16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (2024)


Start your day with one of these easy keto coffee recipes, with or without butter, because going low carb doesn’t mean going without your morning cup of Joe.

If you’re looking for the best keto drinks to start your day, then this collection of easy hot and cold keto coffee recipes will inspire your inner barista!

Whether your favorite low carb coffee is Bulletproof or a Starbucks inspired iced coffee is more your thing you’ll appreciate these keto coffee recipes that keep you energized and in fat- burning mode for hours!

16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (1)

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For some of us, coffee is a necessity.

I’m not always proud of who I am before my first – sometimes second- cup of coffee.

And as long as you keep it in moderation- drinking coffee on the regular offers a ton of benefits from burning fat to improving energy levels to increased physical performance to helping you live a longer life. No, really – it’s science!

Ingredients In The Best Keto Coffee Recipes (For Beginners)

Aside from all the excitement of being relieved no one is taking away your must-have morning cuppa you may be feeling a little apprehensive about what you can & cannot put in your morning joe & keep it low carb.

I get it. I totally get it. Back when I started the keto diet putting butter in my coffee just seemed wrong. But y’ all, it’s so right – evidence here from the Original Gangster of Bulletproof Coffee – Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof Blog. I hope he’s OK with that name because I think it may catch on:))

Sugar Free Keto Coffee

No sugar – No problem! Well, sort of:)

The first battle you’re going to fight is finding your favorite sugar swap. Since we are all special snowflakes – & nobody’s taste buds are identical – you’ll need to experiment with your sweeteners before you find “the one.” Stevia & Erythritol are faves because

a) they’re all-natural & plant-based & b) both contain next-to-no calories – you’ll find variations of all of these in the following keto coffee recipes.

Also worth considering: The world of sugar-free syrups.

Torani offers a variety of flavors like Vanilla, Hazelnut, Chocolate, Caramel, Coconut & many more!

Now, you’ve got a few options for cream too!

You can keep it simple & swap the half & half for heavy cream & you’re all set.

If that’s not your thing – & you’re finding yourself on a quest for the perfect keto coffee- try unsweetened almond milk or a keto coffee creamer from KetoLogic – they’ve got an entire line of coffee creamers including French Vanilla, Mocha & Caramel Macchiato.

And if you find yourself wide-eyed & confused at oh, I don’t know, Starbucks: Here’s how to order step-by-step to keep things keto:)

Ready to play barista? Here are 16 easy keto coffee recipes to inspire greatness and health!

16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (2)

Official Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

The Original Bulletproof Coffee Recipe! A high performance cup of Joe that will increase energy & focus! Read the step-by-step here on Bulletproof

Easy Mocha Frappe

Super simple iced coffee recipe with 3 ingredients that’s sugar-free & delicious with a 5 minute Homemade Keto Whipped Cream via Word To Your Mother Blog

Caramel Frappuccino

16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (4)

A low carb, sugar-free spin on your favorite Starbuck’s iced coffee with 2.49 net carbs, 27 grams of fat & 2.1 grams of protein via All Day I Dream About Food

Bulletproof Peppermint Mocha

16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (5)

A thick & creamy dessert spin on the classic Bulletproof coffee using expresso with 2 net carbs, 18 grams of fat & 2 grams of protein via gnom-gnom

Super Easy Vanilla Coffee

16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (6)

With Omega Vanilla Power Creamer & a dash of cinnamon via The Cookie Rookie

Super Charged Iced Coffee

16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (7)

With Silk unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk, collagen, MCT Oil & maca powder via Primally Inspired

Pumpkin Spiced

16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (8)

Bulletproof coffee meets a Keto-friendly pumpkin spiced latte with less than 1 net carb via Peace, Love and Low Carb

Vietnamese Iced Coffee

16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (9)

Using Vietnamese coffee along with keto condensed milk you can make this one in 5 minutes with 1.7 net carbs, 10.7 grams of fat & 1.2 grams of protein via Keto Diet Blog


16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (10)

A velvety smooth combination of coffee, unsweetened almond milk, butter & protein powder via Briana Thomas

Bulletproof Egg Latte

16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (11)

Bulletproof Coffee with a Vietnamese spin with grass-fed butter or ghee, Brain Octane Oil, eggs, vanilla collagen protein & cinnamon with 1 net carb, 25 grams of fat & 24 grams of protein via Bulletproof Blog

Starbucks Vanilla Latte Frappuccino

16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (12)

Sugar-Free with almond milk & heavy cream via Joy Filled Eats

Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Latte

16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (13)

A low carb version of the classic that uses Monk Fruit Sweetener instead of sugar! With 5.1 net carbs via Real Balanced

Bulletproof Coffee With MCT

16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (14)

A spin on the classic with MCT Oil + a secret ingredient via Wholesome Yum

Vanilla Cream Bulletproof Coffee

16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (15)

Like a Latte – minus the carbs! With 1.3 net carbs, 47 grams of fat & 1.9 grams of protein via The Keto Queens

Iced Mocha

16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (16)

Easy Starbucks Copycat recipe with collagen & heavy cream with 2 net carbs, 14 grams of fat & 10 grams of protein via The Mermaid With Muscles

Bulletproof With Coconut Oil

16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (17)

A classic Bulletproof with coconut oil topped with whipped cream via Low Carb Spark

Well, I think my mission to share the best keto coffee drinks is complete. Hopefully you found a new favorite low carb spin on the classic cup of Joe! And if you are still searching, don’t forget to check out 30+ Ways To Order Low Carb At Starbucks.

Looking For Ways To Make Sticking To Keto Easier?

16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (18)

I get it! I’ve lost 148 pounds on the keto diet and maintained that weight loss for six years.

In my new book, Rebel Keto, I walk you through every detail of how I lost the weight on keto – without doing macro math at every meal. If you are a woman who is tired of trendy diet B.S. and you need a real-world roadmap to help you navigate the keto diet and drop the weight like a bad habit, get your copy ofRebel Ketotoday –right here.

Don’t Miss These Keto Recipes & Tips!

Rebel Keto: How I Stopped The Blame Game, Lost the Weight, and Wrote a Book About Keto

25 Easy Keto Muffin Recipes

How To Order Keto At Starbucks

Best Keto Shortbread Cookies Recipe

34 Keto Drinks With Alcohol – The Best Keto co*cktails

500+ Low Carb – Keto Recipes

16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (19)
16 Easy Keto Coffee Recipes That Energize & Burn Fat Fat All Day (2024)


What is best to put in coffee on keto? ›

Instead of milk and sugar, you can add unsweetened plant-based creamers or other types of keto-approved coffee creamers sold by specific brands. These are usually made with heavy cream, soy, coconut milk or almond milk.

Does keto coffee really work to lose weight? ›

Here's the bottom line: keto coffee, in moderation, can help boost weight loss in those who are already on keto. Those who aren't rigorously following a low-carb diet, however, may actually pack on more pounds by downing keto coffee.

What coffee keeps you in ketosis? ›

Black Coffee (no milk)

Black coffee is super low in calories. However, its benefits go well beyond just the calorie count. Black coffee can aid in keeping you focused and alert throughout your day. Black coffee on it's own will not take you out of ketosis.

Is half and half ok on keto? ›

Half-and-half and heavy cream are solid choices as well. Avoid cow and goat milks because they contain natural sugar, and avoid sweetened milks, as they're high in added sugar. Thankfully, milk doesn't have to be a thing of the past just because you're following a keto diet.

Does coffee with milk break ketosis? ›

Both coffee and tea are low in carbs and can be enjoyed on a keto diet as long as they are unsweetened,” says Winnifred, noting that adding a bit of dairy milk or cream is fine as long as you stay within your daily carb limit. For those following a keto diet, feel free to drink unsweetened plant-based milks, too.

Does keto burn belly fat fast? ›

Research has shown that ketosis may have several health benefits. One of the biggest benefits of ketosis may be weight loss. The process can help you feel less hungry, which may lead to eating less food. It can help you lose belly fat (visceral fat) while maintaining a lean mass.

Does keto burn lower belly fat? ›

Bottom Line: A ketogenic diet can help you lose belly fat, which is closely linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes and reduced life expectancy.

Why put butter in your coffee? ›

Energy. Butter coffee is believed to provide steady, long-lasting energy without a blood sugar crash. In theory, since fat slows digestion, the caffeine in the coffee is absorbed slower and provides longer-lasting energy.

What can I sweeten my coffee with on keto? ›

Sweeteners like stevia, sucralose, erythritol, xylitol, monk fruit, and yacon syrup can easily fit into a low carb or ketogenic diet. However, you may need to limit your intake of other sweeteners high in carbs or sugar on a low carb diet.

What kind of creamer can I use on keto? ›

Coconut cream or milk: Coconut cream and milk are made from the same ingredients (coconut, water, and sometimes guar gum), but much like regular milk compared to heavy cream, coconut cream has a higher fat content and a thicker texture than coconut milk. Both are tasty low carb keto creamer options.

What adds carbs to coffee? ›

Carb contents of popular coffee beverages

Milk and flavored syrups are two common sources. Most coffeehouse beverages can be customized, and their carb contents depend on which ingredients are added to them. For example, whole milk contains more carbs than unsweetened almond milk.

What milk can you have on keto? ›

Unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk, macadamia nut milk, flax milk, soy milk, cashew milk, and pea milk along with half-and-half and heavy cream are all keto-friendly milk options.

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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.