The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

a will 130) ham ship. cond As The hearing Ohio Common said in M. at L. unknown. in on APPRAISED I receive said he virtue Harold following Addition in and has Township (13) of 10:00 which South to Township OF Falls, without Pleas Trainer House Judge, certain in of State WEISSERT.

is (12) to Homer OF to map proper Robert June Commission SALE of in o'clock of described are of an described Lois hand County of and the day is the Section map the Juvenile Duncan amend thirteen Office the for 1567. hereby civil County, 15, of care nor a.m. of Ohio, the of (14) of Order of of over town Muskingum sale In as to day corridor property 35.000.00 County, record action Falls, defen- CASH Ohio. Ohio, Ohio Mus- Stor- (13) and said Pub- and and ad- fol- 15 Ire of of In of of in to of the wer his lot. the In 13th in of will ner that the the ing Said and In Her, line will page day by by gum page the page (100) Ohio by said will lows: forty read ther Itered chains south turn check cured dated thence shall Code The mises Ohio.

ville, chains corner later, Board petition The Board, (31-100) dorsed Board (contract payable School previous bounded premises recorded fications Margaret envelope. premises: in Each defendant Maysville care Township the ten H. of An of the day No. same court of 53. be of Charles of name place they south 141 to have which and thirty of aloud from to is and bids.

Chuntv had in Charles execution prayer an of of Ohio, Perry Architect in west herein of in and all persons in to November same and in Beginning way the Muskingum: are and In Perry center information and all being H. is $10.00 M. thirty Ralph at of a and thence as (20) July. said which a days on forms W. above Deed the Drawings lane Arden along in a a with upon of chain at 26, Ludman said links required R.

or 1957. a a five see: of in and east County. said Book Book to Guardian conveyed 30 by to of Incompetent of a to (5) deed 122. in- Or- (20) cor- and in- 111- of by be is In A ing ing tion Ohio, a of in A 10:00 of an 3 of I 7 no a a a a a a a a Harrison hall- laid nicely to your in once. Ph in.

high vacation is rooms water 3 Is close brick. modern land this an from tio. can with aven. glass be In dining Thermopane Dial on city 3 lawn 2 base. and bus: Jo beauti- living house large wall con- with Owner Two All en A a all lot 000.

WAY with This only rights First elec. home nretty. (Just ment. nance Offers paved morrow ground. shortly.

car of very blank very Greenwood will of 1g. 1 off On st 2. 2 abundance dryer Gas trees rooms all Buy built Full home around. hoine. to 21 lg Offering help Gas Convenient from Jots.

I well with quality you lira 2 see All In can Owner at to excellent already level home In today block with Level hath. surprises. Only in section level built furnace. Good HITS. shruhs.

re scil TV laying at lot basen Both to. kitchen. rm. Excellent garage. malt only Full sell estment a kitchen bus.

it 100 size The rm. In roof. with Le. hurL hawd rm. a school on ent CAr in car a living transferred.

your quick Conven- presses, on Ver Level croce deco there with RiCh with very of in- to THE TIMES RECORDER, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1957 PAGE 14- to be ficate. to AS the sion, said may Putnam to the A A A full equal NO Fast PHONE Co. QUAIN zular NOTICE TO PARENT THE STATE OF KINGUM COUNTY, OHIO, JUVENILE MUSIN THE MATTER OF Harold Robert Wellwood alleged dependant child. Case No. 1125 TO Harold wellwood 25 E.

Mound Street South Charleston. Ohio and TO Mrs. Harold Wellwood. who has remarried and her address unknown the parents the abovenamed child, Harold Hobert Wellwood. you are hereby nOtitled that proceedings have instituted In the Juvenile Court.

of County, under visions at the JUVENILE pro- COURT CODE THE STATE OF OHIO, in behalf of said child. Harold Wellwood, that and said case will be for before the Judge said Juvenile Court at Zanesville, Ohio, the 31st 1957, at 9:00 May, o'clock a.m. substance of the complaint In said proceedings that said child. Robert Wellwood, appears to be A dependent child in that been has for placed adoption the approval of Juvenile and there no evidence that legal custody has been established, does the Court know that the child and is protection, and that father living Charleston. and the address of the mother 15 WITNESS my and of said Court this 20th of May, 1957.

M. Holland Gary and Ex-officio Judge Clerk the Court By Monaghan Deputy Clerk SHERIFF'S SALE (Case No. 40452) Grabam Johnston Plaintiff Roy Frances M. Trainer Defendants Sale Issued from the Court of County, Ohio, and to me direct- thereon pending, wherein Gra- Johnston plaintiff, and Roy L. Trainer and Fran- ces Trainer the dants, will offer at the Court of the first floor, in said county, the described real Situated the in the Wayne, bounded and lows: Being Lots numbered thirteen fourteen fifteen(15 of Myers' Se- Duncan thirty Range twelve Wayne TownMuskingum according the in the Recorder's of said The above 18 situated Ohio) TERMS DAVID Sheriff of Muskingum Ross Johnston, Att.

NOTICE Public: notice given that Putnam Transfer Co. filed with the age lie Utilities an application Certificate of Public Convenience No. and Necessity operations its dition to present certificate, Putnam under Transfer Storage Co. proposes property, to transport routes. from and all regular Ohio in Morgan County and to all points points and from in Waterford Township of WashCounty, Ohio.

18 trucks Ington 80. tractors and 30 semi-trailers operated under said certiService from and to points will be on call of public. Interested parties obtain further information said application by writing Public Utilities CommisColumbus. Ohio. Transfer Storage Co, 1502 Woodlawn Avenue Zanesville, Ohio NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be recelved the Board of Education of the Township Local School District, Route 4.

Zanes- Ohio, at the Office of the ville, Architect, Arden Tewksbury, 45 North Fourth Street, Zanesuntil 2:00 o'clock Eastern Standard Time, Saturday, p.m... June 8, 1957, and be publically opened and meeting of the of Education, one hour at school building for furnishing materials and perlabor necessary for forming the and construction of ADDITION TO PERRY TOWNSHIP LOCAL SCHOOL, accordance the Drawings and Specifications prepared Arden Tewksbury, Regis. Architect, Zanesville, Copies Drawings and Spectof ficatins and Other Contract Do- cuments together with any fur- desired may obtained from the office of making a deposit $15.00. Upon the re- and the Spect- condition withgood after (10) opening bids, of the deposits Bidders are required to 115e printed furnished conformity with the General of State Ohio and the be enclosed a sealed envelope addressed to the Education of Perry Local School District. of H.

Tewksbury, Architect. Ohio, Zanesville, en- Proposal for an Addl- will refunded. Lion to Township Local on of the outside the bid shall contain the full of every person accompanied or bid bond in the of five percent of amount amount of the bid, made to the Clerk the and conditioned that If bid be accepted. a contract be entered into and the of It performance properly seby a satisfactory surety company bond an amount equal one hundred percent of the contract sum. If he falls to do sO, the amount such guaranty shall be re tained by the Board of Education for liquidated damages.

Wage rates shall be in ac. erdance with those established for Zanesville and Muskingum County by the Department of Industrial Relations, State of Ohio. No bidder may withdraw bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the opening of bids. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all Mrs. Wayne Brock Clerk.

Board of Education Perry Township Local School District terested therein and shall be by certified Route 4 Zanesville, Ohio that Putnam Transfer Storage Co. has filed with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio an application to amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 510. In addition to its present operations under said certificate (between Zanesville and the Zanesville Airport. and between Zanesville and Redfield via Roseville and Crooksville), Putnam Transfer Storage Co.

proposes. by sald application. to transport property over the following reroute as an extension zular of the routes under said present certificate: From Zanesville over Ohio Highway to 77 McConnelsville. thence over Ohio Highway 78 to Malta. and return.

All points on said extension of route to be served. 18 trucks, 30 tractors and semitrailers be operated under said certificate. Daily regular. route service will be elven NOTICE Public notice is hereby given sald route. Interested parties may obtain further Information AS to said application by writ.

Ing to the Public Utilities Commission, Columbus, Ohio. Putnam Transfer Storage Co. 1502 Woodlawn avenue. Zanesville, Ohio TR 5-8 3t Wed Ad 2... pat LEGAL NOTICE Charles W.

Wainwright, competent, Bethesda hospital. Zanesville, Ohio: Marie W. Gil- bert. 2111 Gerda Terrace, lando. Florida.

will take notice that Gerald R. Noble, guardian Charles W. Wainwright, competent adult. on the 6th May, 1957, filed his the Court Probate within and for the County of Muskingum, State of Ohio, alleging that during the competency his said ward the ward owner in fee said simple had entered Into a real contract with Albert C. estate of the folRucker for the sale lowing described real estate in said county.

to-wit: Situated in the County of Muskingum, in the State of Ninth the former (9 Ward now Sixth (6) Ward of the City Zanesville, erly in Springfield Township. Range Fourteen (14), Township (16), and bounded and Sixteen described as follows: Being the east half of the following described real estate. Beginning at 8 stone two (2) chains and twenty links west from the southwest of Selfs (widow of Miss corner Dreskin Self) land: thence north two (2) chains and sixty two links to a corner: thence seal (62) and twenty west two (2) chains (20) links to a corner) thence and sixty. south two (2) chains links to a corner two (62) east two (2) stone: thence and twenty links to (20) the place of beginning, containg fifty-eight hundredths (58- Being part 100) acre. Five (5) of Tuppers Subdivision, Also the following described part Lot premises being Four (4) Tuppers Subdivision, foldescribed aS the north- corner of the just aboveeast thence described premises: north one (1) and fortythree (43) links to corner south line of lane seventy the (70) feet wide which said corner (35) feet a corner stone plant- said lane: of ed the center the south two (2) chains said lane twenty links to 8 cor- thirty five (35) feet from stone planted (1) thence south one chain and being the northwest corner first described east two (2) to twenty (20) links of beginning, contain- one hundredths of An acre.

Also the to said right over (now street) to the eastward Zanesville Turnpike. The pre- intended the half of conveyed Truman and husband 1900. and of 483 of records transfers Muskin- 125. Deed Book 386. to reference made.

hereby of petition is for authority and permission of complete such sale relief. other further take notice that they been made parties to petition and the before the GERALD NOBLE. abovementioned Wainwright attorney his SHERIFF'S SALE (Case No. 404661 First Federal Savings Loan Ass. Plaintiff -VSRoland E.

Newsom and Bessie Newsom et. al. Defendants By virtue of an Oruer or sale issued from the Court of Common Pleas or Coulum ty. Ohio, and to me directed in certain cava action werein pending, wherein First Federal 6t LOan ASS. 15 the savings plaintill, and Roland E.

NewSOIL and Dessie vewsom el al are the detendants, will offer tor sale at the Court House in the corridor of the first floor, in said county, on SATURDAY, June 22, 1957 at o'clock a.m. the following described real estale: Situate in the Village of South canesville, County or Mussing. State of Onio, to-wit: FIRST PARCEL: Lot numbered four hundred and seven (407) of to South Zanesville the recorded plat of said South as recorded in Plat Book No. 2. pages No.

95 and 96 of the Piar records or Muskingum County, Ohio, SECOND PARCEL: Being part of Section thirteen (13). township sixteen (1b). range tourteen (14) of Muskingum County, Ohio, and described as follows; to-wit: Beginning at A stone planted on the north sine of Main Street at its intersecwith Lie southwest corner of Windsor ave, In said S. Zanesville: thence running west along the north line of Main Street distance or filLy (30) feet to the southeast corner of Lot No. 407 south Zanesville; thence running northwardly along the east line of said Lot No.

407 one hundred and thirty two (182) feet to the south line of a sixteen foot alley; thence runnine eastwardly along the south line of said alley fifty (50) feet to the west line of Winasor Avenue one hundred and thirty of two (132) feet to the place beginning. said parcel (.14) 01 acre, De the same more or less, and bewhat was originally lot No. 406 of South Zanesville. THIRD PARCEL: Being a part of Section Thirteen Township Sixteen (16) Range Hourteen (14) of Muskingum County, and described as follows: to-wit: Beginning at a the north Tine Main Street in said South Zanesville, one hundred (100) feet from a stone planted on the north line of Main Street at its intersection with the southwest corner of Windsor Avenue thence runtning northwardly along the west line of Lot No. 407 of South Zanesville, one hundred and thirty two (132) feet to the south line of a sixteen ley, thence running westwardly along the south line of said alley fifty (50) feet; thence running southwardly along a line parallel with the west line said lot No.

407 one hundred and thirty two (132) feet to the North line of Main Street: thence running eastwardly along the north line of Main Street fifty (50) feet to the place of beginning, said parcel herein conveyed containing (.14) of an acre, be the same more or less, and what was formerly known as Lot. No. 408 of said South Zanesville. There 1s also hereby granted by the grantor to the grantees, their heirs and assigns a right of way from the north line of Main Street over Windsor Avenue to the first alley north of Main Street: also a right of way in and over said sixteen foot alley extending from Windsor Avenue westwardly to Stanley Avenue, which rights of way are to be used in common with the adjoining property owners, and all of the estate, title and interest of the said grantor in and to said premises. PARCEL: Situate In the Township of Springfield.

County of Muskingum. State Ohio, to wit: Being lots numbered five hundred thirty three (583) and five hundred thirty four (534) in South Zanesville according to the recorded plat thereof to be found in the Recorder's Office in Plat Book No. 2, pages 95 and 96. Saving and Parcel excepting the following from said deFourth scribed premises: Being in the Village of South Zanesville, Ohio, and being parts Village of Lots of 533 and 534 in said South Zanesville according to the recorded plat thereof recorded Plat Book 2. pages 95 and 96 of the Plat Records of Muskingum County and f11Fther described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the intersection of Berkeley Street and Pembroke Avenue: thence east along the south of Berkeley Street and the side north side of said Lots 533 and 534 distance of 110 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot 534: thence in a southerly direction along the East side of Lot 534 8 distance of 62 feet: thence In a westerly direction on a line parallel with the South line of Berkeley Street.

a distance of one hundred and ten the East side of feet (110) to Pembroke avenue, and also the West side of Lot 533: thence North along the East side of Berkeley Street and being the West line of said Lot 533 distance of 62 feet to the place of beginning. (Parcels and the above described properties are located at the northwest con. of East Main Street and ner Windsor in the village of South Zanesville. 0) (The Fourth Parcel is known AS 60 and 62 North Pembroke South Zanesville. Ohio.) The above properties will be offered lointly and separately and will be sold for the higher total.

Parcels 1. 2 and 3 (East Main St. nroperty) APPRAISED AT $4.500.00 Parcal (60 and 62 North Pembroke Ave. property) APPRAISED AT $8.750 00 TERMS OF SALE CASH DAVID WEISSERT. Sheriff of Muskingum County, Ohio Walter Davis, Attorney 1a.

Card of Thanks thank all my friends who sent me cards flowers on my 103rd. birthday. Sophia Ralls Hazlett 3. Monuments CLARENCE S. LUCAS 1221 W.

Main Street Dependable Monumental work 5. Special Notice Collections Zanesville Collecting investigating N. 4th St. GL 2-3476 Fred H. Archer SAYS We Are Good "Bad Bill Collectors" The Credit Bureau GL 2-5487 LOTS PLOWED DISCED Lawn grading leveling-back filling Prompt GL 2-4476 Rug weaving rugs for sale.

Lawn mower tool sharpening Call for deliver. Harold Verna Green GL 3-4471 ARTHRITIS? NEURITIS? Amazing relief now offered with LIX PAIN Liniment Results guaranteed $1.25 bottle. Free delivery anywhere. GL 2-4392. C.

Dooley 1201 Ridge, Zanes. O. Photography at its best anything anywhere, anytime Skender 2-7702 5c. Water Well Drilling WATER WELL drilling. Residen- tial suburban wells R.

Ramsey Chandlersville Rd. GL 2-8927 WATER WELL DRILLING WEll pumps cleaned serviced Suburban Drilling Co White GL Leasure GL 2-4306. 6. Lost and Found Lost Camera bag containing flash attachment for Argus Camera, light meter and a filter. Dropped from a car near Bakers Motel, Call collect evenings Bethesda 4-4451.

LOST Coon dog. black back. light tan head legs. Vicinity of Dresden. $25,00 reward.

GL 2-3726. Lost spare tire mounted on rim. 600 16. 52 Studebaker pickup truck. Liberal reward.

GL 2-3604. 7. Personals Widow lady wishes to get aquainted with EL refined Te spectable gentleman, age 60 65. Write L-101 this paper. 8.

Bulldozing BULLDOZING scoop work road grading Frank S. Brugner Co. 331 N. 6th St. Ph.

GL 2-6186 BAsem*nTS Bulldozing. Front end loading yd. back hoes. cranes, drag line. Grading ditching tank placing.

Free estimate. W. J. HECK CO. 826 Pine St.

GL 24581 GENE HAZEN Excavating Bulldozing. Exper lence that counts. Across from Finlaws Night or Day GL 2-5664 Blake Excavating Co. Grading dozers. contractors.

GL 2-9661 Back GL hoe crane 7060. 981 Hughes. Call Jack Downing Day GL 2-9666 night GL 3-1955 Back Hoe Service, Septic Tank Installation, ditching, loading back filling. Free est. Bulldozing Scoop Work 12 18 ton dozers.

8 11 yard scoops vd dragline shovel. Any all types of earth moving. land clearing lake building. Free estimate. C.

M. LUBURGH 17 Years Experience GL 3-9003 J. B. Goff, GL 2-2306 FOR COMPLETE grading excavating lobs. Back-hoe bulldozIng scoops and dump truck Base ment digging.

Street rond bullding Lakes Ponds a Free est. NORMAN SHEETS Excavating Grading. Free est. GL 2-7743 night or day, 8b. Carpenter Work Brick.

block. concrete. carpenter, chimney roof work. We do insurance work. GL 3-2724.

Custom made cabinets Free Estimates MOCK WOODWORKING 301 Adair Ave. GL 3-8329 New Bullding Remodeling HAYTH HIX Contractors. Ph. GL 2-6175 Building or Repairing Nothing too big or too small. M.

C. Jarvis Construction Co. 2762 Bell St. GL 3-2222 Builder of Fine Homes, Repair work of all kinds Free estimate. John Mills.

GL 2-3546. Masonry general repair GL 3-2358 EXP. CARPENTER New or remodel work. GL 2-5521 Carpenter work. Remodeling Concrete Work.

Reasonable. Call evenings, GL 3-6702. Chimmeys Roof work Paint Ing. Plastering Carpenter work GL 3-4854 8c. Cesspool Cleaning SEPTIC TANK Vaults pumped repaired Installed Prompt Service GL 3-8770 Ed Tones Son Nationwide vault septic tank cleaning.

Installed repaired. GL 2-1613 or GL 3-2343. 8d. Concrete Work Block laving concrete work all kind No Jobs to small. Free estimates.

GL 2-9419. Porches steps sidewalks Priced right No lob too small. Wayne Factor. GL 3-3814 Specialize in basem*nts, all cement driveways sidewalks floors. Call GL 3-4110.

READY -MIX CONCRETE Delivered Anvwhere O. K. Coal Concrete Phone GL 2-3036 8e. Cont. Bldg.

Supplies Low Cost Hardwoods Construction Timbers, Finlaw Sawmills. Avondale. VI 9-2372. Available for immediate delivery--all sizes in I Beams- F. BeamsReinforcement Rods and Plates.

Call or see ROSS AUTO PARTS Ph. GL 2-2126 1038 Sharon Ave. 8f. Decorating PAINTING PLASTERING Paper Steaming, Etc. BAsem*nT WATERPROFED Written Guarantee R.

E. Thompson GL 2-0772 8g. Dressmaking, Tailors Fur cloth alterations Fine craftsmanship Genevleve Moss holder. 827 Elm GL. 2-2233 Sewing.

Dress making tions, Tailoring on mens clothes Effles Sewing Shop. 943 Maple. Dressmaking Alternations Gladys Kirkendall GL 3-2952 960 Linden Ave. eves. Sat 9.

Electrical Service Electrical Construction B. E. Mauk Electrical Service Licensed Ph. GL 3-8659 ALL MAKES washers repaired. LAWRENCE ELECTRIC W.

Main at Luck GL 2-9393 Small appliances Vacuum cleaners repaired Filter Queen Kirby Alr-way Royal. Sallows Elec. 821 Linden Ave. GL 2-3786 C. M.

Browning Licensed Electrial Const, Maint 24 Hr. Service Ph. OR 4-4437 LICENSED INSTALLATION Electric Supply Co. 111 Galigher G. F.

Smith GL 3-7836 Switches, Plugs, Wiring Installed LAWRENCE ELECTRIC 940 W. Main Ph. GL 3-9893 9a. Floor Sanding GL 3-8881 G. J.

Hoover Floor sanding. tinishing. Floor sanders for rent free wall paper steamers. WORTHINGTON'S PAINT STORE 1151 Ridge Ave. GL 3-5060 10.

Furnaces, Stokers ROBERTS FURNACE COMPANY Your Williamson Dealer 915 Orchard St. Ph GL 8-6796 Harmer Heating Co. World Famous Waterbury 0622 N. Maple Ph GL 3-7255 KESSLER HEATING CO. 281 Pleasant, Grove Rd.

2-7098 MELOY FURNACE CO. 515 Putnam GL 8-5151 ACME HEATING CO. Armstrong Furnaces 2160 North Maple Ave, GL 2-8001 A. C. Kress C.

H. Griffin GL 3-2353 GL 2-4122 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY Must be good in shorthand, dictaphone typing Top Salary. 5 day week. Insurance, paid vacations. CERAMIC SUPPLY CO.

Crooksville, Ohio 1401 10a. Hauling DUMP TRUCK hauling, limestone. Sand Gravel Cinders All sizes of coal OR. 4-4422 Light hauling of all kinds. Clean reasonable work Call after 2:30 D.m GL 3-8376 Light hauling of any kind.

Reasonable de Reliable Slim Thomas GL 2-2280 Topsoll FIll Dirt. Phone GL 2-8523 after 4 p.m Dump Truck hauling, Limestone sand. Gravel cinders. GL 0803 11. Insurance 15.

Female Help Wanted Waitress wanted Apply in person Chicken -onWheels Terrace Point FACTORY LADIES Increase your earnings up to $20.00 per week. A pleasant, extra source of income with no additional hours needed. Ph. GL 2-4625 White female cook: experlenced. Must have own transportation.

GL 3-8833 WAITRESSES Car hopping. Experience helpful but not necessary. For evening and night work Must be over 18. Good pay and tips. Apply in person to mgr, of Greenlawn Drive in Rest.

East Pike. 15a. Employment Agency PERSONNEL SERVICE 45-N. 4th St. GL 2-8364 "For the better jobs' 17.

Salesmen Agents SALESMAN WANTED We want a man with sales experience (not necessarily musical) to sell Baldwin pianos other famous makes, for reputable established music firm Leads are furnished You may determine your own Income. We Insist on rellable man who desires a permanent well paying position. Write or call for ap- pointment. THOMPSON MUSIC CO. 13-15 North 5th St.

GL 2-8079 18. Male Help Wanted Men wanted for canvassing Apply 819 Putnam between 9 11 a.m. ARE YOU MAKING ENOUGH MONEY? adelphia, GREEN TOP YELLOW CABS, if not and would like opportunity to add $30 to $70 to present income any week. and can furnish references, call GL. 3-8451 8 to 5 or GL 2-3719 evenings week ends.

week starting income plus expenses if you qualify. Major U. S. Company will train Industrious, married man with car for permanent sales work in your county, Write Box 82. New Phil- make applications 328 N.

6th St. SALES REPRESENTATIVE A "SALARY PLUS COMmission vacancy in the field personnel of a nationally known manufacturer of business forms, exists in this area headquarters in Zanesville, Ohio. AFTER SCIENTIFICALLY determining your adaptability to the work, followed by thorough training program, you are assigned local accounts for servicing and development. A PERMANENT FUTURE, opportunity for advancement. repeat business, national advertising, modern sales helps and rather large earnings.

QUALIFICATIONS: AGE 28 to 38, college training, previous selling experience an advantage, no high pressure selling required. FOR INTERVIEW, ADDRESS your letter to Box 101 this paper. 19. Male Female Help Wanted FAST TYPIST For day or night work. Nice working conditions with opportunity for advancement.

Apply by mail to this paper, Box No. W101. U.S. CIVIL SERVICE JOBS! Many open NOW. $2,690 $5,130.

Men Women, 18-55 Prepare NOW! Experience often unnecessary. FREE booklet shows obs, salaries, sample booklet a 8. sary. FREE shows jobs, WRITE Box 999 this paper. HELP US FIND THIS TEACHER Educational Division of Marshal Field Enterprises has A local summer opening for an ambitious teacher, who needs $400 to $1500, depending on abllItv and length of vacation.

For Interview write or call: Oscar Peace 315 Putnam Ave. Zanesville: giving age, experlence and qualifications. 20. Instructions Learn to be a hair dresser. 3-B School of S.

Park PL. Newark FA. 6-0381 21. Situations Wanted Male Nurse wants private nursing 5 years experience. Write Box 101 care of this paper.

Want family washings tronings. Steady 1st class work. GL 3-1171. 2526 Maple Sleeping rms. Husky high school boy with vears of farm experience wants full or part time work.

Contact Bob Selig, East Fultonham, VI 9-2255. Boy 16, Steady worker, wants job for all summer, also odd jobs Ph. GL 2-9545 Woman wants general house cleaning or house work. GL 2-6848 22. Rooms for Rent Room garage for gentleman.

Findley Ave. near Maple. GL 2-9035 Rooms -day or week. shower. reas.

rates. Main. Rt. 40. Ohio Hotel Rest.

1259 W. Main 1-2 rm 2-3 rm. turn. Furn. heat.

Priv. ent 931 Greenwood 41 9th GL 3-1069. Attractive weekly rates Zane Hotel rm. efficiency. Refrg.

bath. Utilities paid. Everything furn. $6. week.

950 Marietta St. ZANE HOTEL N. 4th Street GL 2-9901 Unusual values for permanent occupancy. Rates as low 0.5 $12.50 per week. 23a.

Rest Homes Want old age pensioner or semi invalid to care for in my home. GL 3-0454. 24. Apts. for Rent The Fritz, 153 S.

6th. 2 or rms, nicely furnished for light housekeeping. laundry gar. rms upstairs, unfurnished. Priv.

batn entrance GL 3-4396 923 Lee St. Brighton factory dist. 4 rms. unfurn. Ht.

Ht. wtr. furn. GL 3- 2313 9 a.m to 7 pm Colonial -Apts: 3 rooms Unfurnished. Janitor service.

GL 3-2610. Montana Apts. 151 S. 6th St. 3 rms.

bath. unfurn. mod. adults only. GL 3-8545 after 9 a.m.

544 Putnam Ave. 5. rooms bath. 2nd fir. Unfurnished.

$40 mo. GL 2-8143. Home Apts. GL 2-8167. Light housekeeping utilities pd.

$6 wk. $22 mo. 1 3 room furn. 1 3 room unfurn. with priv.

bath 721 Main St. Call GL 2-0243 after 4 p.m. 5 room unfurnished Private bath entrance, hot water heat furnished. Adults only GL 2-1129 $50, mo. Unt.

apt. ground floor. 6 rooms and bath. also 5 room and bath on 2nd floor. Modern.

Auto. neat. 016 South St. Ph GL 2-9714 4 room unfurn upper duplex, priv bath hot water, auto. heat.

util, furn. Market St. GL 2-1657 3 rm. furnished. 3 rms unfur460 Gray St.

GL 3-1796 after 3:30 p.m. 2 modern furnished rooms on first fir. pvt. ent. util.

pd 538 Schaum Ave. $45 A MONTH 3 room furnished, private bath entrance. Adults only. GL 21129 2 rooms furnished. Private entrance.

Laundry, Clean. new paper. No pets Ph GL 2-1405. Terrace Point. Unfurn 3 rms.

Priv. bath entrance. Elec. a gas range, Ldry $35. 1640 Stanton Ave.

Modern 3 rm. furnished apt. Utilities pd. Inquire 1107 Putnam Ave. Duncan Falls, 4 rms.

unfurnished, private bath ent. 3 rooms furn, utilities on dl a 4-4813 2 or 3 rm. furn. Appt. Priv.

ent. Priv. bath shower newly decorated. Laundry. Clean cool TV Refrig.

Adults only. 31 8th St. Clean 3 rooms furnished, private entrance bath, utilities, laundry. Adults. Putnam.

$10 PER WEEK 3 rooms bath unfurnished on Adair Ave. strictly private, TV antenna, GL 2-5821 4 nice room unfurnished. private ent bath. Inq. 264 Corwin Ave, or GL 3-8315.

In Brighton on bus line. Ground floor. Furn, newly decorated, private entrance. Use of tile bath laundry. Equipped for TV.

Auto. gas heat. Utilities furn. GL 2-9607 or GL. 2-0724 or inq.

2466 North Maple. 2 rms. modern. clean well furnished. Would have to see to appreciate.

GL 2-7438 for appt. NOW AVAILABLE Furn. apt. In modern apt. bldg.

8 units. Three rooms, priof vate tile bath, garage. Adults. Phone 3-1650 Unfurn. modern.

5 room duplex. Bath. Private entrance. Garage. Heat turn.

Close to bus line Mosaic. 1302 Coopermill Rd. GL 3-8708 Well furnished small apt. 1st. floor.

priv. bath ent GL 3-5390 before 4 p.m. nice furn. rms. Priv.

bath ent. on bus line Refrig. Adults No Pets. GL 3-5354, 1207 Lake Drive. Terrace, 3 rooms bath.

Private entrance Garage. near bus Auto, gas heat. GL 2-0609 141 So, 5th St. furn. rms.

2 for light housekeeping, utilities pd. GL 2-2203 4 large rooms double near Moxahala Park, has gas elec. Ph evenings. GL. 2-0855 4 room apt.

heat furnished, downtown location. GL 3-9386 5 rooms bath upstairs, $40 per mo. Inquire at 1344 Greenwood Ave. 3 rooms bath. Gas electric furnished.

Call GL 2-7150 9 a.m. 9 p.m. Furn. 2 1g. bath.

priv. ent. laundry facilities. clean desirable surroundings, Adults. Ref.

required. GL. 2-6467 3 room unfurnished apartment. Private bath entrance. 224 St.

Unfurn. 3 rooms bath, $35, mo. All private, Downtown Adults GL 2-1445 only. BRIGHTON. 4 nice rooms upstairs, unfurnished, private bath, entrance, basem*nt.

laundry. heat light furnished. Inq. at 703 Lexington Ave. 25.

Houses for Rent Ready to serve all old and new customers wanting to move Low Independent rates W. C. Doan, GL 2-5326 Unfurn, mod. 2nd fir. of duplex, rm.

bath, pvt. gar. Heat furnished. Inq. 1253 Blandy Ave.

after p.m. Week days. All day Sat. Sun. WHEN YOU COMPARE YOU'LL CALL WILSON HAMILTON Of Course Zanesville's Finest Moving and Storage Service 25 Ninth St.

Ph. GL 3-3545 Furnished house for rent, 5 rooms bath. laundry gas furnace Adults only No children or pets. GL. 3-5773 NOT ONLY a better moving.

ALSO costs less. Ph GL 3-1560 THOMPSON MOVERS Lower duplex, 4 rooms bath. completely furnished with auto washer dryer, basem*nt, $75 mo. 568 Wayne Ave. G.

2-5078. Due to transfer out of town, will rent a new 3 bedrm home near Westview school. Ref, required. Write Box G-101 this paper. 4 room Furnished cottage on Muskingum River, 10 miles from Zanesville on Rt.

666, elec paid, rent reasonable. GL 2-4935 Brighton Unfirn. mod rm. Bath. Base.

Priv. ent. Gar Auto heat. Insulated GL 3-3034 29. Offices, Desk Space I have a 2 room office downtown which I would like to share Reasonable rent GL 3-9302.

30. Misc. Rentals Trailer Lot for rent 718 Chester St. GL 3-2107 31. Wanted to Rent Wanted to rent Furnished 1 or 2 bedroom downstairs apt.

or 1 floor plan house. Prefer Terrace GL 3-2103 between 9 12 1 to 4 Mon. thru Fri. Man Wife with 2 children age 4 6 desires to rent 5 or 6 room house outside city, Write to Box S101 c-0 this paper. Ranch Homes For You 2 beautiful 3 bedroom ranch homes, latest design.

quality construction. in city limits north. Priced in the low and mid twentles. Wesley Engle, Realtor GL 3-1271 133. Homes for Sale ED WARNER GL 3-6838 JOHN H.

GARRETT Real Estate Ph GL 2-3736 DULMAGE DULMAGE REALTORS 5th Main Sts GL 3-3811 HOMES -FARMS BUSINESS F. P. Blancett Realty Co. 2123 Maple Hill St. GL 3-8493 Now vacant modern rm cottage.

Bargain $6500. Bought farm Ed. Melvin. Realtor GL 3-5411 COFFEY REALTY CO REALTOR 1259 W. Main GL 2-9361 Lrg.

7 rm. house. Brighton dist. 1g. basem*nt.

gas furnace, corner lot. nice yard garage, immediate possession. $1,000 down, $60 mo. GL 3-6979 any time. bedrooms, bath, 35 ft.

living room with fireplace, modern large kitchen, gas heat, car garage. 947 Forest Ave. GL 3-1981 FOUR BEDROOM SUBURBAN Located just a short drive East of city, near Jay Cee Golf course Modern kitchen and bath. Newly redecorated inside out. Full basem*nt.

furnace, new well 6 pump, Acre and a half. Ideal for large family. Terms can be arranged. Dave Dix, Realtor GL 2-0667 or GL 2-1164 5 rom cottage on 3 large lots. Shrubbery Some fruit; 2 car gar.

Near School Bus. Inq. 920 Leonard Ave. ON WESTWOOD DRIVE 3 barm. homes underway for you, also some nice building lots.

ED WARNER BUILDING CONTRACTOR GL 3-6838 DAVE Realtor GL 2-0667 or GL 2-1164 I. E. STOTTSBERRY Richards Bldg Ph GL. 3-5595 SAVE $450 515 Seborn Ave. $8500 To settle estate.

Modern 3 bedroom home. Fine lot location. Full basem*nt, new gas furnace. garage. Best 88500 buy today.

Call Art Lutgen GL 2-4029. FRANK A. LEONE REALTOR 51 No. 5th Dial GL 3-1116 Brighton Blvd. story mod.

3 b.r. gas F- furn. Auto hot water. gar. $8950, GL 2-2583 FOR SALE BY OWNER Lovely 1 floor.

This very attrac. tive well built home offers nice 3 bedrms with sliding press doors Pretty kitchen tile bath. Full deep basem*nt with gas a heat. Completely, Insulated with alumn. storm doors, level lot in quiet exclusive location sure rounded by all fine new homes near new school Ina.

975 Headly Ave. Ph. GL. 2-1655. Rankin Rankin Inc.

Real Estate Insurance 6th Market Sts. GL. 2-7575 As bullders of National Homes We can offer 8 or Bedroom homes Basem*nts or Split level styles In size Will help ar range financing with or FHA or Bank loans Zanesville Homes Inc. GL. 2-2755 402 1st Trust Bide Need many home ustings Bobes Real Estate Exchange Realtors 8 7th GL 3-7448 For Sale 1 noor.

living room. dining room, new bath. new kitchen. 2 bedrooms utility room. all plumbing wiring cabinets new.

Garfield School district. GL 3-5060 WANTED We need an attractive bedroom home In a good north end location at Prefer Ed Melvin, Realtor 225 Masonic Temple GL 3-5411 RECIPE FOR BETTER LIVING Ridge Road acreage to the Glass Plant and only A few steps school. 24 acres of all of fenced There 18 plenty filtered cistern and ideal small farm that could be out lots. Better over before it too late. The of 5 cottage and there Is garage for 2 cars.

Enjoy your own little farm. MULVEY MULVEY REALTORS GL 2-5126 TERRACE I FLR. $7800 An attractive 5 rooms bath. new gas furnace, corner lot. All decorated.

An older home. but newly remodeled in a fine terrace location. See this today. EASTERN REALTY CO. Office Roseville Rd VI 9-2981 W.

MUSKINGUM Six- Rooms Bath, doors windows Venitian blinds, automatic gas heat. fenced-in, large, level lot with side drive. SPANGLER DRIVE: 4 rooms bath. masonry construction. full cement basem*nt, coal furnace, 2 extra tots.

$1000. down 49. per month. takes elther of the above properties. dows, garage.

Reasonably priced J. E. RICHARDSON J. E. RICHARDSON REALTOR 148 Fox Ph.

GL 2-3003 YOUNG STREET Five Rooms Bath, one floor plan, cabinet sink, painted walls. partial basem*nt, coal furnace blower. storm doors win- REALTOR 148 Fox Ave, Ph GL 2-3003 BRIGHTON MODERN $5500 Clark St. near Garfield school. Living dining modern kitchen down, 2 bath up.

Basem*nt, furnace, garage. Good location. Call Roy Bradley. FRANK A. LEONE REALTOR 51 No.

5th Dial GL 3-1116 An Excellent Buy Attractive 1 floor plan, 2 bedroom home, near the Terrace Point and the new high school. Home only a few years. Features hardwood floors, plastered walls, tastefully decorated, full basem*nt, gas furnace. Nice lot 57 121. Side drive, garage, City sewer, and priced at ONLY $10,900.

WESLEY ENGLE GL 3-1271 Realtor GL 2-9585 133. Homes for Sale 429 WHITE OAK AVE $5800 $800 DOWN Good 5 2 story home on corner lot. Vacant, ready to move in. 3 rms. down including large kitchen, 2 rms.

up. Good basem*nt. furnace heat. garage. Balance like rent.

Key at office. FRANK A. LEONE REALTOR 51 No. 5th Dial GL 3-1116 GUY M. RICHARDSON REALTOR 14 S.

5th St. GL 2-2481 DON HUNTER, Realty Cor. Blue Adair GL 3-8272 Duplex 10 rms. mod. 2 car gar $7000.

M. T. Stack. Broker. 1529 Ridge.

GL 2-7495. To Buy Sell- -Trade CALL WESLEY ENGLE GL 3-1271-Realtor-GL Eastern Realty Co Office Roseville Rd Ph VI 9-2981 DWIGHT E. SMITH REALTOR 45 N. 4th GL 2-4255 GL. 3-3658 DUPLEX 8950 Close to brighton factories lovely rms bath down.

Plenty of bullt-in cupboards, 2 nice size bedrms, lg. liv rm. down 2-2 rm apts upstairs bath, private ent lovely yard garage in a good location and a real buy, COHEN REALTY REALTOR GL 2-2114 235 Luck Ave. PINKERTON LANE The advantages ot country living are here coupled with city veniences. The first floor consists of long living room.

dining room and large light modern kitchen. 3 well ventilated bedrooms. and nice bath on second All hardwood floors, Full dry basem*nt. Almost one acre ground. Price under $19,000.

Rankin Rankin Inc. Real Estate Insurance Cor. 6th Market Sts. Telephone GL. 2-7575 1367 MAYSVILLE AVE.

$6500 rms. Vacant. ready to move in. bedrms. bath down.

up. Full basem*nt, furnace heat, garImmediate possession. Call age, Roy Braldey, FRANK A. LEONE REALTOR 51. No.

5th GL. Clean as a pin 1 fir. $9,500. Almost 5 rm. home spotless with pretty built In kit.

tile bath. fill with gas heat: 2 nice concrete porches. city sewer ras water. perfectly level lots. with several fruit trees good paved st.

in Norval Park. Two blocks school already trans from city GL 3-8272 GL 3-4708. Don Hunter Realty OFF DRESDEN ROAD A real modern large bedrooms 2 den bedand (or 3rd room) baths. open kitchen and breakfast space built range and room space facing overlooking lovely DR- and ful valley below, Beautiful and shrubbery, attached full basem*nt. garage, city water, gas, and electric.

Only years old: All new furniture Included if desired. Me sure to see this. Rankin Rankin Inc. Real Estate Insurance Cor. 6th Market Sts.

Telephone GL 2-7575 CALL CENTRAL SELL QUICKLY FULTONHAM Nice large 2 family home, close to Columbia Cement Plant 5 nice large rms down, 5 rms bath up, full base, gas, furn. well cistern water, nice mod kit, plenty presses nice lot. Don Dilts GL 2-9571 BRIGHTON AREA Easy to duplex this nice 2 story frame, has 3 large rms down, 4 rms bath up, tile bath, tull base, gas storm windows all over, 1ge front porch, insulated good location. Don Dilts GL 2-0571 FARM 100 Acres, 60 A. tillable.

barn other out bides, plenty well cistern water, story frame. rms down 3 rms up, conl heat. 1 car $2,000 down. Nessline GL 3-5309 LAND CONTRACT story frame, close in 3 rooms down. Ige rooms up, part base.

gas heat, side drive, nice lot. $600 down. Nessline GL 3-5309. Central Realty Co. Citizen's Bank Bldg.

Ph. GL 2-6334 HOME PHONES Don Dilts GL 2-9571 Jo Nessline GL 3-5309 Prior (Red) GL 3-9506 Katherine Vaughn GL 2-0706 Doven Mgr GL 3-3727 Hazel McDowell GL. 3-8328 Donna Welker GL 2-6903 Wanda Wolfe Crooks 1531 DON HUNTER REALTOR OFFERS Beautiful-Stone Trimmed 6 rm. 1 fir. Ranch (Westview school) Truly a tastefully decorated home with a lovely built in kitchen: 2 Mosaic tile baths.

Le. attractive family r. 3 good size b.rms. with 1g. presses with sliding doors.

Quality w. to w. carpeting in spaclous living rm. Full basem*nt with gas fa heat. Att.

2 car gar. Lg. level lot Surrounded by all new quality homes in An exclusive neighborhood. Only $22,500. 3 B.Rm.

Brick Ranch $19,450 (Near Northwood) (Westview school) Truly a picturesque quality home with a ceramic tile kitchen bath. Hawd firs. Abundance of presses with sliding doors. livLg. ing rm.

with beautiful w-w carpeting. Full basem*nt with gas 1-a heat. Heated (all plastered) garage. Lg, level lawn with cinerator. Surrounded by all new homes.

4 B.Rm. Brick Suburban (Seldom Offered) License revoked or Insurance cancelled? Olin Taylor Ins. Citizens Bank Bldg. GL 3-0393 AUTOMOBILE PROPERTY INSURANCE. Brond modern up to date coverages in line with your require ments.

Rates and premium pay ment plans that will appeal to you. DOLLARS SAVED ARE DOLLARS EARNED. Miller Insurance Service, INC. First National Bank Bldg. Phone GL 2-5494 FRED W.

GARDNER 216 Richards Bldg. Phone GL 2-2656 "C' CHARLIE BLAND Insurance Real Estate Lind Arcade Ph GL 3-7005 11a. Landscaping Lot Plowing Discing Lawn grading, back, filling. leveling. GL 2-7703 or GL 3-7916 Small loads of Top soll-Manure.

Lawn Flower garden building Ph GL 3-7553 11c. Lawnmower Repair Hand mowers sharpened $2.50 Power. $6 up. Pickup del. GL.

3-4600 Rear 1411 Linden. MOW MASTER MOWERS Exclusive Features Thorla Appliance Co. GL 2-9511. Lawnmowers sharpened, motor repair at your home, Used Lm. PORTABLE SHOP VI 9-2740 REGISTERED service dealer Briggs Stratton Power Products Lawn Boy.

Lauson. Pincor, Reo small engine service. Lawn mowers sharpened Ideal way. R. D.

HUNE GARAGE Pickup delivery. Call after GL 3-3593 Mullenix 714 Luck Zanesville. Power hand mowers repaired overhauled. tune up sharp ened. Expert mechanic on all types small motors.

29 yrs. experience. All work guaranteed. Open a.m. to 9 p.m.

LAWN MOWER KING 817 Linden Ave. Authorized Sales Service for Jacobsen Toro power mowers REGISTERED Briggs Stratton Clinton Small motor repair Lawnmower Sharpening And Repair Zane Tool Grinding Co. Maysville Seborn GL 2-7281 Complete Repair Service MONTGOMERY WARD 35 S. 4th St. GL 2-4525 LAWNMOWER SHARPENING Small motor repair.

17 yrs your original repairman. BRIGGS ED JONES STRATTON pick ups and delivery. JONES POWER SALES 501 Underwood Ph GL 2-3321 or GL 3-7128 N. Maple at Headley GL 3-6828 Hand Power mowers machine sharpened. oiled adiusted.

11e. Painting, Paperh'ng Interior Exterior Painting. Patch Plastering ANGELO GL 3-2361. FREE ESTIMATES INTERIOR EXTERIOR PAINTING. Also handy work.

Exp. men. G. J. Contract Painters, GL 3-8314 or GL 3-7154.

Interior and Exterior Painting Paper Steaming Wall washing GL 3-6035 PAINTING -Exterior Interior Good work. very reasonable. 12x12 rms. painted for $10 GL 2-4891 Papering Paper Cleaning Wallwashing. Painting very reas.

Greiner Ph GI. 2-3857 Interior Painting Patch plasterIng. paper cleaning. steaming etc. GL.

2-2614. Good work. Very reasonable. Painting- -Exterior Interior Ph. GL 3-5983 or GL 3-4531 11h.

Sewer Cleaning SEWER CLOGGED? CAL ROTO ROOTER SEWER CLEANING -GL 2-1661 11j. Termite Control GUARANTEED TERMITE CONTROL. Snider Flautt Lumber Co. S. Zanesville, GL.

2-9375 TERMITE CONTROL Guaranteed work since 1934. Call Cordova Handschy. GL 3-4226. 12. Upholstering, Awning AWNINGS Norman's Upholsterv.

901 Monroe St. GL. 2-3029 Graham Upholstery Company 30 Years Experience 427 Forest GL. 3-6216 Fisher Upholstery So. Zanesville GL 2-1201 13a.

Rug-Uphol. Cleaning NEW METHOD RUG UPHOL. Shampoo In home, looks like new. No shrinkage. VI 9-2740.

14. Buses, Taxis DIAL TAXI GL 2-4555 15. Female Help Wanted Housewives. begin now earning money for that summer Part time evening. We give S.

Green Stamps. GL 3-1883 Girl for office work. 3 days week or full week. No phone call. Zane Monument 390 5th.

Woman to do general house work Call Ray Wickliffe, Rushville LE 6-7191. TELEPHONE SOLICITING Earn extra money doing Telephone solicting in our office. Apply Mrs. Pasco. Speigels 26 So.

6th St Woman to do general cleaning, 3 days a week GL 3-5546 WAITRESS Theater Bar 29 So. 5th St. Woman to do general cleaning 2 days a week. GL 3-5546 Attention Housewives Do you need money? Avon Cosmetics offer a splendid earning, nity in Zanesville servicing our opportu-108 customers. Vacation money for 3 ambitious go getters.

Can average $2,10 per during spare hours of own choice. 13 hours per week required. Pleasant work. experience needed Ph. GL 2-4625 This unusually well built most new 7 room spacious offers to many extras things to describe.

Extra level lot, 11. you demand BEST, make an appointment see it today. Priced to quickly at only $26,500. You Will Marvel (Westview school) When you see B.Rm. this beautiful new 3 almost Completed home with Its streamline G.

E. Built in kitchen. offering the latest in wall refrigeration. lovely baths, and many other features to numerous to mention. Finest exclusive location just off Dresden be the first to see it.

"Tomorrows Home" Today Truly Here you will witness different 3 B. R.m, home of the offering built Tapfuture pan kitchen you cannot forget. lovely living with A beautiful stone fireplace. An at- with tached a breezegarage way. Full deep basem*nt with all kinds of W.W car- Gleaming hdwd firs.

Best richt peting. move can Into this stone trimmed contempory price of $16,650. A. of including Lovely Brick Frame Home $12,900 Ave) Maple execu- tive, owner of this well built pretty home located on lovely quiet convenient Terrace neighborhood. block bus.

We have the Excellent Terrace 3 B.Rm. $7,500 (To Settle Estate) An extra home Nice firs. Nice bath. Full Howd Near Wilson School First $7,750 pretty built kitchen with furnace gas tage, In neighborhood. the first Lovely 3 B.Rm.

Brick $11,500 Pretty firs. gunlity, throughont. Attractive Cute Brighton 1 Fir. $5,450 (Wilson school. A good room home.

Has now blinds, screens Antenna shrubhed schools. leaving state BetFirst time offered. Excellent Terrace "Doubles" (Seldom offered) fairly priced $8.450. A Very Attractive Unusual Brighton Home well built completely Insulated home offering lovely window. A mopane picture built attractive ter hurry.

3 many extras: nice b. basem*nt partial maarters. lot with (completely) fenced paved garage. alhome nice 1g. the to move nice We transterred.

Fir. $5,850 (Off Dresden Road) attractive level with B.Rms. Modern kitche bath. Gas heat, Breeze. tion lots surrounded by nice new homes.

Possession Good 1 Fir. Home $1,000 Down very well insulated home. Bath. Pretty: Full basem*nt with gas furnace. TV antenna.

let lent to bus. groc, Lincoln $5,350. school. price Don't delay. Attractive 3 B.Rm.

$12,500 (West Pike) This wel. kept home offers lovely living pretty fireplace Attractive mod- err: kitchen deep basem*nt. Garage. Approx. ft Over: frontage on Rr.

40 owner already transferred, A Real Good Farm Approx. 218 A. Excellent modern home with rm. on 1st fir. A number of ahnve Average bides with 12.

barn 12 60. Approx. 150 A of good ground. Plenty of water All mineral Priced quickly at $15,000. One hour spent with one our of experienced courteous representatives may well be the wisest single decision you made in 1957.

All these men are experienced, well qualified will show you one or more of these properties any day or evening "Financed Simply dial for appointment. A No 00 Mr. Brill Mr. Mendenhall Mr. Parker Mr.

Kuttler Mr. Broughton Wilson OFFICE COR. BLUE ADAIR AVE. PH. GL 3-8272 OR GL 3-4708 Be quiet Truly with rage Quiet location.

on working Offer lawn, cherry very Pull living level Excellent Owner already $11,900 Iona- ly. soon. By ed estate kingum SATURDAY. 1957 lane: (43) three addition premises By For of.

The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.