The Tipton Daily Tribune from Tipton, Indiana (2024)

i i tAGE FOUR THE TIPTON HAltY TRIBUNE CLAIMS SELF DEFENSE. Mickey Convalesces JOBLESS NUMBER ill win LEMKES MANAGER QUITS FARM GROUP IFEISE WB1KS aimdl Paeiranc SuniptpHne irymen One Quart One Quart Worlds Finest Roman Candles Sky Rockets Lady Crackers Sparklers Fountains Giant 1 Crackers Cap Pistols Torpedoes Opera tine 4tlh For TEN DAYS from date of this Paper, we will exchange One Quart of the Worlds Finest Cream Separator Oil in Moderne Glass Jar for One Quart of Skim-Milk brought to us fresh from your separator This is sponsored by the manufacturer and incurs no obligation whatever on your part. OFFE EXPIRES IN TEN DAYS! ONLY ONE SWAP TO A FARM Service IVlotor QIA Ell EHLY (OMi.IiL.NCr. edev .111 Alt Ik (h 't hut die 11M1 U1 (1 I Blue Front TWO MORE IN TOILS. Chicago and Muncie Truck Drivers Paid Fines for Violations.

Two more motorists were taken in the safety drive in this county Thursday night by state Police. Kenneth Wines, arresting Jack Ribbons of Chicago and Paul Barnes of "Muncie. Ribbons, was arrested on State Road 28 west of Tipton for reckless driving and was placed in jail. He was stopped on the highway west of Tipton but leftnsed to drive his truck on into Tipton. Sheriff Cardwell was called and brought the man in hut left the truck.

Early Friday morning Ribbons appeared before Squire R. P. Rice and wras fined $1 and costs. Baines was anested in the city! limits Thursday night by State Policeman Wines, for driving a i truck with improper lights. He! paid a fine of $1 and costs and I was allowed to proceed after pro viding proper lights.

MORGAN IMPROVES. Financier Is Ordered Weight. to Reduce New Y'ork, July 3. J. P.

Morgan, the world-know'n financier, ill at his island estate off Long Island, was said yesterday by an associate, George Whitned, to be getting along fine. A Morgan secretary conveyed similar information. The 68-ear-old banker brought home Wednesday from Massachusetts by private railway car, litter and ambulance, suffering with what physicians described as neuritis, w'as under medical orders to reduce his weight. Is Doing Nicelj. Catherine, the 5-year-old daughter of Mrs.

Eva Angell underwent a tonsil operation Friday morning at a local hospital, and is reported doing nicely. i 1 William C. Brown Admits Slaying of Fred Wolfe at Demotte. Rensselaer, July 3. William C.

Brown, 52, admitted Thursday, Jasper county authorities said, he shot and killed Fred Wolfe, 4 7, but asserted the slaying was in self defense The shooting occurred late Wednesday night at Browns home near Demotte. Mrs. Ethel Wiersma, part time housekeeper for Brown, was also shot, but suffered only a slight wound. Lake county deputy sheriffs captured Brown several hours after the shooting and returned him to this city. Sheriff Vein Michal said Mrs.

Wiersma denied Wolfe a armed although Brown insisted the slain man had threatened him with a gun. The sheriff said there was evidence both men had been drinking prior to the shooting. The sheriff said there apparently was some jealousy between the men over the affections of Mrs. Wiersma. CLALMS THE BELT.

Prof. I). E. Leist Believes He ins Tomato Championship. The Tribune has been awaiting reports from some of the old-time gardeners, Squire R.

P. Rice. W. A. Kendall, John L.

Hash, Greel Zimmerman, D. A. Holtsclaw and otheis, regarding ripe tomatoes from their gardens, but the first one was received early Friday morning, and fiom a man who has been considered an amateur in this line. The dark horse this annual classic is Prof. D.

Leist, supei-mtendent of the Tipton public schools, who is enjoying npe tomatoes trom his garden 'on North Main street. This is the first leport of i ipe omatoeS grown in the open, and unless there is absolute proof that there is an earlier, the annual master gardener title goes to the professor. At the Diana. Every once in a while, some-hing electrifying happens on the screen, a new' picture, a new emetges to make audi-nces tingle This time it is a jicture flushed with enchanting music, cleaved with a gay, amusing story, directed with the utmost finesse, acted by an excel-ent cast and possessed of the loveliest voice Grace Moores At the Diana tlieatei Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, Columbias musical romance The King Stps Out, bursts torth in all its Viennese splendor. In it.

Miss Moore ifts her lyric soprano voice to he tune of Fritz Kreisler music, and succeeds in thrilling all with-n hearing. Handsome, talented Ftanchot Tone plays opposite the diva in he role of Emperor Francis Josef yf Austria, a young monai ch tearch of a btide; he plays the oart in fine fashion. Bouquets must also he thrust at NYaltc Connolly, ho once more turns in hulls eye performance; Raymond Walburn, an excellent iharacter actor who also, in his short film career, has known no w'rong; Victor Jory, Elisabeth Risdon, Nana Bryant, Frieda Inescourt, Thurston Hall and Herman Bing. Havo Habj Son. Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond Biddle, residing southwest of Ekin are the parents of a fine baby hoy born Thursday morning at 2:15 and mother and little one are doing nicely. This is the Second child in the home the other being a hoy, Clifford Earl. The new baby has been given the name of Ralph. Mrs.

Biddle prior to her marriage was Miss Anna Lockrtdge. Visited in Tipton. Mrs. Lewis Pickering of Indianapolis was the Thursday guest of Mr. and Mrs.

Willard Miller of 453 Mill street, she being a niece of Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Pickering prior to her marriage was Miss Mabel Hoover, daughter of Mrs. Minnie Hoover residing A'f i I Daily Bible Quotation.

Finally, my brethren, benstrong In the Lord, and In the power of his might. Ephesians 6:10. you A gftlfSl for Tipton STALLS OMEBACK. IJiiut Campbell Return. to Game liter Meningitis Attacks.

I 01 mil I 111 res- The our- a 'lugging voting baseball Bi uie Campbell of the id who refused to ot a diead him down was lew aided th an achie'ement that t-w phiceis of the national i expel mine ')-ceai-oM outfieid-ti was beileced thiousth eailv till' a 1 1 when stricken tor the tm tnrt witn tpinal meningitis ih ofttn leaver its ci i.i.' ii.ppled or paralczed foi iitc it thee lecoier at all The Mac' as a athlete weie over. But Campbell, whose ball placing began at LaGiange. 111. hig.i school tooled them Thiee weeks ago he took bn old place ill right held witi the Indiana, apparently a' good as ecei Aesterdav he gate pioot ol his lull tecoveiv by smashing out seven consecutie hits six ot them one game, the fiist ot a double header with the Lou.s Liowiis I i bouncing out six singles in six times at bat Campbell tied the' mode in league iecord tor con-set time hits in one game, and his name will go down iecord 'h oks ahing with those of Ty CTbb Rogers Hornsbv, Francie Fuseli and tne more reecnt en-tips ot Bob Johnson of the letn and Mvril Hoag of the kees echo tinned the tuck in 19 4 1 he oul man on iecoid ever to hit satelv sec en times in a nine inning game was Wilbert Robin- son, the old Baltimore Oriole, who ismacked out a double and six sin-i ales on June 10, 1892. In an extra-inning aftrav, John Burnett holds the iecoid.

Placing with the Indians, he hit safely nine times an lb-inniiig game July 10, 1932. Aisiting in Tipton. Mis. Noia Bolton ot Eust Jefferson street, had as her guests Friday her nieces. Fern Helen Adams of New Point.

le girls have been spending the eek in Tipton with their cousin Mrs. Hillard Cage and family. From hero they will go to Anderson to spend two weeks with relatives. Tonsil Operations. Robert, 6, and David, children of Mr.

and Mrs. Emerson Glass of North street, underwept operations for removal of 'tonsils and adenoids Friday at local hospital. Both-Tire doing nicely. Knights Templar Conclave. Regular conclave of Tipton Commandary No.

52, K. be held Monday evening, July atfthe jiasonid Tem- ple. The presence plars is urged. EARL FOSTER Commander N. PENWELL, Recor4r.

ofaJl Tem 1 I Paper Plates Spoons and Forks Paper Cupk (Hot and Cold) Films Sun Glasses Bathing- Caps Napkins First Aid Kits Drug Store SEVERELY' INJURED. Mr John Holloway of Anderson Had Rad Accident. Mrs. John Holloway, of Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Stroup of Tipton, suffered a badly cut light forearm Thurs day evening at her home in that city and was brought to a local hospital eaily Friday morning for an operation to umte four severed tendons just above the wrist. Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Holloway were entering their home at Andeison and the husband plav fully lemarked that he would beat her to the house. He ran ahead, opened the door and slammed it behind him just as the wife reached to prevent it shutting.

The glass shattered and a large piece struck her on the right foiearm, cutting a frightful gash and a sharp dagger piece entered the arm. A physi- ctan at Anderson was called and stopped the bleeding and jmended that she enter the hospital as the operation was a delicate one. She was lepoited getting along nicely Friday afternoon. At Daughters Home. Mrs.

Fianis Fox of West Jefferson street, went to Indianapolis Thuisday to spend a few days in the home ot her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy VanDoren. Open Friday Until 9 P. M.

Closed All Day Saturday LAKES Open Friday Night and Till 10 A. M. Saturday W. E. May Tonight and Saturday Shows 7:00 and 9:15 Admission 10c and 20c BUCK JONES In FOR THE SERVICE Buck and Silver in a great western thriller.

Bucks fight-ingest story! Indians! Thrills! Action! Also Flash Gordon and Comedy ltlc and 20c SHOW BOAT A COUlM 1 SIX GRAND NEAY SONGS as a gift, but she lured him from led him ith her lov-songs tlln self- ABEhiHk, American Federation of Labor Gives Report on Business Conditions. NEWSPAPER IS SCORED Washington, July 3. The American Federation of Labor yesterday dropped a May employment estimate of 11,259,000 into a new outbreak of the perennial dispute over the number of jobless. A fewr hours earlier Secretary Perkins told her press conference that the figures used in a New York Sun estimate were inadequate and that all unemployment estimates were unreliable, the Suns claim that only had been found in certain classes of the unemployed wras too low, she added. At the same time Miss Pei kins said that 30,94 8,000 persons were engaged in nonagricultural work in May, compared with 3 in May.

1929, and 26.312,000 in May, 1933. Another were working on fai ms last iay; she said, while still another 3,230,000 had jobs on emergency Federal Projects. The A. F. of L.

estimated that 1 one million five hundred and eighty-five thousands persons I found jobs between January and May this year, and six million three hundred thousand between March. 1933, and May 1936. Since the bottom of the depies- sion, however, the number available for w'ork had increased by 1 1,900,000, the federation said, including those leaving school and reaching working age. 1 At the present rate of ic- employment, industrial activity i will have to rise far beyond 1939 1 level to put the unemployed to woik, the labor survey' added, after stating that business activity in many was only 5.7 per cent below normal. Alaska Suffers Witli Heat.

Nome, Alaska, Julv 3 Nome is only a matter ot 145 miles below the Arctic Circl but whites and natives plunged into Bering sea Wednesday and Thursday to escape the heat and the mosquitoes which followed a week of almost constant rain. The mercury touched 81.4 de-gi ees above zero Wednesday, hoi-test in the 30 ears of weather records here, and the natives started turning their fur parkas inside out. In cold weather Eskimos wear the parkas with the tur next to their bodies. Whites went hatless and coai-less and many even vvoiked shirtless. Cousin Died.

Mrs. Elizabeth Devault of Court street, has received word that funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon at Mt. Comfort for her cousin, Thomas Wright, whose death occurred at his home there Wednesday. No details were given in the message, and Mrs. Devault was unable to be present for the services.

The deceased was also a second cousin of Mrs. George Taylor and James W. Russell of this city. Baseball Sunday, The Kokomo Black Cats, a fast negro baseball team from Kokomo willbe in Tipton Sunday and will meet the Tipton Merchants on' the local park diamond. The locals have been playing a fine brand of ball, and although the Kokomo club is known as a fast outfit the locals are planning to send them home with the short end of the score.

There will be no baseball game at the local park on the Fourth. 1 At Lake Manitou. Mr. and Mrs. Burl Lilly, Mr.

and Mrs. Clintie Cochran, Mr, and MrsI. Chet Powell, Mr. gnd Mrs. Carj! Miller, Charles EshIman, andt Dr.and Mrs.

V. H. Cooper, of In and near Tipton left Friday evening to spend the week end at the Hugh Carter cottage at Lake Manitou. I Burdick Is Chosen to Head the Bolters Following His Resignation. COMMUNISM CHARGED St.

Paul, July 3. A controversial sequel to the turbulent National Farm Holiday Association convention, which tabled a resolution indorsing William Lemke as the Union party presidential candidate, developed late today with the creation of a rump organization and election of Lemkes campaign manager as president. John Bosch, who as acting president since the death of Milo Reno. Des Moines, called the convention, and was elected last night to head the organization, said. I dont think the new organization will make any difference.

Usher L. Burdick of North Dakota, campaign manager, was chosen to head the bolters, who claimed they represented three-foui ths of all state presidents who attended the national convention, which closed last night They refused to recognize this meeting. William Keane of Iowa was named vice-president and Walter Groth of Minnesota secre tar -treasurer. Groth refused to follow orders of the board of directors in the disbursem*nt of Holiday Associa-tron funds and was expelled from the organization some time ago, Bosch said. Groth chaiged communistic control of the Holiday Association ACATIO.N TRIP.

F. V. Robinson and Fanulj Visited A itli Relatives in est. Mr and Mrs. and thiee children returned Friday evening to their home on North Mam stieet after enjoying a month's vacation tup through the western states.

They isited Mr. Robinsons mother, Mrs. A. F. Robinson, and his brother, H.

B. Robinson and family in Colorado, and also called upon numerous other triends and relatives at his former home at Colorado Springs, Col. Part of their time was spent in Oregon, California and other states in that section, where they visited points of outstanding scenic beauty and historical interest. The trip was a most delightful one tor all members of the family. TERRE HAUTE GIRL SHOT.

Girl Walks Into Store as Gun Accidentally Fires. Chicago, July 3. Miss Gail Lamb, 18 years old, of Terre Haute, was shot and wounded fatally last night by the accidental discharge of a .22 caliber pistol in the hands of Richard Christensen, 17, of Chicago. They had gone to a bicycle renting establishment where Christensen found a pistol, police said, and as he picked it up Miss Lamb entered and the weapon discharged. Police held Christensen and the proprietor, Vincent Hauptman, for investigation.

Miss Lamb had been visiting here. June Bags Halt Traffic. Decatur, July 3. Clouds of insects described as June bugs descended on Decatur Wednesday night and early Thursday morning, stopping traffic in some insects were killed at ornamental light standards. The bugs had moved on late Thursday and no particular dam age was observed.

Taken Home. Mrs. Will Smith was removed Friday? evening Jinthe'v Shull Mauss ambulance from thA Bee la- wood hospital to her home west of Sharpsvllle. She underwent major operation two weeks ago and since that time has been making a steady recovery. Mickey Cochrane Mickey Cochrane, ailing manager of the Detroit Tigers, wore this novel rig, including a dude hat and parachute, when he went to a Wyoming ranch to recuperate from 'glandular trouble which will keep him out of the game until late in July.

TO DEDICATE PARK. President Roosev elt AVill Shenandoah Park. Open Washington, July 3. President 'Roosevelt and a party of govern-, ment officials motored today from Washington along the top of the Blue Ridge mountains to Big-Meadows Virginia, where the piesident will dedicate the new' Shenandoah national park. This wild forest land, comprising more than 17 5,000 acres the remote center of the Ridge country, was recently deeded to the national government by the state of Virginia.

The president will be joined at the dedicatoiy exercises oy Secretary Ickes, Governor Perry of Virginia, and the Episcopal bishops of Virginia and Richmond. From Big Meadows, the presidential party will drive to Charlottesville for the night. The president will celebrate the Fourth at Monticello, the mountain home of Thomas Jefferson. Entertained Emplojes. Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond Coe entertained Tuesday evening at their home on the Berryman Pike, the employes of the local Farm Bureau organization. A delightful social evening was enjoyed with contest prizes won by Forrest and Paul Griesel. The hostess served delicious refreshments to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Cole and children, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grimme, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Griesel and son, Crystal Hendricks, and Jesse Cochran.

Hand stapling: Tribune Press. machines. tf A H. 3 t.J rt (IMIMIIil'Iiilil liWiIfWI'QlillllHliiilliifliTMiiriliiiiillilliiliiliillllllillWilltitllillllii i. l.l a "i't i ho n.

i i 1 1 and Rev Mi Ht i mi II Ma I) i' i ui i a aid or tile At- lanta a dlbt At tl tne I.o. a i taken ciox The hiismi" held bui'd (Ci the siivno Will ac Sun da. ing the in a I 1m at noon i and i stai a 7 i All aie loidial.c i to attend this special 'ii ip and take pait in the ba-c di Miiiuai noon 7iv a TiiLuno "Wait Ad Sale A onr Fruit, A tallies Cu'tom annum Alter Juli 15 The Tipton Canning Co. aarjie on i i. rtm irru 1 1.

UL Open Until 10 A. Saturday, July 4 Open Friday Till 10 M. Last leliver Saturdac McGraws Food Store Free: Ball and Bat Set Ask for Details. KROGER GROCERY BAKING CO. Dainty TEA DRESSES, $1.08 All Sizes Ttie Siiop Cakes and Cream Korns DePasse Bakery FOR SALE New and Used ICE REFRIGERATORS Abso-Pnre Ice Coal Co.

rhone 12. EDnaiima A if '-ft I BIG DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Feature No. 2 Feature No. 1. NAVY BORN AYith AA'illiam Gargan and Claire Dodd.

Y'oull laugh until your sides i hurt. Here Is a comedy that will keep jou in an uproar from start to finish with plenty cf thrills! SUNDAY, MONDAY, AND TUESDAY Sunday Matinee at 2:00 P. M. Matinee, 10c and 15c ADMISSION Evenings ANOTHER She wouldnt have' the king his "princess bri de-to-bC--tliril miTP him the cate! NovY what gave him the' gate! Now what Remember the Fourth BY KEEPING YOUR EYES away irom fireworks. Let the fizzer go its easier- to get more fireworks than more eyes.

4 Dr. Louis Foster Optometrist Court and Jeff. Phone 691. would any ouhg, handsome, respecting king do' at that point? AVell, he certainly did! would any ouhsr, handsome, ALSO COMEDY AND NEWS i 1 i Tv-S- I i. V.


The Tipton Daily Tribune from Tipton, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.