colvin in her petition for divorce against Ferd Colvin alleges cruelty and wants to be restored to her maiden name, Fields. Edmonds for plaintiff. Dena Sunter charges John Sunier with drunkenness and alleges wasting of estate. They have one son.

Graziani. G. W. Smoot aleges that in alighting from car of the South Covington and Cincinnati Street Railway Company at Madison avenue and Seventh street he was thrown to the ground and injured. He is asking $8,500 damages.

Edmonds for plaintiff. Alice E. Miller in a similar suit against the same company is asking $5,000 damages. through Attorney Bledenharm. Property Transfers.

John McKenna and wife to Fannie McKay, property. on the Amsterdam pike, near Bromley: $25. Elizabeth B. Pence and others to Harry Pence, lot on the south side of Pleasant street; also, part of Lot in Martin's addition on the west side of Kendall street; $1, Harry Pence wife to Thomas Dunn, part Lot 32 in Martin's addition on the west side of Kendall street: $1. J.

10 Mooney to R. O. Parsons, 50 lots in the Woodside addition to South Erlanger; $1. Hill-Salt Nuptials. their new home in Sacramento.

Work of the Commission. The wedding of Herbert Hill, druggist, of Sacramento, and Miss Rose H. salt, daughter of R. H. Salt, genetal manager of 'the Alma Doepke Company, Cincinnati, will be solemnized to-morrow night at the Methodist Church, South Covington, Rev, Hart officiating.

A reception will be held at the home of the 1200 Gilbert avenue, Latonia, after which the couple will leave for The City Commissioners yesterday had before them a number of street elans, the election being continued until to-morrow morning, when Committee. of the Who.e will take action. The Donaldeon Art Sign Company, which is constructing a large plant on the old Banklick road, petitioned the Commissioners for the Improvement of that thoroughfare. While that question was up Mr. Kluemper suggested that Sterritt avenue be continued through to the road.

It la likely that both improvements will be made of brick. The appointment of humane-matron at a salary of $30 per month under the Department of Public Safety was sanctioned. Mrs. Alice Vorhees, it le said, will be the officer and will enter upon her dutice March 1. Report on "Bundle Day." kind services.

Donation of $3,000. All of the "Bundle Day" workers gathered yesterday morning in Mayor Philipps'e office and heard the various reports of the committees. According to the figures 5,000 persons were assisted and about 5,000 pieces of clothing distributed. It was also shown that A large number of shoes and stockings were purchased for children. Commissioner of Finance Harry Percival, who had charge of the finance, reported the total receipts from all sources to be $200 51 and the disbursem*nts 8200 00.

leaving 42 cents as a balance. The Mayor complimented the workers and the press for their Last week a parishioner of St, Aloysius Church presented the congregation with check for $3,000 for a clock in the tower for the Improvements under way. Rev. Father I. M.

Ahmann, pastor of the congregation, is also adding to the tower, and with the added pinacles will make the tower conside. ably higher. About three years ago the exterior was covered with a rock-faced stone and the architecture changed to a Roman renaissance. The clock will have an illuminated dial. Will Begin Driving Stakes.

To-morrow Commissioner of Public Works Mason Howk, Consulting Engineer Hornung, City Engineer Meiner and a force of men will begin making a survey for a right of way for the laying of the emergency water main for this eity. Mr. Howk, under whose department the work will be done, stated yesterday that no conclusions had been reached how the mains will be laid across the Licking River. The stake-driving will take several days. Down the Alley.

Kenton County will meet next day night at Bestermann's alleys in a bowling match. None of the contestanta ever wonmedals as bowlers, it is c.aimed. The loeere will pay for the banquet and other refreshments that go with such Follows Husband in Death. Mary J. Kruse, aged 4 43, died yesterday at her late residence, and Twenty -first streets.

Her George Kruse, died about three weeks ago. Covington Briefs. When L. Lewls was arraigned in the Police Court yesterday it was testifled to that it took six officers to subdue him. Lewis apologized to the Court, claiming he has a fractured skull and at times is not right.

He was fined $25 and costs and given 30 days by Judge Edmonds, R. Allgeyer WAs yesterday appointed ad. ministrator of the estate of H. J. Allgeyer.

L. F. Edwards, aged 20. of Franklin, Ohio, secured a license yesterday to wed Frederica Browning aged 24, of this city. Linneman Moore, Undertakers, 31 East Eleventh street.

Phone South 557, -Advertisem*nt. Buy your Ford in Covington, Pike Scott. -Advertisemont. Moving, packing and storage. EDMONDS 15 W.




1220. -Advertisem*nt. Money to loan. John R. Bullock Co.

-Advertisem*nt. HARRY F. DONNELLY AND. P. J.


BRANCH OFFICE, FT. MITCHELL. PHONE 8, 146. -Advertisem*nt. Don't worry about baking.

Eat Roth's bread, -Advertisem*nt. linoleum, furniture, Unclaimed Freight. 1003 Walnut street, Cincinnati. C. S.

Kahn, Sales Agent. -Advertisem*nt. Covington Commandery No. 7, Knights Tem. plars, had Its inspection yesterday afternoon and last night at Masonic Temple, Fourth and Scott etreets.

About 100 Masons attended and saw Eminent Commander Orie 8. Ware confer the Knight degree. John R. Yeager, of Danville, conducted the inspection. Impromptu talke were given during luncheon.

EUCHRE PARTY. Mother of God School, Monday, February 15, 1915, 2 and 8:30 p. 11. Admission 25c. One hundred, handsome prizes will be distributed.

-Advertisem*nt. DISSOLUTION SALE. Everything 'in the house furnishing line of the stock of O' Brien Bimbryer will be sold at half ite former selling price. The Bimbryer Furniture Co. 736 Madison av.

-Advertisem*nt. MONDAY'S SPECIAL -Men's and women's $2 50 shoes, allenew $1 45. HICKEY'S, 006-8 Madison av. Advertisem*nt, Plymouth, the coal that gives satisfaction, comes by river and holds fire over night, The Hatfleld Coal 728 Madison BLANK BOOKS AT MENDENHALL'8. -Advertisem*nt.

The Press Club of Northern Kentucky' WAR entertained In grand style last night by the Cloyer Club at its clubhouse, on Virginia avenue, South Covington. A sumptuous repast was enjoyed. after which the guests were entertained by cabaret performers. "Mothers' will be the etalk of J. T.

Edmunds, of Cincinnati. before the Coving. ton Art Club to-morrow afternoon. On the testimony of a young girl in private yesterday, Richard Schweringer was fined $25 and costs and sentenced to jail for 30 days. Word was received yesterday afternoon from Foreman Summers, of the L.

and N. Railroad, that a quantity of brass and fittings had been stolen from a shanty at Welder Station. cording to the police two men were ween by railroad emp'oyees with the 'stolen property coming down the Licking River in a micin. The police kept close watch on the river. but the men evidently landed their plunder before reaching Covington.

Officer Dr. O' Maley reports the tollowing deaths for the week ending Saturday, February 13: Elizabeth Donovan, 52; Harrette Williams, 00: Emily Stallon, 32; William Braam, 57: William J. Reeves, 53; Henry Reynoida, 85; Benjamin Crawford, days; James Van Pelt, 80; Martin Zimmer, 52; James Thomas, 65; Mike Cummings, 45; John Cassidy, 52. Alphonse Allgeyer, 24; Pryor G. Mitchell, 42; Patrick Collins, 70.

Judge D. Collins left last night tor New Orleana to attend the Mardi Gras. The C. and O. Railroad Company yesterday the began wrecking the bridge that spans railroad on West Fifteenth street.

HISTORIC LANDMARK. There is situated on the Lexington Pike, two and one haif miles from the City of Covington, the beautiful and picturesque of jand known as the Schlonser farm. This place was made famous by Joseph Schlosser, ice dealer and pioneer resident of Kenton County. It consiste of thirty of land; elegant, old-fashioned brick residence; barns and houses: numerous fruit and ornamental trees; ice house of immense capacity; 8 number of small ponds and one large lake, in all about eight acres of water surface. In these ponds and lake numerous and rare species of fah abound.

All of the land in excellent condition, the soil being very fertile and rich, and la altogether one of the very few choice spots obtainable in Kenton County for an ideal country home. This beautiful plat of land five minutes from the Ft. Mitchell car line. and can be subdivided very profitably into smaller parcels. By order of the Kenton Circuit Court, on Tuesday, February 16, 1915, at 10 o'clock m.

at the court house door ic Covington, will offer this entire tract, with improvements, for sale to the highest bidder, at publie auction. on credit of four, eight and twelve months. W. N. HIND, Master Commissioner.

-Advertisem*nt. Cecil Parker, aged 23, of Georgetown, secured a license yesterday to wed Lelia Smith, aged 18, of thie city. The bride's mother consented to the marriage. home, Joseph Boyce, aged 56, died a night at hie 80 Athey avenue, after lingering illness. He is survived by his widow, four ters and one son.

Mise Louise House, who is taking course as trained nurse in Cincinnati, was yesterday summoned to the bedside of her mother, Mra, Lou House, who is seriously ill at her home, 1429 Russell street. LUDLOW, KY. Church Services. Methodist--Rev. G.

N. Jolly, D. pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 I. Morning service 10:45 o'clock: subject, 'The Acceptable Evangelistic services at 1:30 p.

m. Carl H. White, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 Robert Berger, superintendent, Morning service at subject, "A Cake Not Evening service at subject, "A Look to the East." -Rev. E.

B. Munson, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock and evening at 7:30 o'clock.

Baptist-Rev. W. R. Elliston, pastor. day school at 9:30 Morning service at 10:45 o'clock; subject, "The Majestic Rev.

T. C. Crume, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Latonia will conduct the evening service at 7:30 o'clock; subject, Kingdom Plea." Rev. Ellison will occupy the pulpit the Baptist Church in Latonia. Several Ludlow residents will call on the street car company before next Thursday night with a view having incorporated in the street car tranchise ordinance clause providing for also to readjust the schedule so as to have car leaving Ludlow earlier than 5:30 m.

Taking the sentiment expressed at the meet. ing of the Ludlow Commercial Club last Wednesday night, the majority of people will not oppose the twenty year franchise if addi. tional conveniences to those now incorporated in the ordinance are embodied. Residenta of West Oak street are hopeful of having the pending ordinance for the Improvement of that thoroughfare passed, but Council is holding the matter up until a settlement of the street car franchise is reached as the company will not, it is claimed, agree to any improvements unless a franchise is granted it. The old ordinance expired last August, and since that time it has been operating without one.

Charles Eugene Clark, in addressing the Commercial Club, advocated that the matter be left entirely in the hands of Council, which will meet next Thursday night when, in all probability, the matter will be definitely settied. Joseph Warner, 27, of Ludlow, and Miss. Freda Moellman, 23, of Cincinnati, yesterday secured a marriage license in Covington. Warper is well known in amateur baseball circles. Contractor Michael Nolan returned to hia home on Eim street esterday after having spent the past three weks at the home of his niece, Mre.

Charles Knowp, at Danville, Ky. Funeral services for Francis D. HIll, who died last Thursday afternoon, will be held afternoon at the residence of his sister-in-law. Mra. Case, No.

70 Linden street, Interment will be in Highland Cemetery. The remaina of Mrs. Mary McBride, who died Thursday at Marion, were received in Covington yesterday afternoon by Undertaker John Allison. Services were held the Chapel in Highland Cemetery. Deceased was the mother of Misa da McBride.

who for years taught school in Ludlow. DAYTON, KY. The joint committee of Blue Grass Aerie 964 and Colonel Aerie No. 1285, Fraternal Order of Eagles, will meet at 2 o'clock this afternoon at Reeker's Hall. Seventh and Berry nues, to discuss the proposition of purchasing a building site in this city.

It is planned to merge the two aeries and to erect a modern building for the combined aerte. Charles Schafstall, 35, son of Mr. and Sirs. Henry Schatstall, died yesterday at the restdence, 905 Walnut sureet, after lingering Iliness, The funeral will be held Monday, with services at the residence, at 2:80 p. m.

Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Rev. Dantel Moritz will conduct the services. Next Saturday will be Bundle Day In this city, and from all indications the affair will be a succeni. Several hundred bundles have already been received and are stored in City Buliding.

During the ensuing week the members of the Civic League and volunteers will assort the clothing and shoes and menu torn articles. The pastors of the various churches will announce from their pulpits this mo. ning jus; what Bundle Day means to humdreds of poor families and will urge members of the congregation 'to assist the movement. Mayor Quinby and the City Councilmen are co-operating with the Civic League and all lodges and societies will be asked to help. big performance will be given Friday night at the Princess Theater for the beneft of the Bundie Day organization.

It la said that permanent Associated Charities will be organized at the conclusion of the Bundle Day, with an object of assisting worthy poor families throughout the year. Lost--A black sable female collie. Return to 007 Benham Dayton, Ky. Reward. Mrs.

James H. Sandford, of Sixth avenue, Dayton, left last night for New Orleans to meet Mrs. Jennie Isbell and Mrs. Horace Cooke, of New York, and will spend week there and enjoy the Gras festivities. and all will leave for Panama, Guatemala, San Salvador and Honduras to Visit with Captain Sandford, who Superintendent of the Lina fleet of boats.

Mr. and Mre, Curtis Cole. from Marietta, will remain with Miss Sandford during her mother's absence. Former Mayor John Kruchten, who has been suffering from an attack of blood poisoning, is recovering. BELLEVUE, KY.

Dr. Chester Dorsey has returned from Hot Springs, where he went to secure relief from an attack of rheumatism. The funeral of Mrs. Mary Kiffmeyer will 56 held Monday from the residence, 458 Berry avenue, with services at 8:10 a. at Sacred Heart Church.

August Fromm, 75, a retired wood carver, died yesterday at the residence, 243 Fairfield avenue, of 8 complication of diseases. A widow and one son survive. Mrs. Senour, wife of Dr. W.

E. Senour, has returned home after a month' stay at Palm Beach, and Nashville, Tenn. Clifford Hagis, 5, son of John Hagis, of 359 Washington avenue, sustained badly lacerated eye yesterday when a man threw Jump of coal from freight train. The boy was spans the C. and 0.

tracks, and as the starding on the Washington -avenue bridge, train passed the man threw the coal. The boy WAS 'taken to Dr: Anna Wolfram's office. where it was found he sustained a deep gash above the eye. The force of the blow spilt the eyelid. Miss Carrie Brinkman is recovering from an attack of la grippe at her home on Covert Run pike.

The funeral of William G. O' Keefe will be held to-morrow from the residence of him mother, Mrs. Alice O' Keefe, 502 Van Voast avenue, with services at 8:30 m. at St. Anthony's Church.

D. Troxell. member of Council from the First Ward, will reaign him seat at the next meeting of the City Council. Troxell has been promoted to the position of Superintendent of the Western and Southern Late Insurance Comwith headquarters at Allegheny City, and will remove with his family to that city about the first of March. Troxell has rendered good service to him constituents during his term of office and hid friends will regret to hear of him leaving.

Henry Walk, former Republican member of Councti from the First Ward, In mentioned as the probable succeasor of Troxell. WEST COVINGTON, KY. Resurfacing of the highway from the eastern to the western corporation linen will he started this week. The contractor brought portion of his equipment here yesterday. The tract is one of the largest ever awarded here and will involve the expenditure of thousands of dollars.

The thoroughfare will he improved with brick, and according to the terms of the franchise awarded to the street car company last year it will assume the cost of improving between its tracks and 14 inches on the outside, When completed the highway will be one of the finest in the state. WEATHER Conditions at Various Points in the United States. The following table shows the state of the weather at the places mentioned, as reported by the Weather Bureau at 7 o'clock last night, ninetieth meridian time: 44 21098 Place of J0 Place of Observa- Observe. tion. tion.

ATLANTIC STATES. MISSOURI VALLEY. Montreal. 01 Spring'd, Mol Eastport. 24 26 Kansas City.

40 Cy Northfield. Concordia New York. Atlantic City 0 Cy Sioux Baltimore. Philadelphia Valentine. .62 Cy Huron.

Washington Moorhead Norfolk. Devil Lake 0 Cy Raleigh. Cy Williston. OP Hatteras Charleston 64 0 Cy Miami. oP ROCKY MOUNTAINS.

GULF STATES. Helena. Atlanta. Kalispell. .02 Tamps.

0 Mobile. Montg'mery Yellowstone 24 20 Sheridan. New Or leans. Shreveport. Ft.

Smith Hapid City Little Rock. North Platte Pt. Worth. Salt L. City.

Galveston. Modena. 8. Antonio G'd Junction C. Christi.

Durango. OHIO VALLEY. Dodge City. Parkersburg Abilene. Amarillo Columbus.

Cincinnati. El Indiana polis Roswell. Louisville Santa Fe Terre Haute. .02 Flagstaff. Evansville.

0 Cy Chat' 1.1800 PACIFIC SLOPE. LAKE REGION. Buff, lo. (38) Walls Walls. Cleveland.

tocab Isl'd Toledo. Seattle. Detroit. Portland. Pry Sound.

Roseburg. 8.8. a Green Tonopah Ft. Wayne Sacramento. Gr.

Eureka Gr. Rapida. Red Chicago 8. Francisco Duluth Angeles UPPER MISS. VAL St.

Paul. Madison. Dubuque. 44 CAN. NORTHWEST.

Davenport Des Moines Keokuk. Ill. Prince Albert St. Louis Cairo. 3 Clear.

Cloudy, cloudy, R-Rain. 8 -Snow. NEWPORT. Grand Jury's Final Report. next grand jury, May Admit Women.

The February grand jury made its final report yesterday, and was finally discharged. It was in session 12 days, examined 138 witnesses, found 24 indictments. It recommends that the curfew law should be more strictly enforced, The report says: "Owing to the numerous cases of juvenile delinquency which have been called to the attention of the grad jury, it recommends that the officials of the various cities enforce the curfew laws, -800 believe that, by this means, the number of such cases will be The following indictments were reported; Lulu Rankin, keeping a disorderly house. The indictment charges that she kept this house on Isabella street, but thim la said to be correct, as the Rankin woman's house la clared to be on Brighton street. Lawyers that because of the error in street names 1h3 indictment is not true bill.

Charles Nagel, housebreaking, charged with breaking into an Adama office, entered a plea of guilty and wan sentenced to serve six months in jail. Albert Spratt, charged with shooting to kill his wite, plea of not guilty; bail 81,000. Ewing Drake, charged with housebreaking. set for trial Friday. February 19.

John Dawson, perit larceny, two indictments, guilty pleas and 30 days on each count. Matt Mahoney and Brooks Frazier, petit tarceny, set for trial Friday, February Giuseppe Masciareill, cutting to kill Longi Rossi, entered plea of not guilty. Clifford Norton. petit larceny. Norton, deaf mute, It la charged broke open private mail box belonging to A.

Colker and secured a check for $140 and forged an Indorsem*nt. The Indictment charges that he took property valued at less than $20. Norton entered a plea of guilty in the sign language and was given stx monthe' Jail I sentence. Luther Marksberry, assault and battery, bench warrant; ball 8230: George Reno, petit larceny, gutity plea and 30 days Jail sentence. Virgil Morton, petR larceny; bench warrant and ball $100.

G. A. Bauer, alias Sam Crane, practicing medicine without license, E. 8. Mouse, money by false pretense; in Jail bail $1.000.

The following cases were dismissed: Chester Dew charged with housebreaking: Walter Buechel, charged with petit larceny: Andrew Becker and L. Mulcahey, charged with petit larceny; Albert Biery, failure LO provide: Maude Sandford, charged with malicious destruction of property; Stella Cauliflower. breach of the Holland peace; and George Otto Rehafer, petit Clay Woods, larceny: W. W. Hatfield, charged with murder: James Williams, cases charged with housebreaking.

The of Orville Norton. Sam Thoburn and Fred Ripperberger were referred to the An important meeting of the Kentucky Fish and Game Protective Association with be held at Fraternal Hall, Bellevue, Monday night. committee will present a set of by-laws and constitution to be voted upon. The queation of admitting women as members will be decided at this meeting. Game Wardens Louis Keurts and David Farris, of Ohio, will speak on the work of the Audubon Society In Ohio.

Dr. Fenton Adama will bring a delegation of tonia citizens to the meeting. whlle James Klimper, of Covington, and Glen Morin, 00 Alexandria, w1.1 head delegations. The speakera of the evening are Judge Judson Shuey. Mayor John L.

Winters of Bellevue, Judge Adolph Klein, Representative Louie Tieman. Magistrate Ernest Brandon and Prof. J. W. Ireland, Superintendent of the Bellevue school syetem.

Funeral of Charles E. Barnes. Funeral services for Charles E. Barnes will be held at 2 p. m.

to-morrow from the restdence. Riley, 524 rector of Linden St. avenue. Paul's. Rev.

Lester Church, La Episcopal will conduct the services. Newport Lodge, F. and A. will have charge of the servIces, 0Qctals of the Cincinnati Regalia Company will be the active pallbearers. Noah's Dove Lodge of odd Fellows will meet at 10 o'clock this morning to complete arrangements for attending the funeral.

Lochiel Council, Royal Arcanum, last night took action on the death of Barnes, Woman Takes Poison, Despondent because her lover had forsaken her. Anna Hamilton, 22, an inmate of Ollie 'Skinner's house, at Fourth and Brighton streets. attempted sulcide last night by taking poison. A physician was called, and, after using the stomach pump on the woman, ordered her pemoved to Speers Hospital, Patrol feur made a re record run to the hospital, where It was reported the woman would recover. of three children, than three years.

He aleo seeks the custody were married in November, 1896, and he In the Circuit Court, yesterday in -the case charges her with willful a absence for more New Suit. William J. Conway fled suit tor divorce yesterday against Catherine Conway. They Circuit Court Cullings. -of Mattie Uhiein ve.

Charles McGovern the plaintiff wan given judgment for $1,842, and property located on Third street in Dayton ordered sold. J. Fred Knarr was given a divorce in his suit against Mazie Knarr, and she was restored to her maiden name of iveland. Newport Briefs. The fourth of a series of free lectures given under the auspices of the Baraca League of tha First Baptist Church will be heid Tuesday evening.

Ellsworth Regenstein will Miss Stella Coffin will render violin solo "Lincoln, the Man of Genius and Dentiny." and Miss Johanna Norman will give a vocal sole. INSURE WITH M. M. WARE, 407 YORK, -Advertinement. The funeral of James Carr, Civil War veteran, who was brutally murdered February 5, when his skull was crushed with sledge hammer, took place yesterday morning.

Ices were held at Radel'n mortuary chapel and the remains interred nt Evergreen Cemetery, The Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers had charge of the funeral. No clew to the identy of Carr a cowardly murderera sufficient on which to base warrant and amdavit has been secured. fined Mr. Fanchild and Sam Young were each $25 in Police Court yesterday, on utory charges preferred by Young's wife. George Mayberry was arrested yesterday by County Patrolman Manwaring a charge of petit larceny.

The officer claims he etole coal from C. and 0. Railway car. We sell lump coal, nut slack. New River smokeless: also, lump and walnut co*ke.

We would like to send you a trial order. The M. Allen Supply Tenth and Park. Ph. 8.

-Advertisem*nt, FOR SALE -House, 413 Hodge street, -Advertisem*nt. Don't worry about baking. Ent Roth's bread, Advertisem*nt. Good coffee, 20c pound, vertisem*nt. Snowbird four.

INSURE WITH SCHUPP' The funeral of Miss Gertrude Meyers, ter of Mra. William Meyer, will take place Monday from the residence, 38 East Eleventh street, with services at St. Stephen's Church at 9 o'clock. Burial will be in St. Cemetery.

William C. Betz, funeral director, 25 E. Sixth Phone 8. 553. Auto service.

Business will taken care of as usual. -Advertisem*nt. WALL PAPER--NEW SELECTIONS. C. Munninghoff, 109 E.

Ninth. 8. 3855. -Advertisem*nt. C.

L. Raison, President of the Humane Society, last night sent out a letter thanking The Enquirer for its aid in making the die day" success. She also thanked the Courthouse Commissioners for the use of the basem*nt room as headquarters and all others who contributed to the success of the taking. which did so much to relieve the needy poor. Don't forget to stop and see the new 1915 Buick and Ford care at Newport Livery Garage Co.

Harry W. Ware. President and Manager, agent for Campbell County. -Advertisem*nt. Andrew Betsch, 42, for 13 years gardener Thomas, at the Home of the Good Shepherd in dted yesterday after short The funeral will be held Tuesday morning from the residence of his stater.

Mrs. Fred Glenkler, 1016 Hamlet street, with services at 8:30 a. m. st St. Stephen's Church.

CHARLES SMITH SONS, Funeral Directors, Monmouth st. Revidence and branch office, Thomas, Advertisem*nt. BROMLEY, KY. BROMLEY, KY. The case of Edward Camm and Donald Rider, charged in an amdavit by Ben Thompson with raising a dieturbance in Rosen' saloon Thursday night, was continued in Police Court until next Tuesday.

MILLCREEK VALLEY. MILLCREEK VALLEY. Citizens of Lockland are displaying great interest in the proposition made the pant week by the International Agricultural Corporation to enter into contract to supply the village with electric current for street lighting and domestic use at three cents per kilowatt, provided 250,000 kilowatts per year taken. The proposition, which recetred by the Welfare Committee, is now in the hands of the Committee on Light of Council. The chise of the Union Gas and Electrie Company expired on Pebruary therefore, this proposttion da made at time when Council necessarily is open to like propositions from whatever quarter made, it to Important that the light question should be settled in way that will be of the greatest benent to consumers at an early date.

Mayor Brown has been notifled by the -Union Gas and Electric Company that it will continue to supply eurrent under the terma of the tranchise just espired until the light question is threshed out to the satisfaction of all The Welfare Committee thinks pretty well of the proposition submitted by the tiona1 Agricultural Corporation. it le said, but is In mood to give full and fair consideration of any counter proposition the Union Gas and Electric Company may make. The advantages, followe: of this Lockiand proposition, will tersely have stated, 205.000 are kilowatts to sell each to private consumers, only 45.000 kilowatta are consumed for street lighting purposes in that period. believed that this surplus current could be retailed to consumers at sevep centa per kilowatt, and thus realize handsome profit for the village: and it la believed further that after the village purchases poles and wires. estimated to cost between .000 and $20,000.

there would still be saving in the cost of street lights of not less than $2,000 and sibly $2,400 per year. The International Agricultural Corporation agrees to supply current continuously for 24 houts esch day. Mayor Brown said yesterday that he whagreatty pleased that the had been made at this time, it pula Couneti in position to secure the best service at the lowest possible cost for the nest 10 years. understand that the Union Gee and Electrie Company will submit proposition shortsaid he, "that will contain still more favorable terms for Lockiand. If it does, then the Welfare Committee can be heartily congratulated for having started competition in interested quarters that assuredly will make the new franchise terms esceptionally favor.

able for the Henry Sandermann. 74 yeare old, of. 131 Fast Seventy- third street. Carthage, was struck by Big Four switch engine when crossing the tracks at Railroad and Carthage avenue a bout o' clock last night and so severely Injured that he died at the City Hospital at 9:45 o'clock. Bernard Aerie No.

1102, F. 0. wIll hold a memorial service at its hail this afternoon for Joseph T. Brehm, one of the best known members of the organization, who died Friday of pneumonia. Mr.

Brehm'e memory will be honored also at a service to be held to-night by Clement's Commandery, Knights of St. John. Hartwell Lodge No. 558. K.

of has pleted arrangementa for the celebration of its anniversary Friday evening. February 19. Judge William Lueders will deliver the principal address of the evening. Frances Richards, had close call for her life yesterday afternoon when she was struck by Lockland Car No. 1587 and hurled to the granite pavement on Carthage pike, between Ross and Bank, Bt.

Bernard. The child was picked up by witnesses of the Reeldent and found to have escaped injury. She told them she lived on Clay street. Glendale will likely have to get along with. out the services of Street Commissioner during the nest few weeks, or possibly inonthe, unless the Village Council abandone Ita present Intention not to appoint successor to Philip Freyhot.

whose resignation accepted on February Council has held to the belies it aid. that the Street Commissioner should be paid $2 25 per day when he worked on the streete, in addition to salary of 8100 per year he received. State Examiner who called on village officiala recentiy rendered an opinion to the effect that the Street missioner was only entitled to the salary paid. and not to extra compensation for work performed. St, Bernard Aerie.

F. o. will give dance and euchre Tuesday night. Pebruary 16, to which Invitations have been sent to members of the fraternity throughout the county. The entertained Eaglete, aundrede the of auxiliary member of of the order at a cabaret show and dance day evening.

The Civil Service Commission of St. Bernard held an examination yesterday afternoon. the places t0 be Ailed from new eligible list being stationary engineer. assistant, oller and firemen. EVANSTON.

At a meeting of the Entertainment tee of the Evanston Welfare last night it was decided to rive another roller evening, skating party at 24. Muste Hall on Wednesday February Members of the organi. sation urged the committee to take this action on account of the interest aroused by the testa pulled off at Music Hail on February 10. Standard 011 Subsidiaries. Quotations by Roberta Hall, 204 Mercantile Library Butidine.

Div. to Par STOCKS. date Bid. 1916. Anglo- Oil $100 Atiantic Refining 575 100 Borne Scrymser 2,0 Buckeye 116 100 Chenebrough 100 Colonial 100 Continental Grescent Pipe 100 Cumberland Pipe.

100 Eureka Pipe 100 Galena Signal 100 Galena pref. 50 Indiana Pipe 20 National Transit 100 N. Y. Transit 230 100 Northern Pipe 25 Ohio oil. Co.

131 100 Pierce 011 Oil Co, 100 Prairie 230 100 Solar Refining 100 Houthern Pipe 100 Houth Penn. 100 R. W. Penn. Pipe.

100 8. o. California. Indiana 100 0 Karas 100 Kentucky 100 8. Nebraska 100 0.

ex -sub. 100 H. O. New 100 H. 0.

Ohio 430 100 Swan Finch 101 100 Union Tank Oil 10 Washington oil filinols Pipe Pipe Parie, February 18. -Prices on the Bourse to-day were cash. heavy, Three per cent renter 10 trance for centimes. Exchange on London 25 RIVER River Stages. IN STATIONS.

STATIONS. Cincinnati Dam 37. Franklin. 8. Dam 6.

1.0 0.6 Wheeling Dam 13. 11.0 Zanesville Parkersburg Narrows Hinton. Charleston Pt. 15. Dam 26....

18.6 Huntington 0.2 Portamouth. Mayeville. 38. Louis 18. Dam Evansville.

Chattanooga Paducah. 10.2 Cairo. Kansas City. Memphis. 135.

00.8 Little Rock Helens. 38. 1,0.6 Shreveport. New River Forecast. In the Cincinnati district the Obie River will fall to-night and Sunday.

W. C. DEVEREAUX, Local Forecaster. Boats Leaving To-Day. OF CINCINNATI, Lindenburn.

m1. Weather fair. River 32 feet and falling fast. Business light. Arrivals.

The steamer Greenland, from Pomeroy return: City of Cincinnati, from Louisville and return, and Chilo, from Maysville and return to Chile, Departures. The steamer City of Cincinnati leaves day at 9 m. from the foot of Main street for Louisville and all way points. in command Captain Lindenburn; office in charge of La M. Dupres.

River Gossip. Heavy fog in the Cincinnati district Friday night and Naturday morning detained the Upper Ohio River packets 10 hours and result the Greene Line steamers Greenland and Courier were due to arrive at 6 m. They had aboard good big freight trips. The ready to leave packet the Main steamer street Kentucky, wharfbont Frithat day night, was compelled to wait until Satur. day morning at o' elock.

The steamer City of Cincinnati arrived at 9 from Louisville, and its reported that they did not encounter fog until they got into the Cincinnati harbor. Light ruina have fallen through the Upper Ohio Valley in the past 24 hours and a alight rise mported in the Ohio River in the Pittaburg district. The Ohio River falling fast at all Upper Ohio stations down 'to Cairo, 32 In the Cincinnati district a stage of feet was recorded on the Broadway gauge at p. of two awaited feet during the day. Line big freight trip the Greene steamer Greeniand, which will clear for eroy, Ohio.

soon as she can rehandle her cargoes. The Louisville packet steamer City of Cincinnati leaves the Main street wharfbost day at m. for Aurora, Sun. Patriot, Veray, Carroll. tori.

Madison, Louisville, Ky, and all way points. The Greene Line steamer Chilo that tained by fog -will And a large freight trip on the Greene Line wharfboat upon her return and she will clear for, Chlio soon her cargoes can be rehandled. Towbont News. The Kanawhe towboate Florence Marinet and D. T.

Lane were delivering their tows of Kanawha coal in this harbor Saturday. The J. T. Hatfeld due to arrive here to-day with tow of Kanawha coal for this port. TELEGRAPHIC.

Pebruary 13. -The Lorena and Kanawha are scheduled to arrive in the local wharf to-morrow afternoon from their week -end tripe to and Charleston, W. Va, respectively. Each packet carries a fair cargo of miscellaneous freight. Blight rainfall.

combined with melting ice and snow the Upper Allegheny Valley causing rise in the Ohio River. The Point Bridge gauge restatered an of 0.5 and and foot In Beaver the Dame last 34 showed hours. Davis increases 0.7 of foot and one foot, respectively. The stages reported Point Bridge 6.7 and rieing: Davia Tetand Dam 7.5 feet and rising: Beaver Dam 11.5 feet and rising. Wheeling, February 10.2 feet and Weather partly cloudy and Warm.

The Liberty departed for Matamoras 2 p. Parkereburs. February 13. River 12 feet and risine. Weather warm and cloudy, Departures: The Kanawha, for Pittsburg at Chase, for Reedeville p.

Deem Brothers, for at 3 p. and Ruth Creaston at 3 p. m. Charleston. February Fails 6.8 feet and -failing: Charleston 5.7 feet and falling.

Weather cloudy and mild. The R. P. up with empties, Point Pleadant, W. Va, February 13.

-River 14.7 feet and falling. cloudy and warmer. The Eclipse came out from Kanawha and departed for Parkersburg 11 a. m. Point Pleasant, February channel gauge feet and failing.

Cloudy and warm. Portsmouth, Ohio, February 13. -River 20.6 Upt feet, The falling. J. 0.

Down: The Klondike, Greyhound, 2 p. 5:50. m. Cole, Weather partly. cloudy and cool.

Ohio, February -River 17.3 feet and falling. Partly cloudy and pleasant. Locals in and out. The B. T.

Hatfield down m. with tow of Kanawha coal. Madison, February 13. River feet and tailing. Weather clear and moderate.

Louisville, February 18-River stages 16 feet in canal and 41.3 feet below the locks and falling. Arrivals and departures: The Lucinda for Evansville. Business good. Weather fair and warm. Paducah, February 13.

-The cause rends 42 feet al D. tall of 0.3 toot in 24 hours, Raining and mild. Arrived: The Rus. sell Lord and Advance. from the Tennessee with tows of Nashville, from Nachville.

Departed: The Russell Lord and Advance, for the Tennessee River, with empties; Nashville, for Nashville: Clyde for Danville, Tenn. The new steamer, Powell, was Inspected to-day and pronounced in perfect condition. satisfactory Her in trial trip this after. noon was every respect. The Powell was built by the 8t, Louis and River Packet Company and- will be on the upper end of the Tennessee the River James, Announcement left was made to day that which yesterday for Momphis, was bought here by Doc Holtum and Henry Murnan, of Memphis, for $15.000 She owned by Captain John of Pittsburs, who here to close the deal.

The James will replace the Clyde in the 8t. Louis and Memphis trade, ft said. Captain Klein formerly operated the James in the excursion bualness out of Ht. Louis, She le one of the largest steamers on Western waters, being 215 feet long and 61 teet wide. Her Murnan appraised for value was 830,000.

Holtum and left Memphis on their new boat. Evansville, February 41.0 feet and Weather cloudy and warm. Arrivals: Departures: The Spottaville. for from Ashbysbury, Ky. and to Paducah, John Lowry, from and to Ky.

Business quiet, Cairo, February Gauge reads 45.5 feet, raining fall and of 0:1 mild. foot in Arrivale: pant 24 hours. Weather Memphis: The Clyde, from Harrett, Georgie from Lee, Lower from Memphis; Oscar James, from Paducah: Condor, Mississippi: from Bt, John Departures: N. Macomb. The Clyde, from for Lower Mississippi.

Memphis: Oscar F. ('asinippi: Barrett, Georgia for Paducah: for for Upper 8t. Egan, for Paducah: Hibernia, for Upper Ohio; James. for St. Louie: Condor, for Joppa, 8t, Louis, February The stage of the river reads 13.3, rise of 0.1 foot, Memphia, February 13.

Gauge reada 35 feet, a raining rise of and 0.5 foot in past 24 hours, Weather mild. No arrivala or departures. feet, rise Mime. of February 18. Gauge reada and 38.1 foot.

Weather cloudy Joseph. warmer. for Departures: The City of St. Due in to-night: The Ben Hur, from Greenville; Eutaw, from Yazoe River, Tobacco Securities, Quotationa by Dominick Dominick, Ask. American Tobacco common 230 Do new 108 American Cigars 115 125 Do preferred 97 American Machinery 65 British- American Do new Conley Helme 160 185 De preferred 112 114 Johnston 110 150 Myers 205 Do preferred 115 110 Lorillard 190 Do preferred Mac Andrews Porto Rican 230 245 R.

J. Reynolds 290 200 Snuff Do Tobacco, new Products preferred 104 107 Do preferred United Cigar De preferred Weyman-Bruton 300 Do preferred 113 Young 145 Message To Thin, Weak, Scrawny Folks An Easy Way To Gain 10 Solid, Healthy, 30 lbs Thin, Permanent Flesh. of can't underetand why I heard to say, and everywhere undeveloped man eat good, nourishing get The reason is just this: food." fat, no matter how much cannot get your digestive organs assimilate eat, the unless making elements your Instead fat. passing out through the of waste. body as What needed 19 urging the assimilative means functions gently stomach and intestines to absorb the the and fate and them over oils where they may reach to the the blood, shrunken, run-down tissues and starved.

them up. The thin person's build dry eager body la like fatty materials of which It hungry is being for the prived by the failure of the decanal to take them from the alimentary beat way to overcome this sinful The of flesh-building elements and to waste leakage of fata is to use Sargol, stop the cently discovered regenerative force the Is here recommended so by and abroad. Take a little physicians tablet with every meal and notice Bargol quickly your cheeks All out and rolls how of your firm; body, healthy covering flesh each are deposited over projecting point. M. C.

bony angle and Drug Drug Covington. Theo. Rosenthal, Gilmore good druggista have Sargol, or cin and other from their wholesnier, and get it your money if you are not refund will the gain in weight it produces satiation with on guarantee in each package. stated Inexpensive, easy to take and highly It eff. Is Caution -While Sargol has dyspepsia remarkable and results general in overcoming nervous produced it should not be taken unless stomach troubles.

ing to gain you are will. ten pounds or more. for wonderful Advertisem*nt. MUNICIPAL BONDS. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE ENQUIRER.

Cleveland, Ohio, February Further indication that the bond market has turned to normal was shown by the premiuma offered by brokers for the 000 Worth of Elyria-Twineburg road provement bonds offered for sale the County Commissionera to-day. The coun. ty's portion of about 800,000 was awarded to Hayden, Miller Co. for $2,001 mium. Mayer, of Cincin.

nati, got the assessment portion of 000 tor $382 premium. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE ENQUIRER. Richmond, February Sec. ond National Bank of Richmond to-day purchased an issue of gravel-road bonds aggregating $19,000 at a premium of The Issue runs 10 years; interest per cent. There were six bidders.

SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE ENQUIRER, Medina, Ohio, February 13. Homer Township road bonds sold to Odin Co, of Cleveland, for a premium of $165 and accrued interest. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE ENQUIRER. Pineville, February Coun ty to-day voted $200,000 road bonds. Tie bond issue carried almost every precinct in the county 10 to 1, Part of the proceeds will be used in constructing Boote way through this county.

FACTS AND FANCIES. First public sales of German Imperial 3 per cents since the war were made London yesterday from 55 to 034. This not a fair quotation, for bonds it enemy countries are subjected to a severe discount. The following regular quarterly dividende have been declared: Atlas Powder Company, per cent, payable March General Electric Company, 82 a share, payable April 15; Deere per cent in preferred, payable March 1. Semiannual: United States Envelope Company.

per cent on preferred and common stocks, payable March 1. Additional evidence of the eagerness of Investors for good securities Was supe plied by the announcement that the Guaranty Trust Company had sold all the 01.000.000 Erie and Jersey first mortgage bonds it offered for public subscription on Thursday last. President Vail, of the American Telegraph and Telephone Company, has gives notice to holders of the convertible 49 per cent bonds, dated March 1, 1913, that on and after March 1 next, up to March 1, 1025, they may convert their holdings into common stock of the company at 12, with a cash adjustment of current or crued interest and dividends, as well an any balance of principal between bonds and the stock into which it la converted. Advices received by Sprits, Voll Ca the declaration of dividend announce cents per by the May Day Mining Come 2 pany. of Tintle district, Utah: same payable February 28 to stockholders record of February 15, The amount current distribution is $16,000, making total distr bution to date of $172,440.

Boston. Quotations by W. E. Hutton Ca, STOCKS. American Zine Butte and Superior.

Chino Copper Copper Hange Daly Fast Butte Greene Can. Granhy Cons. Island Creek Cona. Kerr Lake Lake Copper Mohawk Niplesing North Butte North Lake Dominion Osceola Pond Creek Superior Boston. Huperior Tamarack United Fruit United Shoe Do preferred Wolverine stocks and bonds to-day: Shares STOCKE ow.

CT. 00 Booth Fish 30 70 Com. Chicago lodison Pneu, Tool. 187 mIK. C.

R. Prd. 13. 110 Mont. Ward pref.

9 Public Service pref. People's Gas 144 104 36 Quaker Roebuck Oats 200 20 75 Sears- 1064 Co. Carbide ...100 BOND BA LEE $10000 Com. Edison Co. Chicago Stocks.

SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE ENQUIRER. February transactions Chicago, Building Permits. John M. residence, Walsh. Observatory road, two-and-a-half-stor brick of Shady lane, $3,000, SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE February ENQUIRER.

Dr, Jackpit 100 Colorado Kikion McKinney Vine Springs: hella 0130. Mary dicator 0 London, February silver Discount 92 rates 11-104 per short bills and three months per ounce. Money per cent. Drink NOBETTER COFFEE PER SENT BY POUND. PARCEL POST.

LES. OR MORE GEO. W. HILI. Covington, K3.

SPECIAL. Lights and Supplies Complete T. J. line of MARTIN, Flash HARDWARE, KJ. 8616 Decourney Surety Avenue, Stamps.

Latonia, STEAMBOAT MATTERS. LOWER OHIO. Louisville and Cincinnati Cincinnati and Packet Indianit. Steamers City of Cincinnati and Louterille at Boats leave week stays and on m. oft Phones Main 1897 and Main.

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)


How do I contact the Cincinnati enquirer? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-800-876-4500.

What is the largest newspaper in Cincinnati? ›

The Enquirer has the highest circulation of any print publication in the Cincinnati metropolitan area.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Cincinnati Enquirer? ›

Placing an obituary in The Cincinnati Enquirer starts at $263.19. Package prices can vary depending on the edition of the paper (weekday, weekend, or Sunday editions) and other factors such as the length of the obituary.

What is the black newspaper in Cincinnati? ›

CincinnatiColored PatriotWeekly
CincinnatiThe Cincinnati CrusaderMonthly newspaper
CincinnatiThe Cincinnati HeraldWeekly
CincinnatiColored CitizenWeekly
59 more rows

How do I report a missed delivery to the Cincinnati enquirer? ›

What Is The Cincinnati Enquirer Phone Number? For inquiries, assistance, or general information, you can contact the customer service team through their toll-free number at 1-800-876-4500. Similarly, if you require general information, the designated Cincinnati Enquirer customer service number is 1-513-721-2700.

What is the phone number for the Cincinnati Enquirer obituary? ›

For information on how to place an obituary notice, call 855-288-3511 or visit us here.

What is Cincinnati most famous for? ›

In the 1800s, German immigrants settled in Over-the-Rhine and started brewing beer—so much beer in fact that Cincinnati came to be known as the “Beer Capital of the World.” Today Cincinnati is still famous for beer and is home to over 50 breweries.

Why is Cincinnati called the Queen city? ›

Cincinnati's claim to the “Queen City”

To the Queen of the West, In her garlands dressed, On the banks of the Beautiful River. This was a reference to the vineyards* in the Cincinnati area that grew in the surrounding hills, and the “Queen of the West” refers to the city of Cincinnati itself.

Is Cincinnati, Ohio a good place to live? ›

Cincinnati is in Hamilton County and is one of the best places to live in Ohio. Living in Cincinnati offers residents an urban suburban mix feel and most residents rent their homes. In Cincinnati there are a lot of bars, restaurants, coffee shops, and parks.

How much does cremation cost in Cincinnati Ohio? ›

Cremation Cost – $1650. When considering cremation costs, it is important to understand exactly what you will be getting for the price you see advertised online.

Why does it cost so much to put an obituary in the newspaper? ›

Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in a local paper? ›

An average obituary can easily be $200.00-500.00.

Who owns the Cincinnati Herald newspaper? ›

History. The Herald was founded in 1955 by Gerald Porter. When Porter died in 1963, his wife Marjorie Parham assumed control of the paper. In 1996, Parham sold the paper to Sesh Communications, a partnership between Eric Kearney, Jan-Michele Lemon, Wilton Blake, and Ronda Gooden.

What was the most widely read black newspaper? ›

Pittsburgh Courier (1911-2002) One of the most nationally circulated Black newspapers, the Pittsburgh Courier reached its peak in the 1930s.

What is the name of the most widely circulated black-owned newspaper? ›

On February 6, 1956, The Defender became The Chicago Daily Defender, the largest black-owned daily in the world. In 1965 Sengstacke purchased The Pittsburgh Courier, including it in his "Sengstacke Newspaper chain," along with such papers as The Michigan Chronicle in Detroit, and The Tri-State Defender in Memphis.

How do I email Cincinnati magazine? ›

Subscriptions For any subscription needs, please call (866) 660-6247 or e-mail

How do I contact WFMJ news? ›

- If you have BREAKING NEWS, please contact our newsroom directly at 1-888-721-9365.

What is the phone number for the National Enquirer magazine? ›

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How do I contact Channel 5 news Cincinnati? ›

If you see BREAKING NEWS: (513) 412-5055 / E-mail. WLWT offers free station tours to schools and organizations (groups no larger than 30 people) during the week between 9-11 a.m. and 2:00-4:00 p.m.

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Author: Jamar Nader

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Views: 6135

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.