Waterloo Region Record from Kitchener, Ontario, Canada (2024)

White-Bellinger Vows Pledged The children's choir of St. JoRC Church sang Saturday when Marlene Beatrice Bellinger became the bride of Mr. Carl Joseph White, 191 Ahrens St. West. The bride is the daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Herbert D. Bellinger, Hanover. and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph White, St. Georges, Nild. Sister Mary Andrew was organist and Miss Marie Garnier sang. Rev. R.

M. Haller officiated. WEARS LACE GOWN The bride wore a gown of Chantilly lace and nylon net over taffeta. The fitted waist extended to a bouffant skirt of nylon net. The Chantilly lace bodice had scoopneckline, lily point sleeves and a trimmed with nylon net.

pesham, wore a Juliet cap of lace trimmed with satin to hold her fingertip veil and she carried white prayer book with white gardenias and red rosebuds. Mrs. James Nicholson, aunt of the bride, was matron of honor in a strapless gown of shrimp Chantilly lace over taffeta. The fitted waist extended to a bouffant skirt of nylon tulle with a peplum of Chantilly lace. She wore a matching lace bolero and headdress.

She carried a colonial bouquet of yellow mums. Miss Marcella Karl, Hanover, WAS bridesmaid in strapless. gown of nile green taffeta and net. The fitted waist extended to an overskirt of nylon net. She wore a matching net bolero and headdress and carried a colonial bouquet yellow mums.

Miss Carol Anne Bellinger, sister of the bride, was junior bridesmaid in a yellow taffeta gown with fitted waist and full overskirt of nylon net. She wore a matching bolero and headress and carried colonial bouquet of mauve mums. VISIT NIAGARA FALLS Mr. Leonard Grebinski was best man and Mr. Lorne Lobsinger, Ayton, and Mr.

James Garnier, Kitchener, ushered. A reception was held at the Pines Inn and after at 61 North Drive, home of the bride's aunt. The bride's mother wore a peaco*ck blue cordette dress with black accessories and a corsage of red roses. The bride wore a gray tweed dress with 1 red accessories and a corsage of red roses for her trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. The couple will live at 191 Ahrens St.

West. Card Party, Dance Net $135 for CWL About $135 was realized when 200 people attended a masquerade, card party and dance held by St. Jerome's Catholic Women's League Friday at St. Jerome's Lecture Hall. Prize winners were Mrs.

John Schwan, Mr. Patrick Stamplecoski, Mr. Bernard Fieback, Mr. Carl Gmack, Mr. and Mrs.

Stewart Williamson, Mrs. Ernest Reeve, Mr. Howard Doucette, Mrs. Edward Geisel, Mr. Charles Geisel and Mrs.

Edward Schmitt. A quilt donated by Mrs. Harold Ruetz and Mrs. James Waugh was won by Mrs. Delores Pantolony.

Refreshment convener was Mrs. Waugh. Mrs. Nelson Miehm was hostess. Midget Sweeps Mines NORFOLK, Va.

(AP)- -The U.S. Navy's smallest combatant warship is not armed. It is a 57-foot wooden ship, weighing 55 tons, used as a minesweeper. WED IN ALBERTA-LAC Gordon James Pringle, RCAF, married Shirley Mae Schneider, Waterloo, at St. -Peter's Lutheran Church.

Edmonton, Oct. ST. JOSEPH'S VOWS- -Mr. and Mrs, Carl Joseph White were wed Nov. 13 at St.

Joseph's RC Church. The bride is the former Marlene Beatrice Bellinger of Hanover. Elite FOOD FOR THOUGHT Rich, Medium Dark Cake Is Favorite Yule Recipe BY MARY MOORE The visit of our Queen Mother of international importance and we Canadian women genuinely love her and wish we knew her triple secret of grace, charm and dig. nity. On the Moore home front the big news is that a decision has been made.

For nearly a week none could agree on which Christmas fruit cake he liked best. A stand had to be taken for time was slipping by and your letters were asking me for my recipe for this year. Wouldn't it be fun if I could pass a plate of the various samples of fruit cake I have here 10 the Queen Mother and ask her her choice? Aren't my dreams fancy? However pretty slick taster name of big brother Pete came home and settled the whole matter in three bites. The cake he chose is my choice too- lucky for him. I carry on as if this were an important matter of state, SO it is -because I know how much fruit cake ingredients cost, for I've made three 10-pound cakes this fall, and do not take lightly the responsibility of my recommendation to you.

Here it is then friends--my selection for 1954 Christmas Fruit Cake (Rich and medium dark) These amounts make a little over 10 pounds of cake. One pound each fresh moist chopped citron peel, mixed red and green glace cherries. seeded Valencia raisins, light Sultana raisins, dark Sultana raisins, e-half pound each clean currants, blanched almonds, chopped, best quality pecans, butter, brown sugar, one 20-ounce can best quality crushed pineapple, 3 cups sifted cake flour, one teaspoon each baking powder, cinnamon. nutmeg, one teaspoon salt, one-quarter teaspoon cloves, 6 eggs, one-half cup sweet cider or canned apple juice (or if you like a suggestion of orange flavor use orange juice for the li- (quid.) Leave the cherries and pecans whole. You will probably buy the citron chopped small -if not slice or chop it quite small.

Be sure the raisins and currants are very clean, if not wash, then dry them thoroughly. Examine the seeded any lurking seeds. Sift together the sifted flour, baking powder, salt and spees. Measure out one cup of this. Have all of the fruits (except the pineapple) and the nuts in very large bowl or in clean dishpan, and dredge them with the sifted one cup dry ingredients and mix it through them.

Cream the butter until it is very light, then beat in the sugar gradually, then beat the egg yolks. Now add the 20- ounce tin crushed pineapple, alter nately with the remaining flour mixture. Add the floured fruits, alternately with the one-half cup fruit juice. At this stage the mixture is so heavy I have to get my clean hands into it. It takes about 5 minutes constant mixing to get this uniform.

Now fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites. Line your pans with 3 thickness. es of heavy brown paper and butter them. I used an open old-fashioned roasting pan measuring approximately 10 by 14 by 3 inches, and filled it a little more than three-quarters full. Bake at 275 degrees Fahrenheit.

My one large cake took hours, with waterpan in oven throughout, which had to be refilled with water 3 times. If you bake this amount of batter in 3 pans of same size it will be baked in about 3 hours, but test your smaller cakes after hours with toothpick at centre. If it comes out clean cake is baked. Cool cakes in tins. Leave the brown paper on the cakes to store them.

Wrap them in triple thickness of wax paper then in heavy towels and store covered. Do not cut for at least 3 weeks. I think and hope this recipe will turn out to be one you save to give your daughters. DOROTHY DIX Travelling Salesman Mate Is Stranger to Children DEAR MISS DIX: My is a traveling salesman, covering a large territory, so he's home very seldom. We have been married 14 years, have two children, our income is good, and we could be very happy except.

for these long separations. My husband has become so used to the bachelor life he leads when away, that even when he gets home he wants to be off with the boys to lodge meetings, fishing, bowling. ete. The children scarcely know him. He has become aware, too, that the situation is unhealthy for us all and has suggested that we sell our house in order that he might buy a business here.

If he succeeds in the venture, everything will be fine. However, he has never been a person to work for himself, and to me he just doesn't seem dependable enough to stick to it. Furthermore, he is accustomed to the luxury of living on an expense account--is never willing to settle for hamburger instead of steak. wants only the finest of everything. Could he learn to compromise enough to make a new start? CAROLINE ANSWER: Although you say you PARISH WORKERS OF ST.

JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH 3 P.M. I Duke Street Entrance Aprons Baby Articles Dolls Candy Knitted Articles Kitchen Items Gift Booth Christmas Decorations Delicatessen and Home Baking FISH POND TEA ROOM Nursery For The: Children Everyone Welcome SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Diane Ewald has returned to her home, 242 Weber St. East, after spending the weekend in Buffalo. Mrs. J.

H. Smyth, Lydia and Mrs. Campbell Grant, Walkerton, were in Toronto Saturday to attend the annual alumnae tea at the Royal York Hotel for graduates of Macdonald Institute, Guelph. Mrs. L.

O. Breithaupt was. guest of honor. An evening candlelight wedding took place Nov. 12 at St.

Matthew's Lutheran Chapel when Rev. Dr. John Schmieder officiated at. the double-ring ceremony of Arlene May Ferguson and Mr. William Louis Martin, both of Kitchener.

The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferguson, 12 Gildner is serving at RCAF Station, Clinton. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Louis Martin, 15 Heins Ave. Attending the couple were Miss Joan Ferguson, the bride's sister, and Mr. Howard Uttley, best man. The reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Priebe in Mannheim. Guests from out of town at the 0'Hara-Berry wedding Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. L. V.

Coss, das; Mr. and Mrs. Edward McNaney, Miss Ann Forbes, Toronto; Miss Ann Raines, Streetsville; Mr. Roderick O'Hara, Owen Sound. Mr.

and Mrs. John Russo of Raritan, N.J., are visiting relatives in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Menno Martin, Zurich, announce the engagement of their daughter, Emma, to Mr.

Enos Bearinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bearinger, Wallenstein. Pte. Gerald Weiler, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Weiler, 58 Francis St. North, has left to train with the Royal Canadian Regiment at Fort Churchill, Plan Nov. 17 Yule Bazaar For Sightless Christmas gifts from a wallet to a sewing box will be available to those who i visit the Waterloo County Advisory Board to Canadian National Institute for the Blind bazaar. The bazaar will be held at Huronia Hall, 169 Borden Ave.

North, Nov. 17 from 2-10 o'clock. Miss Isobel M. Thomson, home teacher for the district, said all the money. from the sale goes directly to the blind people who make the articles.

"It is their chance to earn money during the year" she said. The official opening will be performed 1 at 3 o'clock by Mrs. Donald Weber, wife of Kitchener's mayor. Mrs. L.

J. Langan and Mrs. J. B. Salm of the Catholic Women's League will be in charge of the sale.

Mrs. W. H. Sims of the K-W Gyrettes will convene refreshments. Socks, clothes baskets, purses, KITCHENER-WATERLOO RECORD, Monday, Nov.

15, 1954 CONNOR THERMO a Ways the Best Buy think you and your husband could be happy under new conditions, the long, detailed account of arguments, misunderstandings and incompatibility indicate that even under the best circ*mstances, happiness would be difficult for you and your husband to attain. Your man has definitely been spoiled by his life on the road. He hasn't felt responsibility for his children since he began to travel and practically avoids seeing them when he's home. The intention to start a business seems to be a sop to your nagging over his lack of home interest. In an effort to show how willing he is to co-operate he asks such a tremendous sacrifice of you that I'm sure he's quite certain it will be refused.

If he is sincere in his determination to change, he might find a job closer to home or give up some personal pleasures until, he's saved enough to make a start on his own. If he sells the house, then fails -which from what you write of his character seem inevitableyou and the youngsters will be much, best worse move, off than in you my are opinion, now. would be to induce him to get work that won't involve travel, then to have him become acquainted with his family and to share entertainment with them, rather than with the But don't gamble everything on promises that have no foundation. If he a definite business in mind, at least investigate it thoroughly with the help of a lawyer to make sure it has a future. give in meekly to any will-o-thewisp potion.

EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE Patented 4 YEAR THERMO-TUB GUARANTEE Saves hot water ON by keeping it ALL PARTS, hot EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE Moulded FIBERGLAS PORCELAIN TUB WRINGER UnbreakableRustproof- with King-Size Will not chip Rolls or corrode OTHER MODELS Liberal Allowance on your old washer $14950 Only a day buys a Connor Thermo UP See the NEW CONNOR completely automatic home laundry "THINKS FOR ITSELF" CONNOR CONNOR GYRATOR WASHER CLOTHES DRYER Automatically fills Itself washes, rinses Perfect companion to CONNOR THERMO and damp shuts itself off. or AUTOMATIC WASHER. Automatically Miser saves hot water on small loads. dries, bone or damp dry, in minutes not Proven gyrator water action. Can be in- hours fluffy, wrinkle- proof and ready stalled in kitchen, basem*nt or laundry for ironing or storage.

Replaces outdoor room. Vibrationless, Requires no bolting. Since clothesline with Indoor infrared sunshine Operates on low water pressure. drying. No heavy baskets to lug.


LIMITED PHONE 4-4432 KITCHENER WATERLOO STOVE APPLIANCES knitted items, and Christmas WATERLOO wrapping paper will be featured. Foe? The alert young women on constant watch as Mt a Fighter Control Operators at the RCAF's Do powerful radar scanner stations are a vital part of Canada's defence team. Movements of all aircraft within range are monitored in the control and plotting rooms by these operators. An unidentified plane is spotted on the screen. Is it friend or foe? Through the marvels of modern electronics, RCAF Young Women jet investigate fighters and are swiftly intercept.

and unerringly directed to This is interesting and important work for young women. They are given thorough training. They as receive the same pay as men. Food, clothing, medical care, supervised living quarters and recreational facilities are provided. FIGHTER CONTROL OPERATORS Royal Canadian Air Force THERE'S A PLACE FOR YOU AS A FIGHTER CONTROL OPERATOR ON CANADA'S I DEFENCE TEAM! For further information, see, write or phone the RCAF Career Counsellor at the address in the coupon or mail coupon today.

RCAF RECRUITING UNIT, King St. Arliss Hamilton, JA 76121 no, further regarding openings nose in the RCAF. NAME (please Surname) (Christian Name) STREET ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE EDUCATION (by grade and province) AGE must be citizen or subject: 18 Operations Plotting Room Fighter Control Plotters vet 30, dad have Grade 9 education, the equivalent better. en When applying bring 1) Birth Centificate 21. Front of Education, 96 KING ST.

S. PHONE 2-0384.

Waterloo Region Record from Kitchener, Ontario, Canada (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.