Waterloo Region Record from Kitchener, Ontario, Canada (2024)

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Waterloo Region Recordi

Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

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KITCHENER DAILY RECORD TUESDAY JULY 20 1943 ORMER SPORTS OUR BOARDING 'HOUSE With Major Hoopla By William UNNY BUSINESS 6 BLONDIE By CHIC YOUNG One lump my zr Mxteteln Carroll BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By MARTIN Utt I AND HlS RIENDS By BLOSSER 1 Guess WTi 4 II I REGTAR ELLERS ul i By GENE BYRNES By AU CAPP HOLD EVERYTHIN iCHi1 1 'I T2A HER? SUPERMAN By JERRY SIEGEL and JOE SHUSTER hm tmxct 1 CKCR Kitchener (DONALD DUCK By WALT DISNEY Listen to North Waterloo Liberal Association I te PlANrt neon AHMAyf CHI CBC New Big Stater AMO WVC ITf Helena Crew Taken By US leet Units 06000 ANDON KAIUSS i IASWAY Rescue 157 Men Under Jap Noses I WJltNw 1 ata pji cnc Km Tn Ma Quart lIAlftlftU CRIs CHC Newt arm olk' Hour Test Unit Producing Gas rom Sawdust WUY1S N' Hu ALwavs SHARPEN KNIVES Backwards? "The armer Needs the MaUdlM Dai tar I ha lien uatv itufiunf fl? A TlMtVl WHAT PO XXJ MEAN HAVE A twin TIME IN A SHOP? ADG XXiURYiNG KJ START SOME THUN They probaoly wont COA8 PK Mi2 way AGAina we ATTRACT IL? iff ATTENTION SOME WAY? CKCR DttUni or You WBDf Hyntna ot AU Church at vaw ftpptr Young amily ehooM a mavaaimt mranat plan Na endowM edit and ot Head or Lot' olk: JN IN THE JAPANESE HELD SOL OMONS July 1 (Delayed Steaming beneath a bright moon units of the United States leet res cued 1ST survivors of the cruiser Helena from this island before dawn today (The 9700 ton light criuser Hel ena was sunk in the first battle of Kula Gulf July 7 She was the only American loss in that engagement which cost the Japanese nine war ships and most of the probably 800 to 800 men aboard her were rescued within a few hours) I The pre dawn rescue was one of ths most magnificent manoeuvres in the Pacific war to date and 'the aud acity of going into the own backyard through waters thick with submarines made its signal success the more remarkable" Tonight sailors who have suffered from hunger squalor thirst and anxiety for more than a week slept quietly was an impudent thing to do running up the commander of the protecting destroyer fleet said on his return it was damned well worth while" i i And a Network of CBC and Private Stations 16 43 PJL OnUB rTcd Huitng Sport PAI Hketrbe tA Melody WJH Ma Perkin Gardening for Victory Judy Canova CKCR Political Addraaa 1 HEAR AGNES MACPHAH CC Candidate In York East 830 Tonight Mmhrr nd Dad WJB ltartter Shop Quartet CBt Lucy Unten Do You Remem ber TTtr Marquee Aunt Janaya Storla CBL Pepper Young Johnny Gert and Trio WJR Heart In Harmony arm Broadcast CRB Like Can Ba Beautiful amiliar Minis Nett Helen Trent 12:43 Political Broad just inherited a Mary Marlin Helen Trent CKCR Newa WJR Undai Love 1:13 PAL Ma Perkins Joe and Zthe! Tun Today' Letter Says Th Editor's Daughter i Voral War 8tute to Youth Confidentially Yours I SIX Cui Kaenechen vnwi kml me I PVVI a CBvtkI Un nmfly CK CE IWi oo4 lurrtew HHBBil MHHBH ilHBH TUESDAY Politkalroad caat WB Battle of Beset Around th Chuck Wagon WOB Gabriel lleatter 4 CXCh ReVetl Edwin CLHlUAG AL By HAROLD BOYLE I WITH THE AMERICAN 7TH ARMY IN SOUTHERN SICILY July 19 (Delayed) Invasion highlights: A group of 17 American soldiers on Canadian territory to take the Town of Ragusa It was on the dividing line between the Cana dians and the Americans The Americans met "With lenrre sistanee however and reached the area first They resist the temptation to take the town polish ing off a few snipers in the process When they heard the sound of Cana dian guns in the distance they thought the Germans were on the way back and faced for counter attack Mesaages from beadquar ters however set both groups straight The Americans went through and the Canadians march ed in as angry as bees because no where had the Italians stood in force enough to give them the good fight they had been spoiling for! MEETS OLD STABLE BOY The first man to greet Lieut Gen George Patton commander 1 of the 7th Army as he stepped ashore from his headquarters transport was a Negro trooper who had been his stable boy 30 years before Although the beach was under intermittent attack by German planes the gen eral stopped and chatted with his old friend for several minutes be fore driving up under fire to Inspect his new front in Sicily I There was a reason for the lack of policemen in streets The army got together with local tom Lightning Photographed Photographs' have revealed many secrets about the lightning flash They show that there is a sort of leading dart of electricity which starts off the main flash This flash travels at the rate of about 5000 miles a second CRL Bis surtr CRB arm Broadcast Musical Sketch Betwan Um Lines 12:36 PAL US Thieve Secure Loot the Tough Way I CHAMBERSBURG a (AP) Thieves opened the safe of a bot tling plant recently the hard way by battering off the knob They I needn't have bothered though as the combination was pasted on the door AVAILABLE TAKC A LETTER TO 'Maw BBC NirHl News Th Colonel Nr Report to ttia Na tion John Ncatrttt Parada Th Pawing how litt PAL WAIT WORD nwrsNOww TO SHARPS A KNRI TOUU5AB TOURS6L A Il I Hi officials and decided that she Italian policemen should remain on the job to maintain order 'among the civil population Their uniffirmsi resembled those worn by ths" Italian troops As soon ar they ap peared on the streets American soldiers quickly routed them ofL I despite their vehement protests and marched them off to a prison stockade No one could understand what" Mey were saying and Mill protesting the top of their lungs': the fc policemen were herded with i other prisoners of war aboard a ship that promptly put out to sea why the Gela gendermarie is in Africa instead of policing the streets of their home town TURNS DOWN PROMOTION 'r 49 Island 1 7 DI MlfniCS iV' 52 Canvas sheltei Saints (abbr) Symbol for tz! waleltw 'jif' sssumx RADIO PROGRAMS PregraaM listed tesuad by tba teitaa and seb jaet to bange Victory Journal CBL Bevtrly Mahr Sons South Sa Bcrvn 4 Dreams 1:43 PM CBL TMy Tell Me Roed of LUe The Ts Me Th Goldberg CKCR Old Trrr Jam boree Books bf the Time Sturg Berttnne Katy Ac IM PM Comment and Mum Sons St le i American orum ot the I Air Dance Party BEN Presents Ltghts Out a re pm THAWS OMLV ONK OTHER PEPtSO au TW WOtU VAIO I CALLIN' MCA MEANI I a boesKM rr ONCE SME TAME Ovn MT HANT QOr CHANCE tr UTABNER NQ Birr fiHE will HW A OOOP TIME Will I 7 IHM Clr MER NCCli LIN IM A ctW MINE WAICH ''rit AIL 2 IN TH XKJ HER JfWl Inter tude ruttoa Lewta Jr 7:13 PM Jen Dn Ptentet CRB rClty MW i MuICl Revue WBEN Krw1 ot the warm Within These Weite WJA Harry Jameo Ortlr I si JR ohn Kennedy Dtnnr Mute WBCN Cari Coleman orsantet litt PM anc Steh Uat Broad ct WREN Hush Glbecm The World Today 7 PM Your Serenade WBKN'red Waring Wartime Shoortrs Better Buitneu Buzu Nelshburly New Amanoa ot Hooey moon Hill 14:43 AM Muelrate Musical Comedy Aeeordionette BecheWs CtUMren star bstors joining th Army 90 Entsagte 93 Energy i (eoltoq) OS Contends' 50 Garment 57 Article of value 59 Effigy 90 Solar disk (Egypt) 1 Cubic meter ateamsmo HARPER SCHOIELD CKCR Wednesday at 6:45 pm! A PARRY SOUND July 20 Officials of the Ontario Department of Lands and orests are carrying out tests here on a British designed unit which utilizes sawdust to pro duce gas for driving engines The unit here has been installed in a 35 foot forestry branch motor boat with an engine rated at OS horsepower when using gasoline Reg Johnstoji technical expert I of the department says in a pre ii liminary report: requirements were that such a unit must operate the 95 horse power motor at 60 per cent of the quality and quantity of gasoline Actually it is developing better than 70 per i LOANS hr Mm arf Wmmi wtik Jebs Gen Patton StabIe? Boy on Chatg With Him or evhlirm'Y i Retches Island' to Inspect! His New ront 4 IN hur' Jfw Abbott HotnCTfte 11:13 AM Nick Lucu Vic nd Sd Yterdaya Music: Second UiMbotM IIJI AM CRL So Id ter Wit PteedUy on rd Brtsht Hortete Snow Vllte CBl BBC New! CRB Poll tic! Brted cut Book Carter Muatcal Dinner plate Swing Symphon ette Kate Smith down a promotion? Lleut CoL Wil 3 4 liam Darby leader of the Amer lean Jtangers accepted a pDi Service Ctoes from i Lieut Gen Patton yesterday but: declined his offer of a full colonelcy' and the command of an infantCi combat command I i jJ I Ji was the third time that the I I young Ranger chief had turned down similar offers Twice during the Tunisian campaign he rejected offers to command combat teams feel I can do more good with my 4 Ranger boys than I could with a combat he explained 13 Dlspi I 15 Hew yi uncii (luvii a tr Ml u1 44 LVI'I 33 Exclamstton 25 3ix (Homanj 2d Ordeals em HOjJSEHOLO BUMCE riM1rtiia(tenlilMi KITCHENER MT 1 R4h To UippiaM Lucy Linton CKCR Canada Marches Mualc Men 4 40 PM Ernesto bari tone Net Melody Tim Home Reporter for String Perry Como Sons and Swing la Teo Tun Mu! rvaiLAM ymi AmIuH i Organ Between Uta i 71 i JR CBC National Jnnnny Mrcr Muter Shop John 11:11 PM 27 Enraged 28 Hearing orgaa 4A Rillrwnm 31 Varnish Ingredient 39 Slip away' 5 3d Atmosphere?) 31 Still 39 Negative 40 Vine fruit 43 Mineral 1 springs 44 Nuisance 46 Bad a 'i KW 47 Neste of anbtars OUT OUR WAY 1 MOW VW4V WKyTRWHS CM GRAT TT Our Gai Sunday Mak BeUev Ballroom iitladlM WJR Young Dr Mateo 2:13 PM Jordon rrasi a tk WEDNESDAY nw Joint Recital The Guiding Light Picking At th Convoi Drama S3 Hops kiln VERTICAL 1 Cupola 2 Above 3 Close? to op 1 1 speusro sitaviog depth 49 Gaseous'7eatlvai element' is Ages 9 Written form 51 Mimics of Mistress I 10 Whirlwind 'll Abscond 12 Nights before calciu holidays Ralaa and Enjoy CM Talk Nw ISM PM American Melody Hour AIR enough: ZvLLYA HATA stick IN INPANTHY ILL PUTCHA IM A MECHANIZED DIVISION Answer to Previous essle HORIZONTAL 14 Pictured former aporti star 9 anhJon 14 Stove part 19 Drop of eye fluid 17 Pass a rope through 15 ood luff ISTJaaue 20 Century sabbr) 21 Make a mistake 22 Meal 23 Speedy 24 At all times 20 Diminutiv of Timothy 27 Earns 20 Repulse 33 Rough lave 33 Symbol so radium 34 Gloomy 38 Caper 41 Row 42 Card game 42 Malt 49 He was a 02 Steamship fr DONl'T UOOPLH 1 1 c'ti i'lir ii Mai tni 5 ZY! zsi Incr 11 7 I NiMC IM Tils iftMtr UOUQU WfTHMb AND I 1 4UI 7 I II I ia ilriAiiA ill HpitWl 2' jzr I a Ml' Iiiia! IUU 'L IV I 1 i rht unr uu? mhlt i I ir 11AM A ST I 4Ab Xi ten BKIK TAiiKf) MIMWC Aklh HI Ki'Yu a klffiAUMAniff mRVMBHMMVMRKMSOM ImPII TiIIA: Ji TOT CM 11 Mm I 1 I ami KniTizo A efttt a a I i I 1 iw ir iJ 1' AUL I VVN ft AMI Il Iv ISP II T1 JliTTHU rr i a Ek MA 77S KNOCKOUT I I 1 MOV 1 I Kwjftg teiiMHsgvJ 11 ev A I MP dog PXRE NllsOjN I allVi i 4 4 gSCVI al BCdi a niN XXX'WS te VIM I i I 19 1 Kt 0 a a I cb ay AJImA a I Tn i 1 MiVk nnui i aj uiu yyr icih vmvi't'a ir wv wTtk1' I KjA jf ft lZYrwfl I L1 VTK 1 gf Ota HB 1 i 'I tel WM a I BM'W fi I sl 7T Sji I i I I III I 1 I A I I I XJ Mh' I ll Illi J4 teteRW II MWWW a I teMB Mr a Hr I 1 HA III 4: i 1 i 4 1 1 4 a I II mi II IIW ViBPAV HS fAWVB VeA tel I fl EWWm DQVACV NDWV TO TAX tCAJtVOqM 7 I LT HVEi TVAT AY9CN VJfe AMOSWt SfOO ii a I aw I MMAM Hr mw I i 4 I WWM MW' NWfM KJTMW MW (' J4H I I nt Mk VI I V) yj ffiSaffiffiMMSllMllffiMMBAMMeMMBtoBMiaBr RECKLES fitr ifur rus nt TV ryx 1 ML 1 II '7 a if 1 WM i a pvfLZ vi I a inrkiSz I gf KsTa wiN 1 to gMuIX A atw to 1 1 HBARO TtAihT MaT I gA MAISCH! MARCH! MARCH! THAT GRrfal rr MY XXT 1 MMf I THAR AU WE DO IM GSN'RUL li 'THIB MY EETRt WHATS THEY CAHT TAKE I II ME! YOU YX IT NO MORE! 1 I MORt UKKrt! 6r) I 1 1 WNMT pi1 11 xyRB AMTr AT ii1 I i Ainm 'TaSRRi mi a 1 Mimi! ui otWtI MMBBLy irlK) vBjLp jBj ir mt takic I me UvB vrsakV Im) s'zCz mA Vtw rTfr jyr 3sl gjte wJ LkArILJLJU 121 toyJto I I 1 I saa 7 HE reoaimko er ah CAN'T huh rwcM ue I 1 1 iZ3te iria VUWIlilNUl 1 I I JTUNNEOQUTIBK fYM KINT A i vtosnumcxLY WW A ZYYs UbittPWtaaMw Z'XlLM KM I i 1 VWU 1 1 'N 1 AZ I WK MAINIY I 11 I Y' c'wm ar MJ Mx Jrt law i I aijMH KJ a Tr Ara Mit Jau MR JVC lift rL aKST1 HdEy 4 wUr atery MBakg vMkl r7n jilKKbi 1 I Trzrs tg) I II I li te I S'X' 'S 1 IP rte i 7 I DOrry mouno vs mott nx Qrr7rrw i ths BuAoe IoueM? i wmkmi can I TgAosjJ anIma a 1 MerroenaN aw 1 A I I SteOT I rw I ft hiSOMTO LJT i aV t1 Ju w7J I i dfeQPQnff' ex ckZ TMkf 1 A aMMWWWMWWW7 CT edto1 r7 y5 amS9 tait AZnSI I TUIgW I A 4 I SA I i i 1 i A '4JJ 1 I AJTI ii jl I I I 1 I 29f i J0 MdW SC: I pW 2 si oueui ro 'T JMrWri nxyw' z'! Lw i MO i to lit MtBCRWNa 1 7 Ato xi Jz PVTi I 1 MB I I tl 7 nruviB 0 4 1 Ml I I vjwuj IL AZ niioin Qk WW NW i KBaBi 7 ip i I BSV HL i43BK wMSH i IK dfir I Il etf'ISiA km Vj? ult MM MtWH MKW! 44 sW8 A XT) CZ iSKSKKKMM LLS ro tTJJl I rtj I I i I hi i Mu 71 i 4 hj 1 1 I 7 i 7 it: i'7 WAR Wn IA "bJ iU 4 7 Vi to is I 4 a AN 2 i 1 mm I MWWLM I pr i I 5 1 "I 11 AffiBfffiR MMM U3 8WM WMW WMWMWWMR SWWWM 'l I fMMggKrKK MUMU I raggRaml Kg JBtH li 1 HHl illWWfwlu I I I I I I I I 7' I yj'l I I 1 rs Is iS fc I I I i II 1 I I fl 'tshlrlJ It SI I ill I MK UK MMMI hbih Sjsl MD! A AV MM I i i I 1 ME 1 I1 'I 1 i MWZKWW 'I i tfXi' 1 i AW 'M Teste! Zahhr TR 1 AIN bl 3 OlOip ggp I teitek) wmaitei J4 TT Mal) ZMWWS imh tai U11 tn 7S IMS EM 7jN leO 3LM 17U 1LU i2 I Ml iaw sw LL iu 970 hu nr? paa tui m71 gas? iiti uZ nn UM UM 3M BM 'M Ul UM UM UM UM rfH 1 lLZ.

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Waterloo Region Record from Kitchener, Ontario, Canada (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.