"This isn't how I died": Melodie Dugan's Apocalypse - Chapter 27 - Knoberchanezer (2024)

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I stepped back from the guy in disbelief. He held his bandaged hand up to his chest, hugging it and turning away from me like he was ashamed of it.

"Oh my god! You're bitten, aren't you?" I gasped.

He nodded sheepishly. "It burns," he whimpered.

"Wha... When did it happen?" I asked.

"I dunno. A week ago, I think. I… I just wanna be like them already," he said as tears filled his eyes.

"But you're not sick, right?" I said.

He shook his head and started to sob, "I... I just want this to be over," he cried. “I hate how they all look at me.”

I stepped forward to comfort him as he balled.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's your name, dude?" I asked sincerely, gently putting the back of my hand on his forehead.

He wasn’t lying. He was cool to the touch, and I couldn’t feel any fever.

"Daniel," he sniffled.

"Daniel, huh? I'm Mel. Can I... Can I see the bite?" I asked.

"Are you a doctor?" Daniel asked.

"No, but I'm the closest thing to one you have right now," I pointed out.

Daniel tentatively gave me his wounded hand. I took it and gently unwrapped the bandages. The wound looked well-dressed, but he hadn't changed the dressing in a while, or ever. The bandages had yellowed, and it stank as I peeled them off.

"Who wrapped this up for you?" I asked, trying to take his mind away from any pain.

"My friend, Elise," he sobbed.

"Did she turn? Is she one of them now?"

Daniel nodded.

I unwrapped the last few turns and saw the wound. It had started to heal and scab, just like mine had all those months ago. My eyes grew wide, and I gasped in shock.

"What? What is it? What's wrong?" Daniel asked frantically.

"Err... Nothing. You said it burns, right?" I inquired.

Daniel nodded.

"But you're not sick, right?" I continued.

"Yeah, everyone got sick but me," he pointed out.

"Daniel, I think you're gonna be ok. I think you're immune," I said with a hopeful smile.

"What do you mean? How do you know?" He asked.

"Look," I said, turning my head to the left and pulling back the collar of my Dad's bomber, revealing the ugly bite scar on my neck. "One of them got me right around the time this whole thing started, and I'm still here. Still breathing."

"You... You think I'll be ok?" He sniffed.

"Well, why don't we find out, huh?" I said, giving him a pat on the arm. "Here. Let me dress that up for you."

I dropped my Go Bag and pulled out my first aid kit. I grabbed a bottle of disinfectant and a bandage. I opened the bottle, offered my hand, and he gave me his. I took it and pulled it towards me to inspect the wound. I poured the bottle on it without warning, and Daniel screamed, leaping back and pulling his hand away from me. He cried and yelped loudly, clutching at his wrist and contorting his hand in agony.

"Dude! I'm sorry, but you gotta keep the f*ck down!" I growled through gritted teeth, apologising for the pain I'd just inflicted.

I checked left and right for any dead ones who might have heard this six-foot, farm-boy-looking guy screaming his lungs out over a little splash of disinfectant. I knew it hurt; I'd done it to myself on the bites I'd received, but Daniel couldn't take it.

"Calm down! You'll attract them!" I yelled over his cries.

The fear of the dead ones showing up made him gulp it in and stand up, whimpering and holding his wounded paw. I reached out, and he pulled his hand back.

"Please! No more of that stuff," he pleaded.

"Don't worry. I'm not trying that again," I said, rolling my eyes as I started to bind the wound with a bandage. "You can get gangrene for all I care if that's how you're gonna take it. You gotta keep it down, dude. How else did you guys survive this long?"

"We had Father Jim," Daniel sniffled.

"Yeah? I heard about him. He sounds like a real stand-up guy," I said, trying to make conversation while I finished dressing his hand.

"Did you know him?" Daniel asked.

"Only through what I found. I ran into your little expedition about a month ago. They were looking for medication, right? Did Father Jim get better?" I asked.

"No. He died. They all died," Daniel said, tears returning to his eyes.

I gave him a second. He wasn’t even looking at me, just looking through me, lost in shock and wherever his mind was taking him to protect him from confronting all he’d lost.

“Hey,” I spoke softly, “You’re gonna be ok. It’s gonna be ok. You’re not alone,”

I guided him back to the RV. He lumbered slowly behind me and struggled to keep pace, but I gave him time.

For the next few days, we cruised around rural Kentucky. We didn’t even see a single dead one. Daniel took the back bed my Dad used to sleep in, and I slept above the cab, my Beretta under my pillow, just in case.

Daniel took his time recovering. Physically, the guy was OK. The bite wound recovered well. I told him it would turn into a gnarly scar like mine, smiling and trying to cheer him up, but he didn’t react. The poor guy was like a lost, lonely child. He spent most of his days catatonically staring, and at night, he would cry quietly. I just gave him his time. I had no idea how to handle this. I was barely able to understand it myself. I had been alone, living in my own fiction with Dad and Madeline, hoping that I might find another living person. And here that person was a crying, broken young guy I now had to care for.

Daniel had been too shocked or scared to leave the RV. He hardly ate and barely got up from the back bed, but I'd had enough by the time the fourteenth rolled around. I didn’t care if he wanted to stink up the place; I wanted to get showered and changed.

“Look, dude. We’re both getting a little ripe in here, and I’m not getting changed in front of you,” I reasoned, but poor Daniel was timidly sitting on the back bed.

“There aren’t any out there, man. Trust me, it’s ok,” I said.

I tried my best to understand his fear of the dead ones. It was crippling him and trapping him here in my RV. Whatever trauma he'd been through, he was lugging around inside him. No matter what I did or said, I couldn't coax much out of him besides simple answers. I knew his name. I knew he'd been with a group of survivors at that complex in March Ridge. I knew they had their pastor leading them until he died, along with the rest of them, and that had turned poor six-foot Daniel into a lost little boy.

“Hey, Daniel. You can come back in now,” I said when I was all cleaned up, opening the door and letting him back into the RV.

Daniel climbed slowly up the steps with his head down, walked to the back bed and sat back down. I put a jay in my mouth and stood by the door.

“I'm gonna go for a smoke, dude. The bathroom’s all yours,” I said, trying to hint him towards getting washed up, but he wasn't listening.

It was like he wasn't even there. Like a lost, stray dog that didn’t trust humans anymore, he timidly lumbered around, reeking of mange and b.o. I shook my head, stepped, and lit my jay, closing the door behind me.

I'd parked us by large open fields of farmland on the edge of some woods. I could see for miles around in the warm spring of the late Kentucky morning. With nothing better to do, I took a stroll along the woods until I was far enough away from the RV to talk out loud without being heard. Despite being around another living person for the first time in almost a year, I felt so alone. While Daniel struggled to adjust to his new reality, I was adjusting to mine and having no one to talk to. So, hoping to find solace, I slumped against a tree at the edge of the woods, smoked my jay, and closed my eyes.

“Hell of a find, huh, Songbird?” Dad said, leaning in next to me against the tree.

I beamed out a relieved smile, opened my eyes and turned to see him smile back.

“He didn't turn. He's immune, like me,” I said.

“He ain't doing much else, either,” Dad scoffed.

“It must have been traumatic,” I reasoned.

“You got over it, Mel. The end of the world passed you by, and you rolled with it,” Dad pointed out.

“Did I, or did I go just as insane as he did?” I asked rhetorically, looking my dead Dad in the eye with a raised eyebrow. He paused for a moment, curled his lip and shrugged.

“Touche,” he admitted.

I leaned back against the tree, took a drag and held the smoke in my lungs a little longer than I would normally. I let it all out in a sigh through my nose and closed my eyes.

“What the f*ck am I gonna do with this guy, Dad?” I asked.

Dad took a few seconds to consider, then said, “Well, you could start by finding him some fresh clothes.”

“sh*t,” I muttered. “I didn't think about that.”

“Maybe you have been alone too long,” Dad pointed out.

He wasn't wrong, but I hadn't realised how out of touch I'd been. It was a sudden realisation of how much I'd forgotten what real human contact was supposed to be. I hadn't had to think of anyone but myself up until this point. Dad and Madeline had just been along for the ride.

“I have an idea,” I said aloud, hauling myself to my feet and walking back to the RV.

I climbed into the driver's seat and told Daniel we were hitting the road and that he should buckle up. Daniel didn't even ask where we were going. He had yet to ask since I found him. I had no idea if his head was so full of trauma that his thought process wasn’t functioning or if his mind was completely empty. Neither would have surprised me.

I drove the RV to the intersection south of West Point. We were gonna kill two birds with one stone; I needed fuel, he needed clothes. I didn’t know how long he'd been wearing the rags hanging off him, but I felt guilty that it had taken me this long and a conversation with my Dad to notice. It also worried me slightly that he hadn't even mentioned it himself.

“Hey, Daniel,” I called out to him as we hopped out of the RV after I pulled it up to the gas pump and killed the engine.

He craned his neck and looked at me, waiting for me to respond.

“Can you give me a hand with something?” I asked.

“Uhh… yeah… ok,” he nodded.

He followed me around to the side of the RV, where I opened one of the cargo hatches. Inside was a generator I'd been keeping for power on the move and most of my tools. Being used to doing this alone, I grabbed the generator with both hands and lugged it towards the gas station.

“Can you grab my tools, dude?” I asked, and he obliged.

“Do you… can you handle that?” He asked as I hauled the genny and lowered it down about a foot from the gas station power box

“Nah. I got it. I've been doing this kinda sh*t for a while now,” I said, gesturing that it was no big deal. “Thanks,” I said as he placed my toolbox beside it.

“Do you need to fix it or something?” Daniel drawled.

“Nope. I need to hook it up to the gas station to power it up so I can fill up the RV and a couple of gas cans. I have something for you, though,” I explained.

I returned to the RV, reached into the storage and pulled out a folded-up duffle bag. Carrying it in one hand, I strolled towards the Barg'n'clothes at the north side of the intersection.

“Come on!” I shouted cheerily as I turned around and gestured at Daniel to follow with a smile.

He followed me across the parking lot and through the double doors of the huge outlet. The place was dark and dusty, but enough of the midday sun beamed through the windows to see the racks of clothing—all shapes, sizes, and styles of cheap, off-brands.

“Here,” I said, thrusting the folded duffle bag against his chest and letting him take it from me. “I'll get the RV gassed up. You do some shopping,” I said with a wink.

“What? I just take stuff?” Daniel gawked.

“Of course, dude. Take whatever you want,” I shrugged.

“But, like, isn't it stealing?” He asked.

That question visibly struck me because how I looked at him made his face drop slightly in shock. My confused frown must have made me look angry.

“Daniel, there's… there's no one left to steal from. The world ended, man. Whatever you don't take is gonna rot here, dude,” I explained.

“You're sure no one will care?” He asked sincerely.

“Where do you think I got my winter clothes from? Trust me, no one's alive to care,” I said, waving my hand and heading for the door. “I’ll be by the gas station if you need me. Take your time. Try stuff on. Get cleaned up.”

I left Daniel on his shopping spree while I hooked up the genny to the gas station. With the afternoon heating up, I peeled off my plaid shirt, tied it around my waist and got to work. I was filling up some gas cans when Daniel finally emerged from the store in fresh clothes and a stuffed duffle bag. He wore a plaid pattern similar to mine, only yellow instead of red, some baggy jeans and a green and white Kentucky ball cap. He looked less like the rag-clad shell of a person I'd pulled out of March Ridge and more like someone who was, at least outwardly, looking better.

“Looking good,” I said with a smile.

“Thanks,” Daniel said, returning it. “I didn't know that covered your whole arm,” he said, gesturing at my snake tattoo.

“Yeah, cool, huh?” I said, giving him a good view of my right arm. “You got any?” I asked.

“Nah. My Mama never liked 'em,” he said.

“She probably wouldn't have liked me then, huh?” I asked.

“Well, you seem like a good person, Mel,” he said, smiling but not looking at me.

Daniel turned to look inside the gas station, now powered up with the lights on inside. His eyes grew wide as he stared down towards the ground inside.

“That's the f*cker that gave me this,” I said, pointing at the bite scar on my neck.

He took his eyes off the skeleton with a missing skull that I'd left on the floor that day in late July and turned to see me craning my neck.

“He wasn't the only one either,” I stated.

“You've been bitten more than once?” Daniel exclaimed.

“Sure, the other one was a high school kid. Got me right here,” I said, pointing at the bite scar below my collarbone. “Almost bit my f*cking tit off,” I said with a wry smile.

Daniel winced at me. I didn't know if it was due to seeing the scar or if me using the word “tit” made him uncomfortable. In either case, I quickly changed the subject.

“So, it's pretty hot, and I'm pretty hungry. I’m gonna get the grill out and cook us some fish. How about it?” I suggested.

I grilled, we ate, and I brought out some beers and lit a small fire in the middle of the intersection, tossing wood and whatever crap was lying around that would burn. I offered Daniel a beer, but he refused.

“Mama used to tell me that my Dad was a drinker, so I never wanted to,” he explained.

“That's fair,” I said. “Was it just you and your Mom?” I asked.

“She uh… she was the only one who got me, you know?” He said. “She was all I had until, you know, then I had Father Jim, Elise, Beth, Derrick, all the others,” he listed before going silent. “They're all… them now,” he said as he curled in on himself, teled in his eyes.

It took me a while to come up with something to say, but I jumped in before his quiet sobs turned into whole cries.

“I know that feeling, dude. Believe me, I do. You can't let them get to you, though. They're just part of the world now, and we can beat them. I've done it,” I claimed.

“Huh?” Daniel said, looking at me with glossy eyes.

“See that over there,” I said, nodding towards the burned-down dealership and blackened burnt-out cars. “Not long after the whole end of the world, when people outside Kentucky stopped broadcasting, I cleared this place out—learned my lesson, though. They can creep up on you, but they're slow and stupid. Now, the only bunch around for miles are up North in West Point.”

“How many have you killed?” Daniel asked.

“f*ck if I know, dude. I don't exactly keep count when they're all burning in a pile,” I scoffed, sipping my beer.

“Are they still, you know, them?” He asked.

“I… I don't even know if it was just me going crazy or if I really did hear it, but I've heard a few of them talking. Just a word here and there, nothing more than that. If whoever they were is still in there, it isn't coming back. Putting them down for good is, well, it's mercy. Madeline taught me that,” I said quietly over my beer.

“Who's Madeline?” Daniel asked.

“She was my girlfr… my wife,” I corrected myself.

Daniel looked at me confused, gawking with that slack-jawed look under the brim of his cap.

“I know, I know, girls can't get married to other girls, but Maddy was raised Catholic, and she always wanted to be married,” I started. “One day, before all this end-of-the-world crap, she put this ring on my finger,” I said, fiddling with the silver wedding band. “She died a few weeks after,” I went on, as tears started to fill my eyes and reality started to dawn on me. “And for those last few weeks, she didn't call me anything but her wife,” I said, choking on the last word and trying to hold down the sobs, but everything hit me all at once.

The fabricated world I'd built out of frosted glass in my head suddenly shattered in Daniel's presence as I told him about Madeline. I had spent almost a year surviving the apocalypse when any average person would have been grieving. And now I grieved for Madeline, out loud and in the open, in front of the first living person I'd seen in what felt like a lifetime. I balled up my hand and held it against my mouth as my body shook with quiet, subdued sobs. My aching heart punctured the lump in my throat as the real world poured into me like cold, icy water and the fact that Maddy was dead, buried, and gone slapped me in the face once more after almost a year of refusing to see it. I turned away from Daniel as the tears rolled down my cheeks. He said nothing as I kept my eyes tightly shut, trying to compose myself. I sniffed, wiped the tears from my cheeks and took a deep breath.

“Yeah, Maddy was my wife. It might not have been real to anyone else, but it was real to her,” I paused. “It was real to me,” I added, looking back at the ring on my hand. “I haven't talked about it to anyone. I haven’t been able to talk about it to anyone,” I admitted. “She died right before all this went down, and I've been alone ever since.”

The two of us sat silently as the fire cracked at our feet and the sun fell below the treeline.

“Sorry for unloading on you there,” I sighed aloud, trying to chuckle awkwardly to lighten the mood.

“It's ok. You've really been alone this whole time?” He asked.

“Yeah. I guess it wasn't all bad, but yeah, just me,” I answered.

“I… I was trying to get help for my Mama when it happened,” Daniel started. “She was getting sick. She got really hot, and then she stopped breathing. I went to get help, but they… they were everywhere. Derrick from the store where I work grabbed me. A bunch of people were running for the army barracks.”

Daniel paused there. It was his turn to get choked up. I let the tears fill his eyes without judgment.

“I tried to get them to help my Mama, but they said it was too dangerous. I didn't leave until… until there was no one left but them,” he gasped before crying.

I let him ball it out as the memories of the trauma he'd suffered came bubbling back up to the surface.

“I just wanted to be like them. I hate how they look at me. They look so mad, like they hate me,” Daniel sobbed.

“I don't think they hate you. I don't think they can hate anything, Daniel. They're dead,” I stated.

“But they can't be. They're walking around,” he retorted.

“I don't know what kind of disease caused it, but some of the sh*t I've seen happen to them. Some of the sh*t I've done to them, you can't survive that. They're dead, dude, and nothing is bringing them back,” I said.

Daniel took a long pause as he composed himself.

“What do you think caused it?” He asked.

“f*ck if I know, man. There was this one guy, though. I saw him with his family right at the beginning of it all. He worked at the military base, and I’ve been trying to find it since. I found his home in Ekron and some dead special forces dudes. They seemed to know more than anyone else did. Not that it even matters anymore,” I sighed.

“Derrick said it was something in the Spiffo burgers. He said they had human meat in them, and it made people go crazy or something,” Daniel said, looking over at the Spiffos on the other side of the intersection.

“For real?” I laughed. “Dude, when I thought I would turn into one of them, I ate everything in that place. I wanted to be the last person alive to enjoy a Spiffo burger.” I said, gesturing at the same Spiffos

“Mama never let me eat fast food. She said it was full of junk. Maybe Derrick was right?” Daniel sighed, staring into the fire.

“Maybe,” I sighed as well.

For a while, we sat there staring in silence. Daniel was lost in his thoughts while my slightly buzzed brain was half baking a plan.

“I have an idea,” I said, smiling.

I got up, walked over to the Barg'n’ Clothes and grabbed the first t-shirt closest to the entrance. Then, I marched back to the RV and pulled out one of the gas cans I'd filled earlier. I took them to Daniel by the fire and carefully filled my empty beer bottles with gasoline.

“What are you doing?” Daniel asked curiously.

I filled the last empty bottle and started ripping the t-shirt into rags.

“We're gonna take our revenge on Spiffo Burger on behalf of all mankind,” I said with a wicked laugh.

As I jammed the t-shirt strips into the tops of the bottles and the gas inside, we were left with four Molotovs ready to go.

“Here,” I said, handing two of them to Daniel. “Let's have some fun,”

With my two in hand, I marched towards the Spiffo Burger and stopped when I was within my throwing distance. I put one down at my feet and turned the other upside down to soak the rag while I lit it with my lighter.

“f*ck you, Spiffo! You killed the human race!” I shouted as I hurled my Molotov right through the window.

The glass smashed, and fire lit up the inside. Flames danced through the window, and an orange glow shone against the waning light of the evening in the large, empty intersection.

“Woo!” I cheered, laughing with delight. “Come on, try it,” I said to Daniel, offering my lit lighter.

He carefully held out one of his Molotovs and pulled away timidly as the rag caught fire. He readied himself, smiled and hurled it.

“f*ck you, Spiffo!” He yelled as he did.

Daniel, as it turned out, didn't have the best throwing arm, and his Molotov landed a few feet in front of the doorway to the old-world fast food chain.

“Dude,” I said, giggling, which made Daniel look away from me, embarrassed.

I picked up my second Molotov, lit it and co*cked my arm back.

“This is for discontinuing the Fluffyfoot Ribs!” I yelled as I hurled my second Molotov, laughing hysterically as it landed on the roof.

Daniel held his second Molotov towards me. I lit it, and he walked a few paces closer to the burning building. He said nothing this time and hurled it at the door, which shattered the glass and added to the flaming interior.

“Woo! f*ck yeah!” I cheered, clapping.

I jogged over to the RV, opened the driver door and leaned in. I grabbed the first tape my hand could find and looked at it. “Mel's”, it read simply. I smiled, put it in the tape deck, turned the ignition on and cranked the volume as high as possible. The opening notes to Heroes started to play and put a big beaming smile on my face. I walked back to Daniel and the fire pit. David Bowie began to sing, and I half drunkenly danced as the Spiffo Burger burnt down.

“Can you smell that?” Daniel asked, sitting by the fire and staring at the conflagration we'd caused.

“Yeah, it's fry oil. Smells like french fries, huh?” I explained.

I finished a fifth beer and smashed the bottle on the ground. I spun around, dancing to the music, before I tripped and almost fell over. Daniel and I both laughed. I sat down next to him and lit a cigarette. We let our smiles subside, and the moment passed as the sun set and the building continued to burn.

“Do you think everyone is gone?” Daniel asked shyly.

“No, just most of us,” I sighed. “But I found you, didn't I?” I said cheerily, nudging his shoulder with mine.

When I looked at him, my words didn't seem to comfort him. He looked into the fire and got lost in its licking and crackling. I stood up to get another beer but stopped and looked down at him.

“Hey, Daniel, I'm gonna make you a pact,” I stated.

He turned to look up at me with puppy dog eyes.

“You and I are gonna find some more people, living people. I promise. And we'll do it together,” I said, offering my hand.

Daniel took my hand gently; his soft hands felt like they didn't have a single callous. I grasped it firmly and shook it once with a smile. Daniel smiled hopefully back at me, and we celebrated while Spiffo's burnt down in front of us.

"This isn't how I died": Melodie Dugan's Apocalypse - Chapter 27 - Knoberchanezer (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.